Wishful thinking on the part of the left..but funny! Fun with Photoshop. This pic is flying around the net right now.

  1. Improbus says:

    Oh, man! Thanks for making my day unknown photoshopper!

  2. Gary Marks says:

    The next step in this wishful thinking scenario is for Rove to be “rendered” to one of those European CIA prisons I’ve heard so much about. A nice cell in the dungeon might be a good place for him to spend the summer.

  3. David says:

    That must have scratched an itch here, haven’t laughed so hard in a long while.

  4. Tom says:

    I think they need to up Paul’s Lithium… And I’m not a Democrat!


  5. Danielle says:

    Check this out! Karl Rove’s Mugshot on Mugs! Classic!!!! http://www.karlrovemugshot.com

  6. Gary Marks says:

    Sorry Paul, this is a treatment specifically reserved for “oops, I forgot I revealed the identity of a CIA operative to a reporter” Republicans. For now, Democrats are immune until they get enough power to actually have access to classified information. These days, Democrats only seem to catch wind of these secrets when they read about them in the paper because of another Administration leak.

  7. cheapdaddy says:

    What! Nobody’s looking for a photoshop of [take your pick] in front of a firing squard?

  8. T.C. Moore says:

    The guy isn’t fat enough.

  9. Mr. Old Time Religion Fusion says:

    That is totally distasteful. Who in their right mind would wear a tie like that in public. Even if their Aunt Harriet Miers gave it to them for Christmas. Somebody needs to start watching Queer Eye For The Straight Guy a little more.


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