Manning –Beats Up Computer Geeks? – NFL – Manning Jr. charged with assault — Gee who is the dork in this story?

LOS ANGELES — NFL defensive back Ricky Manning Jr. was arrested on suspicion of assault Sunday after a fight at a restaurant near the UCLA campus.

Manning, a 25-year-old restricted free agent who signed an offer sheet with the Chicago Bears on Friday after three seasons with Carolina, was arrested at about 3 a.m. after he allegedly hit a man in the face along with four or five companions at a Denny’s restaurant in the Westwood section of Los Angeles, said officer Mike Lopez, a spokesman for the Los Angeles Police Department.

According to a report in the Chicago Sun-Times, Los Angeles Police Department detective Robert Lewis said a group of people — including Manning — attacked a man in a Denny’s restaurant after teasing him for working on a laptop computer.

This guy is sitting on $21 million and does this? Can’t be true. Who is that dumb? Jim Rome will be all over this one. Can’t the NFL control these people?

  1. SN says:

    These guys have been “stars” nearly their entire lives. All through high school, through college, and in the pros. They think they’re untouchable, because, well, they almost certainly are. Does anyone think he’ll suffer any real consequences from this?!

  2. site admin says:

    Yeah…fellow teammates will give him crap for being such a tough guy.

  3. SN says:

    The good news is that the entire incident was videotaped.

  4. site admin says:

    Good news for the cops maybe. The Chicago Bears management doesn’t seem to give a shit one way or the other. I suspect they’d put Stalin on the team if he could tackle.

  5. SN says:

    I think it’s good news for all of us. If it’s on tape he won’t be able to wiggle his way out of it or turn it into some racial thing.

    But even with the tape, he’ll still keep his job, his millions, and he’ll never spend a day in jail.

  6. SN says:

    Heck, if the league really wanted to punish him, they’d force him to play for the Lions for 10 years!

  7. doug says:

    this is where our vaunted civil (rather than criminal) justice system comes into play. the prosecutors could get him for a misdemeanor, some probation, maybe a little of that anger management I have been reading so much about.

    on the other hand, the guy with the laptop gets himself a nice lawyer and scores a nice chunk of that fat contract ….

  8. Mr. Trying Fusion says:

    SN, You are being a little harsh. I’m sure he would have learned his lesson after eight years with the Lions. You are right, he most likely will pay the “geek” off and not do any time.

  9. joshua says:

    hahahahahahahahahaha….thanks Paul….sitting here thinking the same thing.

  10. Seth says:

    Damn!! Why can’t I get punched in the face by a millionaire? Ah yes, 10 million sounds pretty nice. If invested wisely I could live comfortable for the rest of my life without having to work.

  11. gquaglia says:

    What pisses me off the most is if this jerk off wasn’t playing football, he would be either pumping gas or in jail. Instead he is making millions, pissing it away on drugs or whatever, and able to get away with what would certainly land the common man in hot water. This country places too much importance on sports star and actors. Neither of which are very good examples of good people.

  12. kris2pe says:

    Ah they should check the guy steriods too! Making sure he really gets suspended & sued & screwed!
    But I wonder what the real motive of beating up someone smaller! I mean logically bulls don’t charge when they don’t see red right?
    The geek must have done something to fuel the anger right?

  13. RTaylor says:

    The reports of a liquored up NFL defensive back hitting someone doesn’t surprise me. The fact that a millionaire stops at Denny’s for food does. 😉

  14. Todd says:

    Can’t the NFL control these people?

    Does your boss follow you around to make sure you aren’t causing trouble at 3 a.m.?

    Yes, the guy is an idiot. That’s not the NFL’s fault. Perhaps you should disparage his parents instead for doing a poor job…

  15. Casper says:

    That’s what stereoids will get you, bad temper to an already bad behavior.

  16. JSFORBES says:

    The real question is, why was he eating at Denny’s?

  17. Michael says:

    The more ppl one gets to manage. The tougher the control of that group becomes. There is nothing like using the fear of taking their money away as a control tool.

  18. Mr. Old Timer Fusion says:

    Sometimes “self defense” is a little harder to prove when there is a video tape.

    More at 11:00

  19. Duffy says:

    He’s a moron. yeah, the guy he hit will get himself a hotshot Hollywood lawyer and sue the crap out of him. And, since it’s been taped, when that dipwad tries to get an out-of-court settlement, I’d tell him to go pee on a rope and see ya in court, stupid.

    Play the tape and it’s all over and I am certain that his lawyer is cringing in the corner, praying that this idiot will go away but won’t.

    He’s his own worst enemy and the Bears will suffer right along with him.

  20. Richard says:

    I think several lawyers are going to become very wealthy.

  21. rus62 says:

    #6 Boy that would be punishment.

    Since Manning played for my team for 3 years there wasn’t a known incident publicly, internally is another question. The money was too much for the Panthers salary cap but either way since coach Fox doesn’t put up with this shit they would have taken the 3rd round pick either way.

    The Panthers got rid of their star punter after the big steroid controversy. So Ricky have fun in Chicago and watch out for the geeks there, they may have a gun…and kiss some of that money you are about to receive goodbye as it will go to your lawyers and the guy you unfortunately punched.

  22. rus62 says:

    #9 Are you referring to Geraldo?

  23. DBR says:

    Well, according to today’s Trib, this is just
    an aberration in the behavior of a normally
    good and gentle man, at least according to
    a 180,000-dollar-a-year publicist (“and wirf evvy
    motherfuckin’ cent, y’all”).

  24. Angel H. Wong says:

    Let me understand this:

    A NFL player can rape a woman and get a slap on the wrist but if he slaps a man he gets suspended???

  25. SN says:

    “A NFL player can rape a woman and get a slap on the wrist but if he slaps a man he gets suspended???”

    Actually, the victim in this present case was not merely slapped. He was hit and kicked repeatedly to the point where he lost consciousness.

    Where do you hear that he got suspended?!

  26. Romero says:

    I just heard about this on Digg. I think its amazing that in this day and age, crap like this still occurs. Its amazing that a 25-year old man, a millionaire, blessed with the opportunity to do something he loves for a living, playing a game, can still be so juvenille. I thought the nerd thing was usually left behind in high school. Manning needs to grow the hell up! I’m sure a healthy civil suit will straighten him out. I hope the “nerd” doesn’t get pressured to settle the case. Manning needs to be made an example of…

  27. Paul C says:

    In football in Britain, there’s an interesting concept in the rules of the professional sport called “bringing the game into disrepute”.

    This isn’t used anything like as consistently or as toughly as it could be, and we have a similar problem with some of our best paid sportspeople being otherwise unemployable overpaid little shits, but the way the Disrepute rule works is simple.

    Commit an arrestable offence? Get charged and found guilty? Then the Football Association can rub the lesson in that little bit harder by taking away your playing contract for six months or a year so that you can play for NOBODY professionally. (The last recipient of this was a Manchester United player who “forgot” he had a mandatory drugs test and failed to attend- popular opinion whispers about his real life problem with exotic nose candy)

    For any sanction imposed by the civil court, the Football Association can apply additional sanctions to the club and player. Not perfect, but perhaps the US system could look to somethig similar?

  28. j davies says:

    Lock the feral beast up and be done with it. Ever notice how these ghetto sissy boys only attack in packs?


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