The Mexica Movement is one of the many groups that would like to do a land grab of US territory in any way they can. Since both political parties have kow-towed to the illegal immigrant invasion the radicalized Mexicans who simply want to grab the border states for Mexico (or some new seperatist country) will start to fell confident enough to taunt the public like this.

Here are the symbols to looks for:

Inlike other radical groups trying to creat Aztlan, these folks are trying to “liberate” Anahuac. They want whites out of the USA and Mexico both. And why should the whites go? One reason is apparently because the whites are racist while they obviously are not. Although they do hate whitey.

Here’s a backgrounder on the Mexica flag.

  1. Lou says:

    Wacky, wacky, wacky….

    It’s a lawyers, guns and money (to quote mr. zevon), and we have them. I wouldn’t even mind as much if they had a vision for “mexica” (or whatever) that competed with this country, but they don’t. That’s why people want to come here, and redrawing the borders will never change what “here” means.

  2. Zen Curmudgeon says:

    There are idiots on both sides of the border. Check the investigative video at this link:

  3. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    As sad as this is to say, the “indigenous peoples” in the Americas lost the war(s).

    Not that whites were the only ones, many Indian tribes were wiped out or nearly wiped out by Indians themselves. The Aztecs too were constantly fighting their neighbors to enrich themselves and expand their territory. The same with the Pequot, Iroquois, Cherokee, Sioux, Blackfeet, Tingas, and others. The whites didn’t bring war to the Americas, it was already here.

  4. John says:

    So if they are Mexicans, that means they are decendants of the Spaniards that invaded Mexico about 300 years ago… Wouldn’t that mean they are protesting against themselves? Or at the very least, they need to acknowledge that their own heritage is European as well, and rethink their stance…

  5. gquaglia says:

    “As sad as this is to say, the “indigenous peoples” in the Americas lost the war(s)”

    There are no indigenous people in the Americas. Even the american indians migrate from Asia, through the land bridge between Russia and Alaska. They were here first, but they were not indigenous. It drives me crazy everytime I here that.

  6. Eideard says:

    You’re being conservative, once again, Paul. I favor double-0 buck with the last couple rounds being deer slugs as folks flee.

  7. joshua says:

    Nothing wrong with the minutemen Zen….all they do is observe and inform the Border Patrol of what they see. They are followed by ACLU and a bunch of *immigrant* rights groups and reporters hoping for some scenes of *whity* beating the crap out of an illegal and dispite all the survallance they haven’t done a damn thing wrong.

    As for Sheriff Arpio, he’s following the orders of the County Attorny who is following the new law just passed in Arizona. If there were more city’s and county’s willing to do the job and less *sanctuary* city’s, maybe these illegals would be a bit discouraged from coming here.

    I used to be a supporter of citizenship for the illegals already here as long as the border is closed first, but I’m seriously reconsidering that stance. This is my country, if you want to come here to improve your life or to live and be part of it, your damn well welcome, as long as you come the way my ancesters did, LEGALLY!!!!!!!!! All the marches and the DEMANDS have done for me is make me start changing my previous views on this subject.

    And I’m sick of hearing the MSM compare the Illegal marches to the civil rights protests of the 60″s…..the blacks were already part of this country and citizens, they were marching for the rights they should have had since slavery was abolished, THEY had a right to march and protest…..these people don’t.

  8. nathaan says:

    Mexico has been run by a white minority (e.g. Vicente Fox) for several centuries, and the indigenous Mexicans have decided that since they can’t defeat 10 million Europeans in Mexico, they might have a chance at expelling the 200 million in the USA.

  9. James Hill says:

    If it makes them feel better, Taco Bell is still popular.

  10. Gregory says:

    Screw that: Elephant or Buffalo gun.

  11. Frank IBC says:

    I wonder if there will be a move to expel the Navajos and Apaches, too, given that they didn’t migrate to what is now the American Southwest until, or slightly after, the time of Columbus.

  12. rus62 says:

    #8 Paul – You’re right and funny but next time add an oozie. I know some of the editors won’t always agree with the right part.

    Most of these illegals they want a mile because we gave them the inch, as the saying goes. I say we put them 100 yards back from that inch or in some cases 2,000-3,000 miles back.

    Hey, I am all for the legal immigrants, but not illegals. I don’t hate Mexicans or other latinos in general but their attitude toward “their rights” incites me because it inflicts on my rights and the constitution of my country. Don’t tell me my country is yours because we fought for it and even paid Mexico in cash for some of it. Next, the Russians will want Alaska back and the French the Lousiana territory back. In case you don’t know our current state of Louisiana is a small portion of the once named LA territory.

    Article 1 section 8 of the US Constitution:
    To establish a uniform rule of naturalization…

    I wonder what happened to that uniform rule?

