Ouch that hurts!.

Fallwell.com Can Stay

The U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to hear an appeal from the Rev. Jerry Falwell, who was seeking to shut down of a Web site carrying a similar name to his but bearing opposing views on gay people.

Falwell claims that a New York City man improperly draws people to the site (www.fallwell.com) by using a common misspelling of the reverend’s name as the site’s domain name.

But last year, the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals disagreed and said that Lamparello was free to operate his “gripe site” about Falwell’s views on gays.

Lamparello “clearly created his Web site intending only to provide a forum to criticize ideas, not to steal customers,” the appeals court said.

The Supreme Court refused Monday to take up the case.

Falwell’s Web site is more high-tech, with pictures of the minister, and sales material for books and videos. The Jerry Falwell Ministries site is http://www.falwell.com.

Lamparello’s Web site is mainly in black and white, with no photographs or items for sale. He says that Falwell is wrong in preaching that gay people are sinners who can change. At the top of the site a disclaimer reads: “This Web site is NOT affiliated with Rev. Dr. Jerry Falwell or his ministry.”

Related Link: Fallwell.com

  1. RTaylor says:

    Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
    With the cross of Jesus going on before……
    Gays are safe targets because of their average low numbers in middle America. You got to have bogey men to rally the troops and keep the donations flowing. Are these evangelist dangerous playing with the shallow end of the gene pool, certainly. Religious leaders have been inciting riots and violence since there’s been religious leaders. I’ve repeated this statement several times here, you posters expect too much of the human animal.

  2. david says:

    Jerry Falwell has contempt for gays like Hasidic Jew have contempt for non-jews. You can read about my experience today at the Cage Match Forum (Fight Club; Bare Knuckle Boxing). WARNING: some will be offended. I am being 100$ HONEST and objective. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK:


  3. Gig says:

    I think it is interesting that this Court who all the liberals thought was going to put an end to constitutional freedoms has been pretty damn pro-freedom so far.

  4. Sounds The Alarm says:

    re #3 – agreed.

  5. Greg V. says:

    Wow, thank you Fallwell.com for an awesome quote:

    “I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.”

    — Susan B. Anthony

  6. gquaglia says:

    Ref #3 That has always been the position of the left. The right will take away your freedom, elect far lefties to guantee abortion on demand, legalized pot, higher taxes, socialized medicine, ect. Scare tatics that apparently have no merit…

  7. natefrog says:

    Re: #3, 4, &6

    I hardly think such a brief time period (about six months?) is a long enough sample period to make any definitive conclusions about how this Court will/has interpreted the law. Especially when you consider the relatively small number of cases that work their way up high enough to even be noticed by the Supreme Court. . .

  8. Sean Chitwood says:

    Actually, deciding not to hear a case does nothing to promote freedom. Lets wait until we have some real decisions to decide whether they are supporting freedom.

    In my eyes, there was no disagreement between appelate courts and there was no major Constitutional issue here. In otherwords it wasn’t a place the Supreme Court was needed.

  9. neil says:

    and the right gets elected for conservative judges to overturn roe v wade…?

    if the left says vote for me to help preserve roe v wade, its not a scare tactic when the right promises to do the opposite.

    we don’t have anything to complain about yet. let’s just hope, alito isn’t another scalia (read; nut).

    but do we really need a website to tell us falwell is a hateful bigot?

  10. Mr. \ says:

    but do we really need a website to tell us falwell is a hateful bigot?
    Comment by neil — 4/18/2006 @ 4:26 pm

    No more then we need a web site to allow Falwell to advance his agenda.

  11. Dark Firebird says:

    It’s about time someone shut Fallwell down. If only the Lord Almighty would intervene himself, though…

  12. rus62 says:

    I would have to say I am probably agnostic and am not one to agree with Mr. Falwell all of the time but I will say this about him:

    1. He did not have an affair and cry about it on tv.
    2. He did not have a child out of wedlock and have an organization help pay for it.
    3. He did not ask for 1 million dollars and say God would call him if he did not get it.
    4. When asked several times he did go to PTL after their scandal only to find out somebody really messed this store up which would be like going into Enron after their scandal but still be accused of trying to take over it.
    5. He did not say this storm ravaged you because God was punishing you.
    6. He did not call for a foreign dictator to be killed.

