The Mexica Movement is one of the many groups that would like to do a land grab of US territory in any way they can. Since both political parties have kow-towed to the illegal immigrant invasion the radicalized Mexicans who simply want to grab the border states for Mexico (or some new seperatist country) will start to fell confident enough to taunt the public like this.

Here are the symbols to looks for:

Inlike other radical groups trying to creat Aztlan, these folks are trying to “liberate” Anahuac. They want whites out of the USA and Mexico both. And why should the whites go? One reason is apparently because the whites are racist while they obviously are not. Although they do hate whitey.

Here’s a backgrounder on the Mexica flag.

  1. Hehaka Najiin says:

    1) Current archeological finds are putting date estimates around 15 – 20 thousand years ago. Some have even found dates of up to 40 thousand years. So the Bering Strait theory is debunked. Not all Native americans are of asian descent.
    2) The mexica movement is NOT about Mexicans.

    Try reading, it really does open the doors to intellect.
    Try educating your self about the issues before you open your mouth.

  2. moss says:

    #32 — you should read what you quote. All the advancing archaeological finds suggest is that the Bering crossings began before the land bridge. DNA confirmations haven’t changed.

    Try reading up on studies of Dine language and Siberian 1st Nation languages — and how they interleave, as well.

  3. MEDICINE WOLF says:



  4. Takeslongstrides says:

    First of all anyone who isn’t native to north america is illegal!!!!!! Most of the treaties signed were bunk and that’s why the government wants to sweep them under the rug!!! None of the land was won in wars thats why they came up w/ treaties that natives couldn’t understand!!! The wars that were going on, the natives were winning, thats why the Europeans wanted to be “Friends”, and then they screwed them. Wars between natives prior to over seas invasion is bunk as well!!! (Chistopher Columbus was NOT the first European to come over!)The only people to say there were big wars between native tribes are people trying to sell books and theories!!!
    And if u truely are against illeagal imigrants the Mexico border isn’t the one u shold be worrying about. Canada is a much bigger place for people to come through and alot easier. There are Asians, East Indians, Russians, etc….. and just about every other type of person comming through Canada all the time and no one seems to care!!!!
    The bottom line is everyone in this country is here illegally!!!!and thats fine!!! But just let the rest come in and let them be!!!!!!!!!! They ARE NOT hurting anyone or anything!!!!!!!!!!!!


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