America’s smallest state is seeking to become its first to offer a wireless broadband network from border to border.

Backers of Rhode Island’s $20 million project say it would improve services and make the state a testing ground for new business technologies.

The Rhode Island Wireless Innovation Networks (RI-WINs) should be fully in place by 2007, providing wireless connectivity throughout state, whose land mass of about 1,045 square miles (2,700 sq km) is only slightly more than double the size of metropolitan Los Angeles.

The Rhode Island network is a hybrid of WiMAX and WiFi technologies that would deliver real-time connections at a minimum speed of 1 Megabit per second (Mbps), allowing users to download a typical Hollywood-length film in about 100 minutes. The system will be supported by 120 base antennas placed throughout the state.

So far, they’re projecting a single fee structure @ $20/month.

  1. eli says:

    Did you say covering the ENTIRE state of Rhode Island?

    That ought to take what, two, maybe three 802.11g access points?

  2. Eric Phillips says:

    Very cool, but that state is so small couldn’t a couple of WiFi access points be enough?

  3. AB CD says:

    If the charge is $20 a month, why is this worth celebrating?

  4. Andrew says:

    Sweet, I live in Rhode Island and I have been keeping track of this one. I know That we have recently wired up our state putting in big FAT PIPES, so i get like 5 megabits up and down. Its crazy

    (We also got new Trashbarrlels and An automated trash collector truck)

  5. Will says:

    Sweet! I live in Rhode Island!

  6. Go Rhode Island! And, for the record, no problem with $20/month for access.

  7. Max says:

    Funny how those that seem to have a liberal bent fail to see the long-term unintended consequences of a free, wireless internet with “everything smart”. Doesn’t it smack a little of Big Brother?


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