Singin’ the blues in RIAA jail

And the hits just keep on comin’!

Local Family Sued By Record Companies

A Rockmart [GA] family is being sued for illegal music file sharing, despite the fact that they don’t even own a computer.

A federal lawsuit filed this week in Rome by the Recording Industry Association of America alleges that Carma Walls, of 117 Morgan St., Rockmart, has infringed on copyrights for recorded music by sharing files over the Internet. The lawsuit seeks an injunction and requests unspecified monetary damages.

After being shown a copy of the court filing, Walls said he found the whole thing bewildering.

“I don’t understand this,” Walls said. “How can they sue us when we don’t even have a computer?”

Walls also noted that his family has only resided at their current address “for less than a year.” He wondered if a prior tenant of the home had Internet access, then moved, leaving his family to be targeted instead.

  1. blank says:

    I’m waiting for the RIAA to just issue a lawsuit for everyone in America now. They throw out lawsuits now for people that don’t even have a computer, so what’s stopping them from just suing everyone in the country in a blanket lawsuit.

    With them, you’re guilty until proven innocent. If you can’t prove that you didn’t download anything illegally, then you pay up! Doesn’t matter if you’ve never owned a computer or ever had access to the internet!

    Mark my words, this is the next step for them.

  2. gquaglia says:

    I would sue them back for filling a false lawsuit and the mental anguish associated with it.

  3. Diane Ensey says:

    I like Cory Doctorow’s reasoning that it just makes better business sense. People with computers are more likely to buy CDs. We don’t want to make them mad, so let’s sue those without computers who don’t buy CDs anyway!

  4. jo blo says:

    Ohh bugger.. thats just retarded, i swear the lawyers must be worth of the carlos mencia “Deet Dee Deeet” award.. if i ever heard of one..
    this is blantant terroristic like measures for any organization to be able to sue the american people. For nothing that can be proven legally… especially if one doesnt own a computer. Well i know what i doing.. i’ll DL a whoooollleee lotta things , then move down the road and continue for a few years till im in a new state and keep going..
    lol.. aint my fault if they sue the wrong people living in the houses.. (jk)

  5. Kevin_from_Akron says:

    I hope that there is a decent judge who will see this case as garbage and throw it out!

  6. Bruce IV says:

    We don’t get this in Canada (yet) – with all the crap goes on down south, I’m so glad its the American recording industry.

  7. Me says:

    Just sue everyone who has ever listened to a recorded piece of music.


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