
As someone who’s worn glasses since he was five, even after Lasik surgery, this is very interesting.

Electric spectacles could aid aging eyes

A new type of eyeglasses with electrically adjustable focus might someday render bifocals and reading glasses obsolete, the device’s inventors say. So far, the researchers have made a battery-powered prototype with close-up focus that flicks on and off with a switch.

Future versions of the eyeglasses may incorporate a distance sensor to automatically adjust the focus as the viewer’s gaze changes between far and near viewing, says one of the inventors, electrical engineer David L. Mathine of the University of Arizona in Tucson.

  1. Framitz says:

    Over the past two years I have had cateract surgery on both eyes. Since having the cateracts removed and lenses implanted I have 20/20 vision at distance, but can not focus close. (I can legally drive with no vidion correction for the first time since I was 18!)

    I am not complaining, but it could be better.

    Glasses like this would be great because with refinement they could autofocus for me depending on distance.

  2. Mr. Old Timer Fusion says:

    Great idea, but if you think my wife would be seen in public with me if I wore those things…

  3. Uncle Dave says:

    I’m having cateract surgery next month for my left eye. Right now, I’m looking forward to seeing anything clearly with it. I’ve got progressive lenses now, but you’re right, Framitz, I’ll still need reading glasses afterwards, or so I’m told.

  4. Gary Marks says:

    Looking at the photo, I’ve never seen anything that screamed more loudly, “Beat me up and take my lunch money!” Of course, that’s just the insensitive, questionable humor of someone who hasn’t yet had any serious vision problems. Few things are more important than clear vision, and whatever it take to achieve it is well worth it. Good luck with your surgery, Dave.

  5. Mr. Old Timer Fusion says:


    Your humor is just fine. Just try looking for your glasses when you need them to see well enough to find them. And only later find out your kid was playing a joke on you. I’m just glad my kid has my sense of humor and not her mother’s.

  6. Don says:

    Well, these are prototypes after all. Get the engineering done and then turn them over to design. Mybe we’ll look less like dorks and more like X-Men!


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