Wal-Mart Stores Inc. will start selling “build your own computer” components in more than one-third of its U.S. discount stores this month as it looks for ways to tempt shoppers to buy more than just low-margin food.

Wal-Mart currently offers only prepackaged bundles of personal computers and accessories in most of its stores. With the build-your-own-computer counters, shoppers can choose between several different components.

Doesn’t this make you shiver with anticipation?

Wal-Mart, the world’s biggest retailer, is the No. 1 seller of products ranging from dog food to diamonds, but it has not managed to gain as much market share in computers. Wal-Mart made a big splash last November when it sold laptop computers for $398 on the day after Thanksgiving, however.

Forrester Research analyst Ted Schadler, who follows the consumer technology sector, said Wal-Mart has the potential to become a key destination for computer shoppers. “People buy on price,” he said. “If Wal-Mart is competitive on price — which of course it will be — it’s easy for Wal-Mart to be a destination.”

I’m not going to spend time researching Wal-Mart demographics. But, people who buy Tyson meat and Lindows — will probably get what they deserve.

  1. Drew says:

    Finally, a store that sells spam and computers under the same roof. Wait a second, that’s been going on for some time.

  2. Mason says:

    I don’t know about Lindows, but what’s wrong with Tyson products? Have you ever tried them? Tyson chicken is as good as any other.

  3. Tom says:

    Are you kidding me? This is amazing. Read the line about price -that’s what it’s all about. Computer components are commodities. As long as it’s the right hard drive, I don’t care where it comes from, as long as I can get the best price for it. And Wal-Mart always competes and has the best prices. I’d definitely buy components from them if the price was right.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    “Tyson meat and Lindows”??

    Whatever that comment means, it’s WAAAAYYYYY too obscure for me. Maybe Tyson meat and Lindows make your teeth rot out and cause obesity, so you fit in with the rest of the Wal Mart shoppers? In any case, the sarcasm went over my head, and I’d bet it went over the heads of most of the other readers here also.

  5. Improbus says:

    Sounds like a good deal but you know their selection of components is going to suck. Don’t expect anything but plain vanilla parts.

  6. Paul says:

    Great. Coming soon: the worlds first gravy-cooled PC.

  7. this is fantastic. i disagree that their components will suck. the gap in quality between cheap and expensive components has narrowed. it is high time that a major discounter did this. great idea.
    and what the hell are Lindows???

  8. RTaylor says:

    I live in a resort area. Wal-Mart is the only major retailer in 50 miles. I already order so much online I count the UPS guy as a close friend. Exactly where do you Wal-Mart bashers suggest I go for a $3.00 item. Doesn’t make sense to pay shipping for a $3 item, and somethings you need today. Doesn’t make much sense to drive an hour to shop to a Target either, which for some reason isn’t judged evil by many. Wal-mart won because people are cheap. Yes they own our ass now, but they’re the ones thats got the $3 hose nozzle I need without spending extra time and gas.

  9. In response to the people who don’t know, Lindows is a Linux-based OS that many geeks consider to be more repugnant than Windows. It’s called Linspire now.

  10. R says:

    Lindows (Linspire) is to Linux approximately what Windows XP Home is to Windows XP Pro. Don’t look for all the “cool” stuff and necessary utilities that a full distro of Linux and Windows XP Pro have. Also, don’t expect much of the filesystem to match a standard Linux distro either.

  11. The Aussie says:

    I’d say at this point that Michael Dell’s net worth probably dropped a few squillions.

    These guys will wring out even more cost from the Chinese contract manufacturers and component suppliers better than Dell can and by leveraging their other purchasing contracts and in country knowledge.

    How do I know? Look at Wal Mart’s supply chain arrangements now.

  12. Mr. Fornicated Fusion says:

    I doubt if I would need to buy any computer part from Wal-Mart unless a dire emergency popped up Saturday night or Sunday. I am very happy with our local computer store. They have people that know what they are selling, what will work for me, and will go out of their way for me. Because of their loyalty to me, I will give my loyalty to them. I know I might save 20% by driving 50 miles to Circuit City or Best Buy, but I’ll stay where my business is appreciated and I’m a person.

  13. Hans says:

    Lindows is a very old name for the Linspire Linux OS. This is the OS I use when I have Windows friends who want to try Linux. I’ve tried giving them SuSE (what I use) but they get very turned off because it won’t play MP3’s, DVD’s, Windows Media files, Flash, Java, etc., right out of the box, the way Linspire does. So, I always give my friends Linspire, which I find to be a great fit. It’s a powerful Debian Linux distro, just cleaned up real nice and purty like, and works with most hardware, and supports all the file types without fussing about. Their CNR (click and run) feature also allows my Windows friends to install loads of Linux software with one click. Pretty slick.


  14. Mark T. says:

    If WalMart is cheaper than Fry’s, I will drive the 1/2 mile to WalMart instead of the 15 miles to Fry’s anyday. Hardware is hardware, no matter who sells it.

    If they carry anything cutting edge, I will be shocked. I expect low to mid grade hardware. And a lot of Chinese made junk. I will probably stick with Fry’s and NewEgg.

    I just hope other big retail discounters follow suit. I know the selection of equipment at Sam’s Club is meager but I do occasionally find a nice peripheral at a closeout prices.

  15. joshua says:

    ummmmm….this is obviously a different crowd than the usual Wal-Mart bashers….

    I think I’m with Mr. Fusion….I prefer to go where the people know what the hell the stuff is for, because I usually don’t.

  16. Smart move.
    Actually Walmart has a good electronics department and the products they sell are brand name. You can by brand name modems, sound cards , joysticks an what nots at the store now. So al they are doing is expanding thier product line to compete with stores like compUSA.


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