Remember the CIA’s MKULTRA program testing LSD on unsuspecting citizens several decades ago? Remember how one of the SLA members who went on to kidnap Patty Hearst had been part of a CIA mind control experiment at Vacaville prison? And so on. It seems after all the hearings and lawsuits into what the CIA was doing we still can’t feel safe from attack by our government.

Innocent Texas Citizen Targeted With Deadly Electronic Weapons

Leslie Oliver is being “cooked alive” and Jesus Mendoza is dying a slow “electronic death,” as two more stories surface about torture and abuse at the hands of a totalitarian U.S. government using high-grade military weaponry against its own people.

Their stories of gang stalking and electronic harassment, by a U.S. government grown mad with power, add to a growing list of thousands of Americans who are desperately trying to alert the public about what they call “the perfect crime.”

And it’s called the perfect crime since electronic weapons are invisible while causing severe mental and physical damage on its target.

In response to the accusations, government officials claim to use electronic weaponry against only foreign enemies, but Mendoza, 52, of Mission TX, has uncovered shocking evidence in a lawsuit he recently filed that the CIA and NSA are authorizing the use of this weaponry against innocent Americans, including Mendoza.

“I have an admission from the federal attorney in the lawsuit I filed against the U.S. government that the CIA has targeted me and these weapons are being used against me and my family,” said Mendoza.

Mendoza has filed three lawsuits against the federal government to cease and desist with the use of such weapons, two of the cases being dismissed while the third is still pending.

“I also have included in my lawsuit a sworn statement from an FBI agent who verified that he was ordered to use electronic weaponry on innocent citizens as a part of a government program,” added Mendoza.

  1. Gary Marks says:

    You just have to keep in mind that when the CIA does this, it’s really out of love. A very, very tough love that is so vast you can’t quite understand it, and you often won’t recover. If you do survive it, you’ll be stronger (but won’t have any bowel control).

    If tough love makes you want to scream, don’t worry. The walls are extra thick, and if screaming makes you hoarse, you can have a lozenge. Our slogan is “The new CIA, now with free lozenges!”

  2. Improbus says:

    Damn! Where did I put my tin foil hat?

  3. gquaglia says:

    Tin foil hat? Where is my tin foil suit.

  4. Bruce IV says:

    Yup … definitely tabloid news … what’s tomorrow’s? – Aliens did land at Roswell – then took over country! Look inside for proof George Bush is from planet M-138!

  5. Geoff says:


  6. ECA says:


  7. Mark T. says:

    Both funny and sad at the same time. The guy sounds certifiable – a total paranoid schizophrenic. I wonder what it would be like to have this guy as your next door neighbor.

    Microwaves, huh? Forget the tin foil hat, where are my tin foil underpants!

  8. James, age 14 says:

    This sounds so strange and scary, but this has been going on for decades. For example, JFK:

    How do explain that just when the shots rang out, the press was in a bus fifty yards away? Could it possibly be arranged?? That it was multiple shots, when every Presidential assination since was a close-up single-shot? Could it have been done to distract witnesses?? Lee Harvey Oswald had his fingerprints on the rifle in found in the library building. Why would a killer leave his rifle?? The Zappruder film proved that he was shot from the front, not in back where the library was. Why wasn’t the Zappruder film discovered until after six years?? Why was Oswald killed before his trial? Might he have revealed something???

    What private citizen could pull off a stunt like that himself? I smell fish.

    I am writing this only with the certainty that whoever is responsible is six feet under with the coffin lid nailed tightly shut. Feel free to say anything you might know.

  9. axe says:

    I think he had entered a new dimension called the Twilight Zone.

