Some hot pole dancers for your viewing pleasure!

Reuters – May 7, 2006:

“Strip clubs have become the main breaking place for records, especially in the South,” says Jermaine Dupri, president of urban music for Virgin Records.

The music industry increasingly has embraced the strip club out of necessity and convenience. Tighter radio playlists mean it’s harder than ever to break a track on the FM dial, and regular dance clubs — where songs get played for a moment and then lost in a mix — tend to play what’s already on the radio. At strip joints, DJs are able to play full tracks and can take a chance on underground and unproven material.

“Right now our DJs reach 32 million people in 29 markets,” Smith says.

This is bizarre. On one hand the music industry is desperate to get exposure for its music. But on the other hand they’ve essentially killed internet radio and are currently trying to kill satellite radio. Can the music industry be so greedy as to kill itself to make a buck?! Apparently so!

  1. Eideard says:

    I’m not so confident of the death knell of internet radio. I don’t wander the web much looking for additions now that my basic playlist is set up in iTunes. But, it was iTunes that prompted me to expand my internet radio listening beyond the few local FM stations I listened to online.

    Once I explored the offerings at iTunes, I wandered through Shoutcast looking for a few more stations especially of a couple of my favorite esoteric categories. It ain’t easy to find Classic Indian Music.

    Right now, I have my 10 favorite stations set-up in a radio favorites playlist. I’m listening to RadioDarvish while I make this note. I presume all these folks are making enough money to stay online. As a consumer, that’s good enough for me.

  2. david says:

    I’ve never understood strip clubs. Whet your appetite then go home to masturbate on a memory? I’d rather go to a beach. Plus, it’s free and no one is soliciting you up the ying yang for a rip-off private show.

  3. Mr. U258 Fusion says:

    How will it hurt? They are already being ignored so any play they get will be better then no play.

  4. faustus says:

    i can see it now “the new american bandstand” “well dick, the song has great lyrics and good beat, but i just cant strip to it!” ” i give it an 86″ “but her, a 10”

  5. Emery says:

    I think you should put thumbnail photos of the hot mamma pole dancers in your rss feeds. Maybe you will get more traffic.

  6. Raff says:

    If you want new local music go to myspace.. thats where its all happening.. type in your zipcode and you’ll get all the up and comers in your area.. thats where I go if i want to hear something new or different..

    And whats this about people in the south not going to strip clubs? I doubt if the percent is any different than in the north east or west.. Considering the amount of clubs.

  7. Angel H. Wong says:

    (“Strip clubs have become the main breaking place for records, especially in the South,” says Jermaine Dupri, president of urban music for Virgin Records.)


    Boy, and I thought I was gay.

  8. rus62 says:

    Next you’ll hear people only read the articles in Playboy and don’t look at the pictures.

  9. Angel H. Wong says:


    Don’t they already do that?

  10. John Wofford says:

    I wonder; if you got a really hot chick with good moves and sweet vocals, could you tour the Southern Strip clubs and let the lady sing naked? I’d even lug my old Les Paul and a couple of beat up Marshalls around for that. Hell, the auditions would be hot cotton candy jams. Yeah, something to think about.


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