
CTV.ca | T.O. commuters told Stephen Harper ‘eats babies’ — Now THIS is what hackers need to do more often. Kudos.

Bemused Toronto commuters were repeatedly informed that “Stephen Harper eats babies” after a hacker tampered with advertising signs on city trains.

The scrolling electronic signs that usually carry transit updates and advertisements on Toronto’s westbound Lakeshore GO Transit trains carried the messages Thursday, Friday and Monday after the hacker used a remote-control device to re-program the wording and mock the prime minister.

The ingenious hacker made sure that suburban commuters in at least five different cars continued to get his or her subliminal message.

Commuter Gerry Nicholls said he thought he was hallucinating as he relaxed in his seat for the 35-minute GO train ride between Toronto and his Oakville home.

Every three seconds, the scrolling electronic sign read: “Stephen Harper Eats Babies. Stephen Harper Eats
Babies. Stephen Harper Eats Babies,” Nicholls told the Toronto Star.

with babies Lecter recommends:
green beans and Chablis

  1. Chris says:

    I wish I could fly home to Toronto to see this. It’s also a well known fact that Mr Harper eats not only babies but puppies and kittens as well.

  2. Calin says:

    Rack of baby?

    Tastes of chicken!

  3. Rick says:

    I thought Lecter would recommend fava beans and a nice chianti.

  4. Dylan Neild says:

    It’s true – during the campaign, I personally saw Stephen Harper kick a puppy.

    But seriously… this is a man who, when dropping his young son off at school, shakes his hand and tells him to have a productive day. “You’re a valued member of the team, son.”

    No, that kid isn’t going to be damaged.

  5. meetsy says:

    The article is laugh-out-loud funny…..because, the best part: most didn’t react or seem to notice. Canadians are unflappable!

  6. Eideard says:

    Paul, I know for a fact you have a sense of humor and understand more than the average bear about history.

    True, the average Canadian has a more cosmopolitan sense of political sophistication than does an American [phew — it’s tough being that polite]. I would expect many folks in Toronto to know that the most outlandish lie for political reasons perpetrated against the Russian Revolution was that Bolsheviks ate their babies. Thus, the kind of twist on a trite phrase that wouldn’t surprise anyone up there.

    Why do it? Because above all else — Harper is a stiff! He makes Richard Nixon look like Boy George.

  7. Bruce IV says:

    Its cause we Canadians like satire … you people should have seen the fake Liberal attack ad CBC put on last election night – “Stephen Harper is a bad man – Stephen Harper is a bad, evil man – Stephen Harper keeps a dragon in his shed – Stephen Harper drinks blood” Go Rick Mercer – and he was mocking the other party! Hilarious.

  8. Eideard says:

    Paul — you’re being so frackin’ reasonable. I have to admit that after decades of advocating collective political action as the most likely to succeed, there’s still a little bit of the anarchist in me.

    The acts of a small group or an individual thumbing their nose at the system strikes a responsive chord in us all. Might you be exaggerating just a wee bit — looking only at the worst case scenario?

  9. Milo says:

    Well now we all know what Paul wants for dinner!

  10. site admin says:

    This form of vandalism, as you put it, is funny and not damaging. I can understand why some people do not like pranks. It interrupts our ever-so-perfect society. Someone may crack a smile.

    More Prozac?

    And, Paul..there’s a seat waiting for you right here:

  11. Greg V. says:


  12. Jeremy says:

    Yea, and so does Rush, Bush, and every other conervative!

  13. Bob says:

    I think this is in poor taste . Just because some same sex couple can’t get married he (the angry fag) goes and does this. The advertisers on the subway lost revenue; they could have been advertising finding lost children for example. Many people who respect Stephen Harper were hurt and outraged by this distasteful outburst. They and many people feel that Canada comes first. It is important that Canada stays together stong and free. Stephen Harper looks out for all Canadiannes poor and rich alike.
    In closing, I just want to say hedoes not or has never done the thing that was displayed on the signs.
    Stephen Harper will lead this country with our interest in mind.

  14. Mike Bryant says:

    It’s funny how when the liberals are found lieing, cheating, robing millions from tax payers which could have been spent on anything from childcare to health and smile at us all the way to the polls where are the anarchists then?


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