REPOST — May as well stir this pot one last time since all this seems to be overlooked in the current debates.


El Plan de Aztlan
There’s a college club in the USA that essentially advocates the take-over of some Western states and giving them to Mexico. This seems to be encouraged by the politicians by allowing wide-open borders. This link (above) connects to the group up at the University of Oregon. If you wonder why the Republican party has suddenly captured much of the Latino voting block, this is the reason: open borders. The long term effects are obvious.

In the spirit of a new people that is conscious not only of its proud historical heritage but also of the brutal “gringo” invasion of our territories, we, the Chicano inhabitants and civilizers of the northern land of Aztlan from whence came our forefathers, reclaiming the land of their birth and consecrating the determination of our people of the sun, declare that the call of our blood is our power, our responsibility, and our inevitable destiny.

The group to follow is MEChA, a coalition of Latinos vowing to re-take parts of the USA for Mexico.

related links

An anti-MEChA website

From the Hoover Institute
…Thus Rodolfo Acuaa’s Occupied America claims the Southwest for Mexicans. Chicano activists (Chicanismo) push not only for civil rights for illegal Mexicans but also for the return (reconquista) of the lost provinces to form Aztlan. Chicanismo demands Spanish language and culture education, not English or American cultural schooling. The Movimiento Estudiante Chicano de Aztlan (MECHA) in 1970 formed a political party, La Raza Unida, won control of Crystal City, Texas, and tried to make it into a Chicano city. The party split and has had little political impact since but could easily revive in California or Texas.

Predicted Hispanic “Homeland”


ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — A University of New Mexico Chicano Studies professor predicts a new, sovereign Hispanic nation within the century, taking in the Southwest and several northern states of Mexico.

Charles Truxillo suggests the Republica del Norte, the Republic of the North, is “an inevitability.”

He envisions it encompassing all of California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and southern Colorado, plus the northern tier of Mexican states: Baja California, Sonora, Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon and Tamaulipas.

Along both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border there is a growing fusion, a reviving of connections,” Truxillo said. “Southwest Chicanos and Norteo Mexicanos are becoming one people again.”

Truxillo, 47, has said the new country should be brought into being “by any means necessary,” but recently said it was unlikely to be formed by civil war. Instead, its creation will be accomplished by the electoral pressure of the future majority Hispanic population in the region, he said.

In fact this map may actually be conservative as there is evidence that an old version of the Aztec empire extended close to Salt Lake City. They’ll want that too. I suspect at least half of Oregon will also be lost.

Finally, here’s a pro-Aztlan site to consider.

And here are the National MEChA pages.

  1. Ed Campbell says:

    Norteños, eh? This is nothing new in my neck of the woods — the interviews and the “plan” — there was even a decent documentary done almost a decade ago that propounded the theory [and hoped for the likelihood] — the unity Professor Truxillo envisions as “inevitability” provokes nothing but chortles in most of New Mexico. The unity he hopes for — is especially between Mexicans and the old land grant Spanish families screwed out of their communal lands decades ago.

    I used to tippy-toe around the question because the reality offends the truly progressive sector of New Mexico’s Hispanic community. Folks who generally call themselves Chicanos. But, the expanding reality is that “undocumentados” have ballooned in numbers so dramatically that both Anglos and Hispanics get screwed out of the entry-level jobs that used to be theirs. Most self-described Chicanos in my neck of the woods, e.g. Santa Fe, north, west and east, are as likely to ally themselves with the folks self-described as Spanish — against the mujados — the not-so-polite term used in Hispanic neighborhoods to describe Mexican illegal aliens.

    There are a couple of topics that absolutely guarantee a tidal wave of participation from local folks in the discussion pages of the online edition of our local paper. One is DUI, a desperate problem, statewide. Another guarantee is illegal aliens. The Liberal community, here, is bound and determined to stick with open door policies that were a progressive statement — when sanctuary was being granted to legit political refugees from the Oliver North era of American “diplomacy” in Central and South America. Those days are long gone. It’s all about dollars, now.

    The rest of the Anglo community, combined with the overwhelming majority of the Spanish and Chicano communities, up here, are resentful and adamant about an end to political giveaways to the “illegals”. Frankly, I doubt if it’s much different in Arizona. I think if we had a Proposition 200 on the ballot over here, it would be carried in a walk.