  10. Gary Marks says:

    Uncle Dave, I guess I was too busy in school to pay much attention when details about MKULTRA first came out in Senate hearings in the 70’s, but I’ve just now been doing some reading about Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, head of the CIA’s Technical Services Division in the 50’s and 60’s. Maybe some folks have no idea what “Technical Services” means in a CIA context, but Gottlieb was the unscrupulous chemist who headed up the entire MKULTRA project. This was no small project, as its multimillion dollar budget (old uninflated dollars) would attest. According to one source, these were some of the questions our government explored:

    Could a person be turned into a “Manchurian Candidate” — someone programmed to kill a “target” on a subliminal command? Is there a substance or a technique that would enable CIA operatives to wrest information from someone against his will? Is there a sure and certain way to render a crowd of people, or an entire society, totally helpless so it can be controlled? Or, conversely, easily provoked to riot and lawlessness? Could germs be engineered that would affect only members of a targeted group? How about a poison or toxin that could kill a person but not be detected in an autopsy? And here’s one that grabbed my attention because it seem purely political… Could a substance promote illogical thinking and impulsiveness to the point where the recipient would be discredited in public?

    All documents for MKULTRA were ordered destroyed in 1973, but some survived that fate, and Senate hearings on the program were held in 1975. Gottlieb’s more well-known experiments involved searching for qualities of LSD that would benefit CIA covert actions.

    But wait, there’s more… Having confessed to all the sins that carried documented proof, everyone lived happily ever after, and nothing like this ever happened again. The End.

  11. Gary Marks says:

    #13, I didn’t misunderstand — I agree with you about the recent claims, and I’ll tell you why. If these people were any sort of targets, they’d have no idea… they’d be absolutely clueless. To me, the mere fact that they’re making these claims is what casts the most doubt on their factual basis. It’s always fun to laugh when you see a claim that’s a little looney (I had my fun in #2), but the historical record quickly snaps you back to realize what’s possible when people with unlimited resources are allowed to act in complete secrecy.

  12. Uncle Dave says:

    Wait a minute… Are you trying to tell me this site might not be completely trustworthy? That I might have been duped by the Great Right Wing Media Conspiracy or worse? But the guy sounded so sincere. I could almost feel his pain…

    I just don’t know what to think. Next thing, somebody will try to tell me that Hillary panders to voters, Bush isn’t the greatest president ever and that Scientology is a load of crap. I’m not sure I could handle that.

  13. Rube says:

    Er…you’ve got half the commenters here foaming at the mouth with conspiracy theories and shallow alarmist populism each and every post, and then this one’s supposed to be ironic?

  14. Gary Marks says:

    I thought the phrase “Innocent Texas Citizen” in the link text was a dead giveaway to the irony. You ever been to Texas? Hell, I think they’re all guilty of something 😉 They’re the only state with a death penalty “Express Lane” so they can quickly pare it down to the innocent few they have left.

    Of course, I love the people from the great state of Texas.

  15. Uncle Dave says:

    I agree my intro was not quite so ironic as meant to contrast the real things the CIA did with the inherent goofyness of the article’s subject. I figured the photo would give it away, but I guess I was too subtle.

  16. may says:

    electronic frequency weapons are alive and well and of course it sounds too bad to be true.

    Many people are too bad to be true and their love of power and money and control and their cruelty towards others is unbelieveable but true.

    All these weapons have patents and there is also weather control too maybe that’s why new england is flooding. Don’t laugh. The next person tormented could be you.

  17. Rich says:

    My step-brother used to say that Ronald Reagan was taunting him through the television set in our living room and occasionally visited him at night and put metal implants in his head. No, he wasn’t a key figure in U.S. politics, a spy, famous, or had some special damning evidence on the government. He was a schizophrenic! And now he’s homeless drifter. And Reagan, for all I know, is still coming after him. Maybe Mendoza and Oliver and he can hang out together to escape their governmental persecution, somewhere where such important people hang – in an alley somewhere or under a bridge. I do believe if Uncle Sam wanted someone dead, a bullet is still faster and cheaper?!

  18. gang stalking says:

    Well at least some of this is being taken more seriously. With Toronto groups like who’s meetings are out of the rape crisis center there, more people are waking up.

