The world needs more courageous heroes like these four, er, I mean two!

Games First – May 13, 2006:

Quite a stir was made before E3 when the ESA announced they were changing the rules to add teeth to their booth babe policies. Bikinis were out. Violators could be fined up to $3000.

Well, imagine our surprise when we found women in semi-skimpy clothing outside the E3 Convention center protesting the decision with signs that read, “Booth Babe Protest: I am rated “E” for Everyone.”

Imagine our even greater surprise when E3 security showed up during our interview to force them off the premises.

Not for being in skimpy clothing, but for being protesters. In skimpy clothing.

“We want to have fun, too,” said Niki Nicholson, one of the protesters, when we asked about the meaning behind their sign. “It’s a good thing to hear a girl say that it is not a big deal to wear a bikini. It’s an adults only convention.”

related link:
Gallery of this years E3 Booth Babes

  1. Blake says:

    Well of course they’re upset, they (along with hundreds of other model types) lost a good paying gig.

    Though, I think the banning thing was quite stupid.

  2. I find it funny the girl on the right, her sign says “bikini’s are greater than bullets”

    And while i agree with that, i think it would have suited a != better.

  3. Aaron says:

    Finally, a legitimate protest I can get behind! (or within 50 feet… damn restraining orders!)

  4. kris2pe says:

    Love the g4tv skit on Booth babes!!! Kinda Man show-esque!!!


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