Looking for jobs Americans don’t want

The study, “At the Cross Roads: U.S./Mexico Border Counties in Transition,” was prepared for the U.S./Mexico Border Counties Coalition. The two-year study takes a unique approach by grouping the 24 counties along the border of Mexico as a “51st state” and comparing it to the rest of the country.

Among the findings:

–Border counties would rank No. 1 in federal crime as a 51st state, primarily because of drug and immigration arrests.

–If San Diego County is not included, border counties would rank last in per capita income. With San Diego County, border counties would rank 39th.

–If considered a 51st state, the border counties would rank 50th in percent of residents above the age of 25 who have completed high school.

–As a 51st state, border counties would rank last in the number of health care professionals available for residents.

Coalition officials are using the study to illustrate the problems facing the border when they meet with members of Congress.


The index for the whole report [each section is a separate .pdf] is here.

  1. SN says:

    “You must be using “No Child Left Behind” counting: #7, #8, #12, #19 “

    Mmm… let’s see. No mention of bombing in 7. 8 mentions bombing, but I already told you that. 12 mentions dirty nukes. Those are not bombs as they do not explode. Their intent is merely to kill living things with radioactivity. And lastly 19 mentions attaching explosives to random people in the US.

    Once again, instead of proving any point you may have you waste my time. Which only proves you have no point to make.

  2. rus62 says:

    I think #7 was inferring somewhat sarcasticly to President Polk and the Gasden purchase. Check your history. AB CD please correct me if I am wrong.

  3. FriedTurkey says:

    #34 – Oh are we playing word semantics? I guess I should’ve said “killing” instead of “bombing” for you. I think it’s kind of hypocritical of you becuase you said I called people racists when I never used the word “racist”.

    Which is a bigger leap in semantics?

    dirty bomb -> technically not a real bomb

    hating -> racists


  4. AB CD says:

    I forgot about the Gadsden purchase, but I was serious about trying to take over parts of Mexico. It worked for Calif, Ariz, New Mexico, and Texas. Just imagine how things would be if we had kept the country 160 years ago after it was conquered by William Scott.

  5. SN says:

    “Oh are we playing word semantics?”

    I’m not “playing” anything. You said and I quote: “Judging by the number of posts wanting to bomb Mexicans.” I responded and pointed out correctly that one and only one post talked about bombing Mexicans. There are no semantics involved. You were wrong, it’s that simple.

    “I think it’s kind of hypocritical of you because you said I called people racists when I never used the word “racist””

    But you did call people racist. What is racism? It’s hating a race based merely on their race. What did you say? Let’s look… “We exahusted (sp) hating gay people like in 2004. Dropping approval ratings. Must find a new group to hate….. Mexicans!” When you accuse people of hating a group based on race, you’re calling them racists. It’s that simple.

  6. FriedTurkey says:

    “Let’s look… ‘We exahusted (sp) hating gay people like in 2004. Dropping approval ratings. Must find a new group to hate….. Mexicans!’ When you accuse people of hating a group based on race, you’re calling them racists. It’s that simple.”

    Mexicans is not a race. It is a nationality. I can play too. 🙂

  7. Mr. Feeling Fantastic Fusion says:

    I had something to say, but this debate between Fried and SN is going pretty good.

    Hey guys, how about calling it a draw. In the past you both have posted very good ideas. Please don’t get too sidetracked into the personal crap and unimportant little things. I have respect for both of you guys (provided you are both guys).

  8. Mr. Feeling Fantastic Fusion says:


    Lovely picture. Was it hard to find? I sure hope it isn’t just the neighborhood kids again.

  9. SN says:

    “Hey guys, how about calling it a draw.”

    To what end? FriedTurkey claims to be in favor of allowing Mexicans to immigrate here, but he has not backed it up with even one argument, instead he has attacked those who disagree with him as being racist. FriedTurkey may be a genius in his other comments, but here’s he’s batting a big fat zero.

    FriedTurkey, if you’re in favor of allowing illegal immigrants to come to the US, tell us why. Your refusal to support your point of view only confirms my point that you’re trolling. I’ll start your next sentence for you…

    “I think Illegal immigrants should be allowed to come here because…”

  10. axe says:

    Fusion – Right, Turkey had made some good posts on other subjects but not on this one.

    Why call a draw when you are winning. SN and some of the others are right.

    PS: Glad to hear you’re feeling better.

  11. axe says:

    #35 and #37

    There is a Mexican joke told to me by a Mexican. I will paraphrase it:

    M1: I think the US should give us back Texas.
    M2: Why?
    M1: Look what they’ve done to it!
    M2: Too bad they didn’t take the rest of it.

  12. juquivar says:

    First things first, anyone who speaks Spanish and has dark skin is not a Mexican or an illegal immigrant. Illegal immigration is a problem as old as this country. Every new ethnic group that has immigrated to this country had suffered discrimination, just like Italian immigrants or Irish immigrants in the past; they too had no technical education and had to take the lowest paid jobs. Building a Berlin Wall or treating illegal immigrants as criminals will not solve the problem, although that would be the right solution for many of you.
    Go back to the things that you understand geeks, to the easy subjects like how to run OS X, XP and Linux in your new Mac Mini.
    History repeats itself so many times that I am about to lose hope in human kind.

