International Herald Tribune – APRIL 28, 2006:

At first it seemed to be nothing more than a routine, if damaging, case of counterfeiting in a country where faking it has become an industry.

After two years and thousands of hours of investigation in conjunction with law enforcement agencies in China, Taiwan and Japan, the company said it had uncovered something far more ambitious than clandestine workshops turning out inferior copies of NEC products. The pirates were faking the entire company.

In the name of NEC, the pirates copied NEC products, and went as far as developing their own range of consumer electronic products – everything from home entertainment centers to MP3 players. They also coordinated manufacturing and distribution, collecting all the proceeds.

  1. moss says:

    Frankly I’m surprised to see such a political non sequitur from y’all, Greg.

    According to the article, the chief crooks were headquartered in Japan and Taiwan; yet, you make no accusation of government collusion. The Chinese government’s campaign against counterfeiting is something I happen to track — and it has increased in geometric proportions — even if not up to a scale which satisfies Bill Gates, yet. It was Chinese government raids which turned up the size of the operation.

    It’s Saturday. I imagine that’s reason enough for the photo connection!?

  2. SN says:

    “Not that I complain about pictures of sexy women but that’s a stretch!”

    The one on the left is a copy of the one on the right. I made her myself using my son’s chemistry set, a microwave, and a food processor.

    Now my chances for being rejected for sex has doubled! You heard that right! Doubled!

    “It’s Saturday. I imagine that’s reason enough for the photo connection!?”


  3. RTaylor says:

    SN if you can make that in your kitchen, you’ll be able to buy out Bill Gates in 6 months. Just don’t maker her too expensive to maintain like the real ones.

  4. NEC is still around and people still buy their products? Boy, I have been living under a rock.

  5. John Wofford says:

    The girls are pirates, operating in the thug infested waters of the South China Sea. In one of the most closely guarded secrets in American naval history they captured an American battle cruiser off the South Vietnamese coast in 1969 and made love slaves of the crew. They and their evil minions kept a close, steel hard grip on their captives, foiling repeated attempts at escape. But in later years their grips eased, along with their fiery passions. I know this to be a true story, as I recently escaped from their evil durance vile, working my way home as a traveling sex toys salesman, a bountiful inventory of which I’d stolen on my way out of their by now dilapidated fortress located upriver on the mighty Mekong.


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