Subversive, guerrilla marketing at its finest.

Switch your users to Firefox and make money

You already want people to switch to Firefox. Now’s the time to get serious about it. Google is paying $1 for each new Firefox user you refer.

This is pretty amazing. Now you can advance your ideals, save people from popups and spyware hell, and make some serious money. Millions of people have heard about Firefox and are ready to switch–all they need is a friendly push.

That’s where these scripts come in. They’re specially formulated to give just the right push, maximizing souls-saved and dollars-for-you.

Level 3: Dead serious Rating: $$$$$$
You’ve never considered blocking IE users from viewing your site, even though you hate IE with a passion that burns hotter than Hades. Now you have a practical excuse to do what you’ve always dreamed of. IE users will see a friendly message stating that they need to download and install Firefox to view your site.

I also like this other, related site. Funny stuff!

Found by Gary Marks

  1. SN says:

    “I don’t think SN made ANY.”

    Hey, I resemble that remark. Er… I’m offended by that remark. Or something.

    Seriously, who has the time or the desire to make “real arguments” when you’re dealing with Paul?! Did you even bother to read #28?!

    “or assigned him a character and attacked that.”

    God, you’re on a roll. That was friggin’ hilarious!

  2. Milo says:

    I still say Paul’s a big poopy head!

    And Ascii King I bet you a million dollars I’m more mature than you! Plus my arguments are way better than anyone here.

  3. SN says:

    “#34 deserves a round of applause. winner of the Unclear on the Concept While Making an Ass of Yourself with Personal Attacks Wholley unrelated to What’s Being Talked About Award!”

    Damn, I thought for sure I was a shoe-in for that award! I’ll be sure to try harder next time!

  4. Me says:

    Yup, #34 really didn’t get it. if a pornographic jpeg can display, your browser just fulfilled 99% of the purpose of a browser. The other 1% is the ability to display Dvorak Uncensored. Any other functions in a browser simply generate unnecessary CPU cycles and therefore contribute to Global Warming.

  5. Thomas says:

    Uncle Dave,

    I thought the problem might be Fasterfox but after trying the default settings, Netflix still bogs when I add a film to my queue. The flash/popup shows up, takes three or four deathly slow passes and then never renders the film art.

    I’ve had this same problem with sites not fully rendering their images with Firefox in the past on different machines. Sometimes a full refresh (Ctrl F5) will do the trick but I shouldn’t have to be honest.

    It’s a pretty close race in terms of functionality between Firefox and Maxthon. If Firefox would improve their RSS feeder (which it looks like in 2.0 they did), give me the choice to use IE favorites and fix the rendering problems I’d probably switch back. (Actually, one other feature that I could live without but have grown accustomed to in Maxthon is the ability to double-click a tab to close it.)

    Oh, and btw, I too have had problems in the past with numerous (say a couple dozen) tabs open in Firefox sucking up all my CPU time but I thought they had fixed that problem.

  6. JoJo Dancer says:

    Oh, sorry to let you in on the DL Paul, but my post was not meant for you to respond. I hope you can understand. I didn’t realize you were so eager to see yourself on here again.

    But again, you make it clear that you have nothing else on your mind but yourself. Thinking that you were expected to reply… ha! Geez, I wouldn’t be surprised if you created your own award of some kind already.

    Just so you know, arrogance has nothing to do with confidence. Try not to get the two mixed up. I mean, I know your shoes are big and all, but lets try to find a size that actually fits you my friend.

  7. JoJo Dancer says:

    To #43, from your post, I can only assume that you did not finish your highschool education. Now I am going out on a limb here, but I …. wait.
    Yeah that’s it man.

  8. Milo says:

    Paul is a poopy head, poopy head, poopy head.

    Paul is a poopy head, yeah!

  9. Milo says:

    Paul is a poopy head!


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