Ars Technica – 4/21/2006:

A report in the Wall Street Journal (subscription only) today talks about how eBay is looking for partners to defend against the growing threat of Google. Specifically, Google Base and the payment system in the works in Mountain View are seen as possible dangers to eBay’s auctions and PayPal payment operations, says the report. Google Talk just throws some salt in the wounds by looking for a toehold in Skype’s turf.

“After years of working closely with the search giant, eBay last year became alarmed as Google started assaulting its turf in multiple ways,” the report said.

The multitude of ways to infringe on eBay’s core business makes Google look dangerous. With an ally like Yahoo! or Microsoft, eBay hopes to stave off the threat and prevent Google from making any significant inroads to the auction and private payment markets.

Is this an example of keeping your friends close and your ememies closer?! Look what Microsoft did to Sega or IBM.

  1. Mike Caddick says:

    Why doesn’t eBay and its puppet, PayPal just reduce its fees, perhaps get rid of the obscene Final Value fees completely.
    They are no better than ISPs wanting a 2 tiered internet, taking money from you both comming and going.

  2. FriedTurkey says:

    Looking forward to a Google auction. It will bring down the fees of Ebay. I like Ebay but the fees are going up and up.


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