    I also wonder what happened to our representation? Who are they representing the US or Mexico or someone else?

  13. Raff says:

    We should just take over Mexico and make it a state.. ..

    On second thought lets just give them Texas, but they have to keep the Texans…

  14. gumby05 says:

    I too have nothing against legal immigration. This illegal business is rediculous. And I don’t buy into the “our ancestors rights=our rights.” My ancestors were from Europe, but I’m not trying to take back Ireland. And another thing, my ancestors may have been immigrants, but they were LEGAL immigrants. If Mexicans want to come to America bad enough, then they can go through customs like the rest of the world.

  15. site admin says:

    I’m actually convinced that giving Texas to Mexico would solve a lot of problems all around for both countries. Let’s do it!

  16. joshua says:

    that should just about seal another 15 or 20 posts from irate Texans John 🙂

  17. slackbp says:

    Even the american indians migrate from Asia, through the land bridge between Russia and Alaska.

    Right! They’re Mongolian-Americans. 🙂

  18. Bob Bagwell says:

    Are U.S. residents of Mexican descent treated as part of the “hispanic” ethnic group? Or are they treated as a separate ethnic group? How does legal or illegal status affect such treatment? Should the body of illegal immigrants of Mexican descent be treated as a minority? Has anyone else thought about these things? if so, how will it asffect the present treatent of existing, recognized minorities? Does it matter?

  19. Dan says:

    That poster “all europeans are illegal since 1492” is so lame. Mexicans come across the border to have there babies, and they are citizens. 99% of people with European background were born here too. So they are not illegal.

  20. Mike Voice says:

    That poster “all europeans are illegal since 1492″ is so lame.


    As if their supposed ancestors had a government, which had passed a law against Europeans “immigrating” … 🙂

  21. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #8 #15 #19.

    Paul I am shocked, shocked I say that you don’t know that the standard anti-personal load on a 12 ga. is every other round slug and 00buck.

    Personally I can’t stand the Glock “plastic wonder” series. I prefer the old 1911A, although my concealed carry is a Tarus p111 millennium series in 9mm with a polymer body.

    This does spark a thought – I hate to say this but doesn’t history kind of prove the Mexican military sucks. How good could a bunch of uneducated paroles be?

  22. Sounds The Alarm says:

    #17 lol.

    They also have to take the entire Bush Family.

  23. Sounds The Alarm says:

    The military 00 load is 12. At least it was in 1985. I think the idea behind the alternating loads is that you may have to breach a door as well as a person.

    No comment on guns. I have no doubts that thoughtful concerned humans were saying the same thing about clubs, swords, knives, bows and the like since times long past. Alas it will not be so for a long time.

    Its kind of a paradox, if we evolve sensitivity enough to not feel threatened, then it wouldn’t matter if guns were around or not.

  24. Curt Fields says:

    I guess they forgot about the Incas and other indian tribes that were there first or the present day indians which they are persecuting

  25. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    i actually hate guns. noisy. smelly. dangerous. the world would be a better place without them.

    I remember quite a heated discussion a while back. We didn’t agree that a video was an appropriate use of guns, aahhh, but, that was then, this is now…

    What ever happened to using rock salt? I knew a few farmers when I was a kid that used it. A friend ended up with a few salt corns in his back and never liberated another apple from that farmer again. I would imagine that at closer range, rock salt could do a little more then have someone just go “ouch !!!, darn that smarts” or words to that effect.

  26. Brian says:

    Us? Illegal? It’s called “war”. When one nation takes land by force, you can either fight back, or give up ownership of the land. It’s been going on for thousands of years.

    Spaniards took land in war in both Europe and South America. Native South Americans took land through war from each other for a long time until Spaniards abd Portugese came along and took it for themselves.

    Get over it. Should Europeans have made efforts to purchase land legitimately instead of fightinf for it? Yes. If you have a problem with the fact that they didn’t, you should have dealt with it 500 years ago when they did. It’s been far too long now to gripe about illegal ownership.

  27. gloria says:

    i guess you guys!!!! are not getting the point here.really and it’s very sad to say it.

  28. TOM says:

    mexicanos, la envidia de muchos… pero de adevis, de muchos… VIVA MEXICO CABRONES!!
    (reply to this)
    cafedelgol (1 month ago)
    ” de adevis ” no cabe duda que te brota lo pinche naco cabron…verguenza de Mexico
    (reply to this)
    N0RTHWEST (1 month ago)
    No soy naca joven, le invito a conocerme para que vea, que el hecho que yo opine de un artista como lo es Luis Miguel, solo refleja mi libertad de expresión, usted, ejercite un poco mas la tolerancia, que le hará bien, usted obviamente guarda mucho odio en su alma, relajese.. no pasa nada, que pase buena vida.


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