So I’m watching the Yankees and Boston on ESPN and the new Boston closer, Jon Papelbon, comes out and grabs himself and pulls on himself TWICE with a camera trained on him as shown. Geez, can’t this guy adjust himself before standing in front of a million viewers? Gak.

  1. Bryan Carney says:

    Hey, John…

    …some of us gay guys need a little incentive to watch baseball.

  2. Some times a man has to do what a man has to do what a man has to do!

  3. Gregg says:

    Damn – i think that’s hot – dont assume that just because you dont like it john – that the opinions had by you may not be the same as as the rest of us. Now if we want to watch people adjust themselves – i guess all we really have to do is go search YouTube

  4. kris2pe says:

    Not as disgusting as this toy
    Meet the oozinator eewww!!!

  5. Me says:

    The steroids probably have everything shrinking, so he’s checking to see if there’s anything left.

  6. RTaylor says:

    Pitchers are a superstitious lot. Maybe he needs to dress right for a curve, and left for a fast ball.

  7. Richard says:

    As said before:

    “Some times a man has to do what a man has to do!”

  8. Mr. Fusion says:

    As someone who has played before a large audience, you tune out the crowd. It becomes just you doing your thing. Distractions will only hurt your performance.

    But hey, if that is what turns you guys on, well I hope it made your day.

  9. Carl Trimble says:

    When ya gotta adjust ya gotta adjust… It just so happens the camera caught him this time. Just be happy you do not have cameras trained on your crotch for hours at time.

  10. Marv says:

    Hey, the Red Sox WON, didn’t they?

    Whatever works….clocking Don Zimmer, picking a fight in the bullpen, scratching yourself….anyway the Sox can beat the Yankees is okay with me.

  11. Have you see ARod cleaning his bat during a rainy game?

    There. Now I’ve done my part to help burn through another million dollars of YouTube’s venture capital today.

  12. Blackscorpion says:

    Almost all pitchers rough up the ball before they pitch. Some just prefer to use a baseball. To each this own.

  13. Me says:

    He should drop trou and pick his butt with a Simsong Phone .

  14. raytube720 says:

    Get that man some Gold Bond, stat!

  15. rwilliams254 says:

    Maybe he’s adjusting the flowers on his undies. (see: Bull Durham)

  16. Nothing worse than twisted balls

  17. The Aussie says:

    What a wanker!

  18. The Aussie says:

    Just a thought, but maybe the Red Sox guy had a red ….

  19. Something must have been wrong
    He tossed too many balls during the game.

    Let the ball jokes fly


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