USA 747 tagged like a garbage can in the ghetto — This is unbelieveable. AND they have it all on tape. Don’t our security people do drills to keep this sort of thing from happening?

Too bad it’s an elaborate hoax as outlined here in FlightGlobal magazine. It was done to make us think about free speech and to promote Marc Ecko. In fact the FlightGlobal discussion is more interesting than the hoax since it proves that there are a lot of people who are looking for details. Yikes.

Looking at the nacelles, several correspondents observed that the colour blue (Boeing Pantene BAC 5070) is wrong and that the natural metal rings at the intake lips are not in the right proportions as the ones on the Air Force One aircraft. Furthermore, the bare metal area on the fuselage just ahead of the wing is not highly polished as it is on Air Force One 747s.

A couple of even keener readers wrote in to point out that the engines are the old type of General Electric GE CF6-50E as opposed to the latest GE CF6-80C that are on the VC-25As.

Curiously this well-done hoax came and went in about 40 hours with the national media completely oblivious to it. A great hoax has to reside in the public domain — before getting busted — longer than that to work well. In this instance the flat-footed media style of sleeping through the story served them well. Nobody was burned.

Click on this link to see the set of videos.

Found by Marc Perkel

  1. Jack Lear says:

    They have a legal disclaimer saying its a work of fiction:

    “You, the viewer of the preceeding are hereby advised that the video does not depict a real event. It is intended for the sole, limited and express purpose of entertainment and to induce you, the viewer of the video, to think critically about freedom of expression and speech and the government’s responses to the same.”

    So its pretty clear they weren’t ever intending to become one of the great hoaxes, or even trying to pull the wool over anyone’s eyes. Just make a statement in an interesting manner and grab some attention (and no doubt increase traffic to the site, promote their brand and make a quick buck).

    you can find the disclaimer @ which is linked to on the main ‘hoax’ page.

  2. Matt says:

    They only added the disclaimer after they were found out by an aviation group (link). Methinks someone’s game isn’t selling too well?

  3. david says:

    The most important thing the graffiti artist said in his reason for tagging Air Force One was NOT to operate in a perpespective of fear. NEVER trust anyone who uses fear to “protect” you. I don’t trust our president because he uses fear as the basis for his agenda. He shows tremendous weakness. A man who uses fear shows weakness– the most dishonorable type of weakness. A man who is truly powerful shows compassion and love because he is so powerful that fear does not enter his mind. A man who uses fear, uses it because he himself has fear in his mind. Think about that. President Bush is fearful. He has power as a president, NOT AS A MAN.

    Never walk in fear. Never be afraid of death. Death is inevitable. A man who takes the life of another shows his cowardness and *his* fear of that man’s power. The secret that I will tell you is this: NO man dies before his time IF HE IS FEARLESS. If you walk without fear you walk with God. No man can kill God. BUT, you must walk without fear. If you walk with fear then you traverse the Matrix and are open to the crossfire of mortal men.

    Without fear you are IMMORTAL. I don’t tell you that. God has said it from generation to generation.

    We’ve come to a time in a NEW American history where our mettle will be tested. It is not a time to fret, but rather a time for renewal and a time to demonstrate the strength that our founding fathers showed. A time to show our courage in the face of enemy, foreign or domestic, to protect Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. It was only by the COURAGE of people like George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, Paul Revere and others that our lives have been provided with safety to pursue our dreams. Those men were not afraid to die because they knew that a man was dead a long time before his heart stopped beating if tyranny told hold of man’s heart by tyrants striking fear in them. If fear is pumped through your veins then courage and love cannot. Your offspring, the next generations will suffer and call upon you in your graves for the freedom that was bestowed ON YOU, but that you had foresakened on posterity.

    Be smart. Use everything that you have learned up to now in your life. Trust your experiences. They have trained you. Look back at your life. All those times that you thought you were suffering or were alone in darkness you were being shone the light by the very fact that you are still here today. Those were lessons. You can make connections and start figuring out that life is your opportunity to realize the Truth about yourself. And that is that you carry a point in your body that is God. To protect yourself is to protect the hidden jewel that sees. Goodness is in you. The greatest secret ever known is that YOU ARE GOD. They don’t want you to know that. Because to KNOW that is to become God. Self expression is none other than God trying to express Himself in this physical plane. He cannot do it if someone, or some government, trys to suppress it by limiting freedom. If you obey someone that attempts to take away your right as a man to self-express then you disobey God. Proof that you are God is going to come.

  4. James Hill says:

    There’s a sucker posting every minute.

  5. q says:

    a poster like james hill i guess

  6. Tor says:

    Just saw that the video won an award — and is still being kinda reported on as if it had actually happened…

    So don´t we (reporters) even bother to google these days? (And, apparently, the company that made it has something around 1 billion in revenue. wow)


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