This is interesting. What’s the point of it? Couldn’t a letter do the same job. This is obviously a lead-in to something coming where he’ll be looking for a favor.

Note how it deteriorates into the banal.

found by Roger Strukhoff

  1. Uncle Dave says:

    It publically states that Apple is strong, growing and positive about the future. Something the stockholders want to hear, as well as people worrying about the naysayers who think Apple will be crushed by this or that. Its banality is its strength in that Jobs is saying they are committed to staying put, staying the course, etc.

    In other words, free publicity.

  2. Mike says:

    Yet he couldn’t find time to write the forward to “I, Woz” What a crazy guy.

    But I still love my iMac.

  3. Allan says:

    Aw, he’s just happy that Apple’s doing so well–who could blame him? If I were Jobs, that’s exactly the kind of thing I’d do.

  4. FriedTurkey says:

    I haven’t seen such ass kissing since Woz was on TWIT.

  5. Aaron says:

    Why did the members not get up and kiss his ring?…they’re all good as dead!

    Jobs, we all think your great, but stop with the bragging already!

  6. David says:

    This is not gloating or unusal.
    He obvisuoly wants to build with as little red tape as possible.

  7. Zuke says:

    Smart politics, cuz the City Council can have a lot of ‘influence’ over the city’s Planning Commission/Dept. Here at the County level, they are virtually the same govt body. Building goodwill by making them feel like they’re ‘in the know’.

    Never seen him act so goofy and non king-like. Place was empty, but was that his stunt double in the front row? Just in case…?

  8. Mark T. says:

    Oh, and we need a rubber stamp for all the paperwork involved for the demolition of the old buildings as well as the new campus construction. Have that on my desk in an hour.

  9. RTaylor says:

    Few CEO’s are known for their modesty and meekness. These are people trained to smell weakness and attack. A fight trained pit bull would fail as a Fortune 500 CEO. They’re too tender hearted.

  10. no name says:


  11. AJB says:

    Not bragging – this is an excellent example of greasing the wheel. Anyone who has tried to get council approval on even a simple project like building a house will know how much work he has ahead of him to get his new campus built. He just got all the councillors backing him. That makes things smoother!

  12. RoeBoeDog says:

    He wants to grow the campass – He wants More than One freeway offramp, he wants to push perks and get some back in return.

  13. Jim Petersen says:

    Some folks say a corporation begins to die the day it moves into its new, corporate offices. Job’s obvivously loves this whole process. On its new campus, I hope Apple does not lose the focus it had in the garage.

  14. david says:

    Jobs brings awareness of Apple’s vision to the city council and the public. That is the only fact we know. Everything else is just conjecture (mine is that he is looking for special consideration).

  15. Tim says:

    Steve, There’s some office space available in Santa Rosa. The address is 613 Fourth Street Suite 20, Santa Rosa, CA 95404. Contact Spencer Hosie ASAP before the price goes UP!

  16. David says:

    Although Jobs may have a huge ego. This is not a video of it.

    It is a businessman trying to get a building built as quickly and painlessly as possible.

    Anyone who has done more with thier life than living in thier mom’s basement can see this.

  17. Gregory says:

    To sum up –

    Council – “Dudes! Steve Jobs! How crazy is that?”

    Steve Jobs – “Hey all, thanks for having me. We really like Cupertino, ad we’ve chosen to stay here at a greater expense than we could have had, build a huge new Apple HQ, and redevelop our current one.

    Basically, wanted to let you know, we’re staying here guys. Don’t worry. This place rules.”

    Council – “Well thanks, we think you rule too, thats great news. We… we love you Steve”

    Steve – “I love you too”

    Council – “Hey, have your people talk to my people, and we’ll do lunch.”

    Steve – “Cool!”

    It’s not banal or bland, it makes perfect sense really…

  18. blank says:

    Did anyone else notice there was no one else in the audience? I mean, it was dead. There were more people on the council than there was in the audience.

  19. dD_uk says:

    Don’t see what the big deal is, as many previous posts point out I agree he is just getting on the council’s good books so he can build the new campus with as little complication as possible, so he can focus on his empire building and ultimate goal, to create the iWorld.

    On a side note, do you think Gates would even go and talk to the council in person? I reckon he would send down someone to do it for him… I think it is very humbling for the CEO of an international multi billion dollar business to do it in person and who can blame him for being proud of it? Apple has expanded so much he needs a new campus, all from a small garage… Well done Apple is all I can say.

  20. David says:

    “how droll. you must speak from experience. ”

    did i hit a nerve? Maybe mommy will make you cookies and, tell you how much better you are than that bad man Steve Jobs.

  21. Scott Mace says:

    I grew up not far from the property in question. If I were Jobs I’d find a way to bury enough of the freeway separating the current campus from the new campus in order to have a level walkway between the two (and create a cool new way for all pedestrians to cross 280 without huffing up an overpass). Finding a way to do that would be typical Apple boldness.


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