Sunday Times – May 14, 2006:

BRITAIN’S most senior policeman Sir Ian Blair is facing a race relations dilemma after the release of figures that reveal almost half the number of people arrested in relation to car crime in London are black.

Blair, the Metropolitan police commissioner, has signed off a report by his force’s traffic unit which shows that black people account for 46% of all arrests generated by new automatic numberplate recognition (ANPR) cameras.

The technology allows car registration plates to be scanned and automatically run through databases to determine whether a vehicle is stolen, uninsured or has not had its road tax paid.

Although ANPR technology is impartial, the disproportionate number of blacks being arrested has prompted the Met to investigate.

It is more than a decade ago that Lord Condon, the former Met commissioner, caused controversy when he suggested that young black men were likely to be responsible for most muggings.

  1. Pete says:

    The problem in London right now is that, with the virtually unregulated influx of cheap labour from Eastern Europe, small employers believe (rightly or wrongly) that employing young Poles, Czechs etc etc instead of local black youths is less problematic, leaving them without the prospect of any job, even low-paid (working in a local bar, or on a garbage truck or whatever), and therefore they’re far more likely to get involved in crime in order to pay their way.

    If we had practical, positive programs to get young black guys into gainful employment, they’d show up far less on crime statistics…. I live in a pretty run-down part of the city, and frankly I’m amazed when I take the day off during the week at the number of young black guys who are just hanging around on the street, kicking their heels. They simply have nothing else to do…

  2. BdgBill says:

    Lets not let reality stand in the way of political correctness.

  3. David says:

    Yeah, that’s just like here in Detroit too. It’s an employment problem, right.

  4. Pete says:

    Im’ not saying it’s right – I’m just saying I understand it. They can’t get jobs, therefore the only way they have of getting hard cash other than welfare is by getting involved in crime.

  5. Bruce IV says:

    Watch – they’ll redesign the traffic cameras to include a racial balancing algorithm (only arrest a certain percentage of blacks each month or whatever) … can’t let violations of the law be considered more important than PC.

  6. catbeller says:

    reality has a racist bias, apparently. i expect it will be appropriately fined.

  7. Randy says:

    So that means that the other 54% are what? White?

  8. Mike Novick says:

    They could get jobs if they wanted them. You really think they’re hiring everyone but them?

  9. James Hill says:

    When science and ideology collide, what’s a liberal to do?

  10. Angel H. Wong says:

    So what else is new?

  11. Jim says:

    Good point Randy!

  12. tino juarez says:

    classic “dwb” -driving while black!

  13. Maxwell_Smartypants says:

    Ultimately, it’s the same problem everywhere: doesn’t matter the color, it’s education, or lack thereof, that is the #1 problem on the planet. Education is the key to getting a better job, raising better families, being better humans and citizens, and fighting the politicians and corporations that are twisting the system for their own greedy needs. Education lifts the blinders of continuously empty entertainment that is putting everybody in this situation. Education!!! Education for black, white, and everybody else — that’s where it all starts.

    The Second Civil War is brewing in America. It’s only a matter of time. Now, put that book down and go watch American Idol, or basketball, or the movie of the week. All this thinking is scaring the politicians and corporations that rely on you being stupid. Stay stupid, support your local CEO.

  14. ECA says:

    #7 Very true.
    They did an Advert in the US against Pot smiking…
    46% of Kids in suburbs smoke MJ…OK and the OTHER 54% Live WHERE??

    I propose a great comment:
    If they dont have insurrance, and they are responsible for an ACCIDENT, will they DRIVE BETTER???
    Considering that 60% of the area I live in is Unreg. Mexican, there are FEW tickets to them. And considering that 60-70% of those White, black, other..Dont have insurance in this area……there arent that many IN accidents…

  15. John Wofford says:

    Rather than complaining about the statistics, they should be using them to investigate the root causes of the stats, and to develop remedies for the problems uncovered.

  16. Mark T. says:

    A classic example of playing the race card when politicians are faced with indisputable facts that they don’t like. I doubt this is some type of weird computer software engineer conspiracy against black people. It’s just plain and simple statistics.

    Deal with it.

  17. joshua says:

    As a semi-resident of England, this is a problem(not car theft, but political correctness)….when satistics show any non-white ethnic or racial group in a bad light, the satistics are discarded as faulty. It’s gotten so bad that a law recently passed dosen’t allow discussion of racial or ethnic or homosexual problems even by members of Parliment, in the context of doing the job they were elected for.

    As I’ve said in here before, if the Americans amoung us think our right to express ourselves is being eroded, they ain’t seen nuttin yet, wait until we catch up with the U.K.


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