    The only two political bodies that continue supporting this “unity” are the “leaders” of the Democrats and Republicans. The former because they’re hoping to get a gratitude vote from illegals made legal. The latter because we’re talking about the absolute bastion of cheap labor in the Southwest.

  2. David says:

    There is evidence that my ancestors lived in what is now Saudi Arabia. I want to start a group to annex Saudi Arabia….To me! Patagonia sounds nice too.

  3. John Ryle says:

    Can a blog entry count as a “troll”?

  4. Tomlaureld says:

    I grew up California in the fifties and everyone in our family did not believe that a border existed between Mexico and California. I still think the same way. No big deal.

  5. Mike Voice says:

    I suspect at least half of Oregon will also be lost

    When I was growing-up in Northern California – where anything South of Ukiah was “Southern” California – it used to be a joke that we weren’t really part of California, that we were “Oregon spill-over”.

    Looks like the tide has turned the other way. 🙂

  6. The Tea Man says:

    History show that large uber-states either start as tyrannies or become tyrannies eventually.

    There’s no earthly reason for 300 million citizens to be subject to one authority: particularly when the democratic process and the judiciary has been captured by special interests, and half of those participating don’t think the other half has a legitimate right to participate.

    I see this as a positive first step.

    Will the East Coast be next? Or Texas? Or the North Star Republic? It’s not as if they need a new constitution – the old one will do. Many people on the coasts would happily leave the rest of America to turn the corporate-state hairball of today into tomorrow’s theocracy. They’re welcome to it.

  7. Mike Voice says:

    The Tea Man,

    But will the same people who decry removing “under God” from the pledge of allegience allow “indivisible” to fall to the wayside, without a fight? 🙂

  8. Greg Albright says:

    You mean I wouldnt have to share my country with Texans anymore???

    Sounds like a good idea to me.

  9. alexdagrate says:

    Well, Aztlan certainly won’t be allowed to take the southern counties of The State of Jefferson!

  10. Eideard says:

    Hush! We’re actually hoping for more rain. Any rain.

  11. rtaylor says:

    Can’t we make them take Utah also? It only seems fair.

  12. doug says:

    12. Yes, they must take Utah, too! That’ll show ’em! In fact, hand England back to the Saxons, while we are at it.

    Actually, the whole thing is rather silly. There is a Hawaiian independence movement, too, and it is about as relevant as Aztlan:

  13. Spatulated says:

    arnt we droping nuclear waste there? sounds good, give it away

  14. Awake says:

    That whole plan has about as much credibility as your “Three State California” discussion. Here we have an initialtive by a very small group with no credibility anywhere, and it is being discussed as if it had any semblance of reality.
    Why not publish some other plan to make Canada part of the USA, or absorb Mexico, or split the USA into North and South? They have about the same support. Or how about this.. let’s discuss how the American Communist Party has a strong plan to overthow capitalism and make the USA into a Soviet Satellite. Again, about the same credibility.
    John… are you becoming a “No Spin Zone” fan? Maybe we should just start early this year, and talk about the “War against Christmas” in your next posting, since it has the same credibiilty as your post about the “Aztlan Plan”.

  15. site admin says:

    Hmmm..I do know for a fact that some folks in BC would like to see themselves in the USA rather than Toronto, er, I mean Canada. Might be a good topic.

    And my three-state California makes a lot of sense!

  16. Monkeyboy says:

    This is a serious discussion about an important issue. Funny remarks are a waste of everybody’s time. Please be serious, folks, this isn’t the comics! (don’t bother replying to this part of the comment) … that said…

    I was thinking yesterday (May 1) that perhaps we should invite Mexico to join the USA. We slowly integrate our society into theirs, not the other way around. We tell people to stay in Mexico, keep the border up, and guard it from BOTH sides for another few decades. Stay with me here…

    There are two reasons Mexico has problems: education and religion. So, we start building schools and sending teachers there; it all starts with education. Educated people understand that maybe they shouldn’t pump out a dozen kids that they can’t take care of. There are too many Mexicans because of low education and strong Catholic beliefs, that’s a BIG part of the problem.

