Washington Post – April 23, 2006:

During a presentation at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, chief executive Paul S. Otellini unveiled Viiv — a combination of hardware and software that would combine functions of the TV, the DVD player, the VCR and the videogame console. Viiv (pronounced like “five”) would make possible such novel feats as watching new movie releases online, catching South Africa’s evening news in London and beaming video from one TV to another within your house.

In April, Viiv doesn’t look much like that vision. On a typical Viiv box, Hewlett-Packard’s Pavilion m7360y, it amounts to a smattering of free Web video clips and discounts on online music, movie and game rentals — plus a nifty rainbow-hued Viiv sticker on the front of the computer.

Intel says Viiv will mean much more in the future. But in the meantime, Intel is only embarrassing itself with its half-witted hucksterism for Viiv.

John has written about the Viiv previously in his PC Magazine column.

  1. Terry says:

    viiv is pronounced “five”? I read it as “sixty four”.

  2. SN says:

    “viiv is pronounced “five”? I read it as “sixty four”.”

    It looks like it should be pronounced “Veave” to me.

  3. Esteban says:

    Can’t they just call it “Vive”? At least give us the courtesy of standard English spelling.

  4. Richard says:

    John: Yesterday (April 24) at the “Crawfordslist” blog I linked them to your excellent PC Magazine Article on the Telecoms’ Plans to Tier the Internet and do other nefarious things. Today, Craig Crawford (MSNBC Commentator and my College Roomate) linked your PC Magazine Article and did a piece on this subject. It got a great response. MSNBC may pick this up on Olberman or another show tonite. Thanks for letting us all know about this. I linked your piece today from your blog over there too. Rich

  5. Milo says:

    Why do companies like MS and Intel keep trying to say that we need some kind of permission to do this stuff? I can do everything that this advertises already! Who doesn’t know this? And no they aren’t catering to idiots either because youtube is full of idiots.

  6. runner says:

    well its actually hebrew… its pronouced veave. with a long e sound.

  7. runner says:

    note: it has been englisized to vive…

  8. Mark says:

    It should be pronounced “vive”, as in “re-vive”. As in Intel has not had a new idea in years, and they’re flailing. They don’t know how to create anything original anymore. You hear their VCs and their execs talk about how they want to grow “ecosystems”, and they’ll throw obscene amounts of money at any number of ideas, like this one. But when things finally start to come to market, they invariably look long on marketing and short on actual product. Got Intel stock? I’d sell it.


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