  13. SN says:

    “First things first, anyone who speaks Spanish and has dark skin is not a Mexican or an illegal immigrant.”

    No one said anything like that. So what’s your point?!

    “Illegal immigration is a problem as old as this country. “

    Not really. It would have been exceedingly difficult for someone from Poland, for example, to sneak across the border into the US. Illegal immigration into the US has always been a problem with Mexico, but the rest of the world tends to come here legally.

    “Building a Berlin Wall or treating illegal immigrants as criminals will not solve the problem, although that would be the right solution for many of you.”

    Are you saying a country has no right to deny citizenship? Because it certainly sounds like it.

    “Go back to the things that you understand geeks, to the easy subjects like how to run OS X, XP and Linux in your new Mac Mini.”

    Heck, why don’t you try understanding this subject before you post! You didn’t get one thing right! Immigration is a matter of national interest. All Americans have a right to comment on it.

  14. Mr. Feeling Fantastic Fusion says:

    First things first, anyone who speaks Spanish and has dark skin is not a Mexican or an illegal immigrant.

    Funny you mention it. Because I was thinking ALL the Mexicans I know have dark skins and speak Spanish. And most of them, as far as I can tell, are illegally in the country too. So if they are dark skinned and speak Spanish, who do you think they are?

    Every new ethnic group that has immigrated to this country had suffered discrimination, just like Italian immigrants or Irish immigrants in the past; they too had no technical education and had to take the lowest paid jobs.

    Not true. When the Irish and later the Italians came to America, skills and education were low tech. During the Irish period in the 1840s, most of the Irish were as literate as the average American and most had some skill. You see, those who could afford to escape Ireland to America were those with some money. These were for the most part the skilled craftsmen: coopers, shoemakers, blacksmiths, mechanics, carpenters, glass workers, etc. They might have been dirt poor by the time they got here, but they were not uneducated. By the time the Italians started coming at the turn of the century, literacy and skills in America had increased and the Italian skillset was different.

    Illegal immigration is a problem as old as this country.

    No, Immigration has been a concern only since the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882. Before then there were NO controls on who could enter the country. Since then immigration has been slowly tailored more towards the needs of America.

    treating illegal immigrants as criminals will not solve the problem,

    Smoking pot is illegal, if I get caught I can expect to be arrested.

    Liberating money from the bank is illegal, if I get caught I expect to be treated like a criminal.

    Beating my wife is illegal, and if I do it I fully expect to hauled off to jail.

    An old saying is if you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime I wouldn’t get much sympathy if I broke the laws I mentioned, so why should anyone else not be treated as a criminal if they too broke the law.

  15. joshua says:

    Just to make a small point. Even though Paul pretty much cleared the fallacy up.

    I was born and raised in a border state. We still offically live there and we still own and operate a ranch/farm there. My uncles own 2 ranch’s literally along the border and have for 30 years. I’m very familier with the problems that 11 million illegals present our local and state goverments when it comes to funding schools, and health care. Not to mention crime(in 2002, a total of 27 illegals were found dead, killed by human smugglers, 2003, 41 were found, 2004, 36 were found, including 7 on our property alone) and that’s just in one county. We had 2 border patrol agents killed and a guy who came here legally as a kid from Mexico and was working as security at a National Park near the border, killed when he stumbled upon 6 illegals sneaking through the park….that was just in 2003.
    California has 41 thousand illegals in the state prison system for felonies, and thats just 1 state.
    The toll isn’t just money, it’s all across the board. It affects everyone in the southwests living standards. In 1986….they gave amnesty to 3.5 million illegals and thought the problem was solved……guess they were wrong.

  16. Thomas says:

    Fried Turkey (apparently both are true),

    I’m all for allowing Mexicans to immigrate here. I’m all for allowing Mexicans to work here. Hell, I’m all for increasing the levels of legal immigration from Mexico. LEGAL immigration is not an issue.

    Answer this simple question: Should we have ANY limits on immigration? If no, then we should dismantle the border apparatus completely. If yes, then it is completely illogical to then say that we shouldn’t enforce whatever limit is imposed.

    Suggesting that the desire to enforce LEGAL immigration limits is somehow bigoted is the height of stupidity and entirely misses the core issue: we have immigration limits that are not being enforced and it has created a serious crime and cost issue in the border states.

    > …treating illegal immigrants as criminals will not solve the problem,

    Yogi Berra would be proud of this remark. How do you feel about treating people like human beings or dogs like animals or NFL players like athletes or flowers like plants? The adjective “illegal” applied to a person means that the person has committed a crime. In this case, that crime is bypassing the legal methods of immigration. Thus, by definition an illegal immigrant IS A CRIMINAL. You can’t have an “illegal” anything that isn’t criminal…otherwise, it would be legal!

    We can talk all we want about whether the immigration limits are too low and what is an appropriate level. That is not the issue. NO ONE questions that immigration is healthy for the country. The issue is that we have 11+ million people that selfishly decided to bypass the legal process for their own gain and are causing serious problems.


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