    Also since this is a form of community mobbing some of those communities are also now posting links to the gang stalking websites. So there is more public awareness happening, but this needs to become normalised in society much sooner.

  19. moi moi says:

    It is quite simple to my mind.

    Gang stalking is a in sum made up of loosely affiliated actors who all eminate from didiffering arenas within society, ie: crime, ex-con, political groups, religious grps, aa and recovery service grps, etc.

    These groups do dirty jobs for, perhaps initially, the wealthy and corperate entities within the business world.

    Now, you have a State Department and NSA desperate to test new devises,some of which may require implants, others just needing people to become targets of beams from dishes in the sky.

    In an effort to find a to do this, the goverment and the loosely affiliated gang stalking entity get together. Gang stalk the guinea pigs who will serve as testing grounds for the new technologies, and the gov’t avoids questions of ethics that would evolve very quickly if testing for these new devices were done according to constitutional rights.

    Not all.

    So, its not that the governemnt and FBI and the CIA are behind this. There are gray areas of the NSA that do this behind the checks and balances.

  20. gangstalking says:

    [edited: comments guide]

  21. nameless says:

    In most cases, I think it’s pretty much like moi moi said. Basically just somebody doing simple networking through loosely connected groups. I suspect most of the actors don’t even know they’re being used for evil purposes. They’re just pawns. Once the target sees they’re a target, he does most of the work himself, via the “power of suggestion.” That’s why the perp uses the technique; it’s very simple, cost effective and effective. No doubt, if the CIA wanted to do this, they could pretty much follow the same route, and save lots of tax dollars.

  22. Gerry Duffett says:

    January 21 2007

    New “Information Board” / Lethal Bullying

    I put together a new “information board” that deals specifically with this issue of when I was poisoned by a co worker while employed in 1997 at Harper Detroit Diesel in Toronto.

    I almost died and was off work for close to a year.

    My health suffered greatly.

    No one has been arrested for that as far as I know.

    This person or persons are still out there.

    The board is not really for “discussion” but more to provide “information” about what did happen and is happening in my workplaces to date.

    Like a diary of of significant events.

    Board is located here :


    Gerry Duffett

    14-4218 Lawrence Ave E Box 218
    Scarborough Ontario
    Canada M1E4X9

    Pager # 416-612-5689

  23. Bill G. says:

    Here are some excerpts from an article telling of the use of electromagnetic weapons in Iraq.

    Another experiment?

    Quote –

    By William Thomas 01/24/05

    EMF Weapons

    …US commanders are using portable electromagnetic-frequency weapons in Fallujah and other “hot spots” in the Sunni Triangle to pacify restive neighborhoods with invisible EM radiation…

    …But unintended side effects from the hidden rooftop transmitters are reportedly triggering violent attacks by exposed insurgents—while leading to AWOL rates of up to 15% among US forces disoriented by these same weapons, as well as the electromagnetic emanations from high-power radars, radios and “jammers”.

    On the rooftop of a shrapnel-pocked building in the ruins of Fallujah, a team of GI’s stealthily sets up a gray plastic dome about two-feet in diameter. Keeping well back from the sight lines of the street and nearby buildings, they plug the cable connectors on the side of the “popper” into a power unit. The grunts have no clue what the device does. They are just following orders.

    “ Most of the worker-bees that are placing these do not even know what is inside the ‘domes’, just that they were told where to place them by Intel weenies with usually no nametag,” reports my source, a very well informed combat veteran I will call “Hank”…

    …The grunts call the plastic devices “poppers” or “domes”. Once activated, each hidden transmitter emits a widening circle of invisible energy capable of passing through metal, concrete and human skulls up to half a mile away. “They are saturating the area with ULF, VLF and UHF freqs,” Hanks says, with equipment derived from US Navy undersea sonar and communications…

    …There are “at least 25 of these that have been deployed to theater, and used. Some have conked out and been removed, so I do not know how many are currently active and broadcasting.”


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