Woman in Los Angeles catches Black Death – World – Times Online — Ugh.

The woman probably caught the disease after being bitten by infected fleas in her home, said Dr Jonathan Fielding, the county’s director of public health.

Humans usually catch plague – known in medieval Europe as the Black Death – from the bites of fleas infected by dead rats. Bubonic plague is not itself contagious, but if left untreated it can morph into pneumonic plague, which can be spread from person to person.

  1. rwilliams254 says:

    Que David…

  2. Gary Marks says:

    Well, sure, she caught bubonic plague from local fleas, but did they have visas or were they ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT FLEAS?

    I’ve already heard talk of building a tiny wall to keep those creatures from crossing the border. It’s just a shame that it takes a tragedy like this to bring such an important issue to the fore.

  3. Bring out yer dead!

  4. Trimble Epic says:

    Good lord, this was last night’s episode of HOUSE.

  5. Phronk says:

    Did you know that the dudes with the scary masks use those lances to poke boils and make all the stuff inside come out? Gross. When I get the plague, they better stay away from me.

  6. Locke says:

    1. You guys are screwed.
    2. Gary, your a moron.
    3. Thank god it’s a bacterial disease; easily cureable.
    4. LOL! http://img369.imageshack.us/my.php?image=wtfcopy5xg.jpg

  7. doug says:

    one hates to *ahem* pick nits, but in Medieval Europe, it was not known as the ‘Black Plague’ that terminology was a later invention, 16th century I believe. It was known as ‘The Great Mortality’ in Europe and ‘The Year of Annihilation’ in the Islamic world.

  8. denise says:

    No kidding. Seeing the headline today, i was thinking the producers of House planned this. Kind of ironic that House would have an episode about the plague and then the media reports on one?? Seems to strange to be a coincidence.

  9. rus62 says:

    #2 – Speedy Gonzales brought them in. 🙂

  10. Floyd says:

    Clue: plague is found in places all over the Southwestern US, and is carried by ground squirrels as well as rats and mice. This isn’t news.

  11. JSFORBES says:

    No worries guys, House already solved this case.

  12. natefrog says:

    Apparently Locke isn’t a fan of Monty Python…

    “I’m getting better!”
    “No you’re not, you’ll be stone dead in a moment!”

    Props for the nice screen capture, though!

  13. Joanne Holman says:

    Cure for Black/Bubonic Plague :Two fresh eyes of newt simmered
    briskly with one toe of dog, hair of bat, tongue of frog, and wail of
    brat. simmer for 15 minutes, or until the stench gaggs the neighbors.
    Pick out the eyes, and swallow while still hot with a good swig of stolen
    rum by the light of a dying moon. Rub the remaining ingredients on
    any buboes you’ve developed (A little rum there wouldn’t hurt either),
    Run (or wobble) widdershins around the nearest willow tree chanting
    OUT LOUD “I’ll never eat rat again” at least 3 times. The more the
    better. Go home and sleep it off ,or go to the local hospital if you have
    insurance, or go quietly with the police if they’ve been watching all of this. But don’t let them kiss you or anything, just in case. If you chose to go to the hospital and you don’t live far enough west that they see a
    few cases every year, do set up a betting pool as to how many hours
    and minutes it will take them to diagnose it. Could be days. jh

  14. Gary Marks says:

    #13 Joanne, I’m pretty sure that recipe is straight out of an old Julia Child cookbook (didn’t she recommend foie gras for the appetizer?), but in the unlikely event I’m mistaken, that sounds downright terrific. I sure hope you’re working on something for the avian flu.

  15. andrewj says:

    The CDC has three employees that do nothing but travel the US and burn huge piles of plague infested squirrels. Problem is they should have a hundred.

  16. James Hill says:

    What do I call the Black Plague in California? A good start.

    [Insert Rimshot Here]

  17. Joanne Holman says:

    Now my brother lives in Great Cal, and he said everything bad dies
    from sunshine and positive peer pressure out there. Unless you’re
    in a gang of course, and we won’t talk about that. And I would really think it would be easy to get in to see a plastic surgeon with all of
    those unsightly buboes all over you. I didn’t think they allowed ugly out there. I thought that was what the midwest was for.

    And actually there is a cure for avian flu. It involves aged hagis, aged in oak and rare single malt scotch, mind you. Something you have to prepare for in advance as Walgreens doesn’t carry it. The world is
    depending on the Scots to save civilization as we know it. jh

  18. Joanne Holman says:

    #16 Andrewj – Who rats on the squirrels? Can I have a job? jh

  19. mookie says:

    Man That is terrible and Scary!!!


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