I was amused to get 20 exact same emails from a PR agency. How hard can it be to send just one? It did get my attention. I wrote a snarky note and they all got erased. [end of gripe]

The problem with this sort of thing is that when you are travelling you have to download this stuff and it can often be a time killer.

  1. Esteban says:

    Does that count as Spam?

  2. Awake says:

    It probably wasn’t their fault. I’ve had it happen to me before (as a recipient), where a glitch in the SMTP mail server (maybe not even under their control… do you run your own sendmail system?) makes the server fall into a loop, resetting the mailer, which then thinks that there is still mail in the outgoing queue, which gets sent, which then resets the server, which then resends the messages in the queue, and so on and so on.

  3. Diane Ensey says:

    I would count it as spam. And as embarrassing for the PR agency. That shows a lack of paying attention to detail that I see more and more of these days.

  4. site admin says:

    it’s not officially spam since it comes from a whitelisted contact

  5. Greg says:

    This just happened to me last fall at the University I work for… talk about embarassaing, it was an invitation to attend a technology help seminar. You can imagine the responses we got. It actually really was the mail server freaking out, but obviously by that time the damage was done. Since then I’ve vowed never to use email to announce anything ever again, I’d rather call 900 people individually if I had to.

  6. Mr. Trying Fusion says:

    #4, Good come back.

  7. Ben Franske says:

    Nice to see you use Thunderbird! I most definately prefer it to Outlook.

  8. Mark T. says:

    All the emails were sent at 11:04AM. Either the sender had the recipient’s email address duplicated 20 times in the “To:” list or it must have been a software/server glitch.

    Either that or the sender was a little overanxious with the send button when the email window wouldn’t close (I suspect they are using Outlook).

    So is this why John doesn’t get spam? He doesn’t appear to consider unsolicited mass emails to BE spam!

  9. david says:

    It could also mean that they’re sending you twenty invitations so that you could bring 19 of your friends with you. John, show up with a large group and a copy of the e-mails, and give ’em hell.

  10. Jetfire says:

    I had this happen here at work. It was an Outlook problem. Their PST file got to big and started to glitch. One person said that she received 100 E-Mails for the Delivery Reciept she had attached to an E-mail she sent before. Like 2 said it got caught in a loop. I cleaned up his E-mail fold some and all was well.

  11. Kriss says:

    Ja, and you’ve read half of them – just to compare? 😉


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