THE BUSINESS PLOT TO OVERTHROW ROOSEVELT — I actually thought more people knew about this. Apparently not. Here’s the moment when the country almost went fascist through a bloodless coup. Behind the scheme: Anti-Roosevelt Democrats! The big media hushed it up at the time but even my father knew about it and referred to it every so often when I was a kid.

Good weekend reading.

  1. Eideard says:

    Among the several folks with whom I discuss military history are couple of [predictably] sharp Marines. I can get into everything from Sun Tzu to Sharps to M-107’s. Every good Marine knows about General Smedley-Butler.

    I was fortunate enough to meet folks who’d worked with his wife, Agnes Smedley-Butler — at gatherings back in the late 50’s. You know — the kind where the FBI slithered in an out of the alleys, writing down license plate numbers.

    We could use more generals like him, today.

  2. SN says:

    Big deal, the US is still a facist country. Well, sort of facist. Instead of the government controlling the corporations, it’s the other way around.

  3. Gary Marks says:

    Geez, maybe the 2nd Amendment isn’t just designed to protect my squirrel-shooter after all. The thing about fascism, though, is that it’s so much more efficient than democracy. So much time and energy is wasted on elections and consensus building. Nothing cuts to the chase like fascist rule.

  4. Thomas says:

    There is no question that dictatorships and facist regimes are far more efficient than democracies in the short run. However, because of oppression of the masses the envitably fall apart.

    As Churchill once said:
    “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time”

  5. stalinvlad says:

    Well thank the stars they failed, and America & the west do not fall over backwards to protect big business with ineffective environmental laws or subsidies or draconian IP protection legislation
    You can see this is true by how the poor are getting richer and the rich are getting richer still

  6. Milo says:

    I never heard of this untill I saw a very insightfule film called “The Corporation”. They have footage of Smedly-Butler testifying.

    Worth seeing even if it’s a bit one sided. This isn’t the only story they cover that I didn’t know about. For instance how Fanta pop came into being!

  7. James, age 14 says:

    Read your history and you will find that even Charles Lindbergh gave anti-American, antisemetic speeches in WWII advocating Nazi Germany.
    You would be even more surprised to find that even Henry Ford listened to them. Lindbergh was also invited to “inspect” the Nazi Air Force for Washington. The Germans proudly demonstrated their toys, which he related back to the Allies. Call it psycological warefare, call it a conspiracy theory, but his actions directly caused the Allies to surrender Sutenland at the Munich Agreement. Lindbergh later received German Eagle award from Hitler himself. Call me crazy, but I know my history!


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