    Next, in their new schools, we start teaching everybody in Mexico the english language. I speak spanish, and I think it’s easier to learn than english. However, the USA didn’t go metric, and metric makes a heckuva lot of sense. Don’t expect the USA to EVER go spanish, that’s the compromise – a majority of Mexicans will have to accept english, and make it a law that USA english is their primary language. We see where it goes from there.

    This whole transition would cost a LOT of money. So, we stop wasting money on Iraq, Israel, Africa, and other nations that really aren’t interested or capable of helping the USA. I mean, criminy, those three countries are basically DESERTS. They’ll never prosper until they are not DESERTS. The wise Sam Kinison pointed out that the desert is full of sand, and nothing grows there. If those people are starving, it’s because they live where no food grows. There isn’t anything for them to eat, and nothing for their livestock to eat, either. Nature is trying to take its course – stop sending them food; send them U-Hauls and tell them to move out of the desert. Or, they’ll die, and won’t be a problem anymore. Think about it.

    Mexico and Canada are great neighbors, even if they have some different beliefs and economies. They’re both capitalist, mostly Christian societies. They don’t hijack our planes or blow up our stuff, and aren’t anti-USA. They don’t seem to have many issues with our gubment or general populace, or they wouldn’t come here. They want to be like us, I find that very complimentary, and would rather be part of the solution instead of part of the problem.

    Well, it’s a wiser plan than shrinking the USA.

  17. GregAllen says:

    Was California every really part of Mexico?

    Wikipedia says it was a Mexican state from 1821 to 1848 but I think some people challenge this history.

    But I think the general Mexican belief is that Calfirnia is really theirs since it was “stolen” from them.

  18. doug says:

    18. yes, it was definitely part of Mexico. the US seized it during the Mexican War, a fact which is in every standard history.

    and 17, nations do not jus surrender their sovereignty willingly to become parts of larger nations. even the EU member states are not actually merging.

  19. xully says:

    “Remember the Alamo!”

    I guess not.

  20. Eideard says:

    Well — “remember the Alamo” was about as legit as WMD or Tonkin Bay or “Remember the Maine”.

  21. GregAllen says:

    Doug… Of course you are right… I should have written the post differently… let me try again:

    When I lived in California, I heard people say that California was never really a full state of Mexico like Texas was. Many Californians, at the time, would have denied they were part of Mexico.

    Is there any truth to this?

  22. Johnny says:

    who really belives this is a widespread movement its less spread than the westboro church and its GOD hates american and other stupid nonsense movement. I live in southern california and am hispanic trsut me no one wants that to happpen. I like visiting mexico but God help us if it spreads up here

  23. Mr. Fornicated Fusion says:

    Just to shut them up, give the Mexicans Arkansas. If that doesn’t shut them up, toss in Louisiana too.

    Then erect 15 ft high walls with electrified razor wire and land mines. Allow the National Guards to do target shooting at anything moving within 10 miles of the wall.

  24. Atkinson says:

    I think the biggest problem would be in figuring out which system of law – English common law or Napoleonic code – to use. You can’t adjudicate anything (starting with land titles!) without agreement on that. And on that, I fear, our southern neighbors would never agree, even in exchange for territory.

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  26. Narinquoptewa says:

    I, a Chicano, am decendant of Tiwa and Tewa Pueblo Indians and from Iberians. The Iberian side of my family tree claims King Ferdinand, Cristobal Colon and 22nd gen. great-grandfathers, Vasquez de Coronado as my 20th. gen.g-g. King Ferdinand’s son married a Jewish woman, the grand daughter of the Jewish Spaniard Neme ben Lavi Cabarello. The 1680 Pueblo Revolt leader, Domingo Naranjo 1641-1680, is my 10th gen. g-g. So much has gone on between 1492-1523, and to the present. Most Chicano are lost Indians as well as well-documented Iberians. Most Chicanos can stay in Aztlan, or go back to Europe. It is all vanity to rebel against this wicked country. What would we get if this is about as good as it gets? And I’m not enjoying a huge salary as those educators that would re-write their own citizenship! Myself, I seek a city built by God’s own hands!

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