Last July, we Posted an article about a polygamist group calling itself the FLDS or Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They built an enclave in Eldorado, TX that is considered absolutely capable of becoming the next Waco.

The head of the Wacko group has made it to the FBI’s list of 10 Most Wanted Fugitives, right up there with OBL, himself.

Polygamist church leader Warren Jeffs has been placed on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list in hopes that the additional exposure and reward money will lead to his arrest.

Jeffs, 50, is accused of arranging marriages between underage girls and older men. He is wanted in Arizona on criminal charges of sexual conduct with a minor. He also was charged in Utah with rape as an accomplice.

Why bring this up, again?

There’s a $100,000 reward, folks. If one of you turns his butt in — I expect a moderate percentage for suggesting you look around your neighborhood for someone with an excess of wives — and fitting the description.

  1. Mike says:

    Forcing underage girls into marriage is a bad thing, no doubt about it — but on the Ten Most Wanted list? With all the murderers and terrorists we could be looking for, this guy is on the list? Sounds like some kind of weird publicity thing for the FBI.

  2. rwilliams254 says:

    Mike, do some research. It’s the amount of people he’s violated, the amount of crimes he’s commited (money included), and that he can command people to do things that he wants them to do. Out of the three things above, what’s the worst?

  3. Mr. U258 Fusion says:

    Mike, R254. is right. How many children have been hurt by this monster.

    The truly sad part is not only he, but many of his ilk think there is nothing wrong in what he has done.

  4. Dan says:

    Your missing the other reason he’s on the Top 10. The FBI don’t want another Waco desaster.

  5. xully says:

    Well Madeline Albright said killing half a million Iraqi babies was a price worth paying. I guess killing arab babies is kosher.

  6. Aaron says:

    I didn’t know Bob Saget was a polygamist!

  7. rwilliams254 says:

    Xully, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?

  8. xully says:

    Ok rwilliams, I’ll spell it out for you since you’d rather be cute than “do some research”. The US government is far more guilty than any cult leader of the things mentioned. If they want to arrest someone, let them start with themselves. Your response to the OP reeked of lemminghood.

  9. Mr. U258 Fusion says:


    So are you suggesting that two wrongs make a right? I have been told that three lefts make a right.

    Maybe you could point out some reference or link where the US Government condones or participates in marrying or raping underage girls. Now maybe you could get a life, because Albright NEVER said that killing a half million Iraqis was worth the price. Try reading the actual interview instead of rehashing someone else’s garbage. It was Stahl that used that number, not Albright.

  10. Mike Novick says:

    >It was Stahl that used that number, not Albright.

    So Albright can’t hear or understand words then? You’re OK with having a Secretary of State that makes statements like that that lead to huge misunderstandings? This is how we ended up in Iraq in the first place with April Glaspie telling Saddam he can invade Kuwait.

    As for the US condoning rape, the US is the UN’s biggest funder, and the UN is the biggest enabler of rape out there. Check out their peacekeeping missions in Bosnia, Congo, etc.

  11. joshua says:

    Geez #10….is this like that game where you find how all the stars are connected in some way?

  12. xully says:

    U258, Albright didn’t deny the number – she said it was “a price worth paying”. You lose.

  13. Paul says:

    Why do all polygamists have to be crazies?

    I guess loving more than one person makes you insane.

  14. Mr. U258 Fusion says:

    Xully, Well Madeline Albright said killing half a million Iraqi babies was a price worth paying. I guess killing arab babies is kosher.
    Comment by xully — 5/8/2006 @ 1:22 pm

    U258, Albright didn’t deny the number – she said it was “a price worth paying”. You lose.
    Comment by xully — 5/9/2006 @ 4:10 am

    Albright NEVER said killing a half million babies was a price worth paying. Unless you can invent another quote attributed to her. Not only are you off topic, but you don’t know what you’re talking about. Stahl’s suggestion of a half million is totally unsupported by facts, as much like you are. You said it and you were wrong.

    You lose armpit. And hey, that is Mr Fusion to you.

  15. david says:

    The very first paragraph in the article makes it clear that this man is innocent of pedophilia:

    “Jeffs, 50, is accused of arranging marriages between underage girls and older men.”

    Marriage is a committment. There is nothing wrong with a committment, even with a young woman as long as their is a contract to protect her, and the man has promised that by verification of a legal contract. Yes, it is illegal in the United States. But, this is why a Global Village is great. There are many countries that allow marriages with young teens. Japan’s age of consent is 13 years old. Also, Nigeria, Spain and Zimbabwe. If a man marries a thirteen year-old Japanese girl but stays true to her for a life time then that is real love. Some men are mature enough to handle a teen wife. I agree, most are not. But, the Lolita complex is real and should be explored and honored.

  16. Doug says:

    Paul, I don’t think being a polygamist makes you crazy, but rather any guy who wants more than one wife is already nuts. (Personally I can barely handle the ONE I have).

    Doesn’t this all sound like a weird TV show………oops, already is!

  17. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    david, In the United States it is illegal to marry a person younger then specified by law. It is also illegal to have sex with a child under the same age. Doing the former will probably include the latter as well possibly kidnapping charges too since the child can not consent.

    Just because they do similar things in Japan, Nigeria, Spain, or Zimbabwe does not give it any legality here. Hey, as an example they sterilize citizens in China after having a child so they won’t have any more. In Canada, you are not a man until you have made love in a canoe or a snow bank. Should we have that here too? In France they not only allow, they give children wine with meals. In Israel they incarcerate people for being Palestinian.

    It is wrong to hold a child just to have sex with her and to indoctrinate her so she then believes it is right. To deny her the opportunity to an education. To make her a slave to bearing children before she stops being one herself. This isn’t some fanciful Utopian mutual thing here, the child bride has no say in the matter.

  18. S.E Peterson says:

    After reading a majority of the comments and the rabbit trails that were taken by many I have one comment.
    My father recently passed away. He was a WW2 veteran, multi-medaled including a purple heart, and had a continueing disability but managed to support a family of five children in a monogamous marriage. He and others like him DID NOT fight for a country that would allow the sexual abuse of young girls and boys and a “religion” that condones and practices that in any state, much less Texas. I think it should be bull dozed down and the land confiscated and sold and the proceeds totally donated to a legitimate charity that benefits all children of any color.


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