    He has his convictions and he stands by them. I respect that whether or not I agree with him.

    But Mr. Falwell, sometimes when you become successful people will criticize you and disagree with you. Just ask Lou Dobbs of CNN, John Dvorak, or someone else. You just can’t please them all.

    May God bless you sir.

  13. Mr. Going Nuclear Fusion says:

    Hhmmm, didn’t Falwell blame America for 9/11? Because of our leniency towards homosexuals God punished us.

  14. GregAllen says:

    To rus62,

    Even though I’m an evanglical Christian with fundamentalist roots, I have no admiration of Jerry Falwell. HIs sins aren’t the same as Swaggart, instead he has all his own. Falwell’s sins have more to do with cynical power grubbing.

    A good — and entertaining — insider look Falwell and the Saggart scandals are “The Eyes of Tammy Faye.” Highly recommended!

    As for the ISP… i just don’t get why guys like him don’t register every possibly mispelling of the real web site. If they don’t do it, the pornographers and phishers will!

  15. Gary Marks says:

    I think the misspelled “Fallwell” website makes a pretty good point that so many evangelical leaders dishonor their own religion by picking and choosing only those principles that match their pre-existing beliefs. By God, Rev. Falwell DESERVES ridicule — he worked damn hard for it! Until he starts preaching against the sin of those who eat shellfish (an abomination according to the Bible) as vociferously as he preaches against gays, then he is earning his own special place in hell as a hypocrite. By the way, looking at the good Reverend, one can’t help but ask “When was the sin of gluttony repealed?”

  16. rus62 says:

    GregAllen – Personally I like Billy Graham. He’s just a man that is hard to dislike. No, he is not perfect either.

    As with your opinion with Falwell – I don’t disagree with you. I think we all have sins of our own. As for power grubbing, there’s a lot those people out there on both sides of the fence.

    Yes, Tammy Faye lives close by to me. She’s something else. A very friendly person. Although I wish her the best and a healthy recovery I will not pay a penny to the people involved with PTL for anything. But I see she got you.

  17. rus62 says:

    “Hhmmm, didn’t Falwell blame America for 9/11? ”

    #15 So did some liberals but who cares!

  18. rus62 says:

    GregAllen – I forgot to add so you’re from the religious left? So is my Mom.

    Another thing I forgot to add is that during the PTL scandal I was hounded because a few of the press thought I was related or involved and I hadn’t been to church in about 18 years at the time, was not related, or new anybody involved. I was nice at first but after a while I got fed up and started using the words like FO and S**k this since the polite way was not working. I did not use the Lord’s name in vane though because my Mother with the help of Madge taught me not to. May Madge RIP.

  19. GregAllen says:


    I have become a little bit of a fan of Tammy Faye, mostly because of that movie. She struck me as a redemptive figure… and maybe even a genuine one. I don’t support televangelists but I find them fascinating like a freak show.

    I’m not exactly a liberal Christian. There isn’t a good name for what I am, although there are millions like me.

    I’m from the “Northern Bible Belt” and am personally quite conservative but have a strong sense of social contract making me politically liberal.

  20. Mr. Gone Nuclear Fusion says:

    He has his convictions and he stands by them. I respect that whether or not I agree with him.

    But Mr. Falwell, sometimes when you become successful people will criticize you and disagree with you. Just ask Lou Dobbs of CNN, John Dvorak, or someone else. You just can’t please them all.

    Comment by rus62 — 4/18/2006 @ 7:22 pm

    “Hhmmm, didn’t Falwell blame America for 9/11? ”
    #15 So did some liberals but who cares!
    Comment by rus62 — 4/18/2006 @ 8:28 pm

    Falwell has put himself on a pedestal as a perfect loving Christian. Yet he ignores Jesus’ preaching of LOVE. Instead Falwell preached HATE and FEAR, as do most of these “Christian” leaders.

    So who cares? Certainly not the person who just gave us a whole lecture on how good Falwell is. This article is about Falwell, not “liberals”.

  21. rus62 says:

    #21 I wasn’t being derogatory toward her.

  22. Gig says:

    #15 Wasn’t that Pat Robertson?

  23. AB CD says:

    Clinton blamed America for 9/11 too. His reason was as punishment for slavery.

  24. rus62 says:

    #25 That was good!

  25. Mr. Blowed Up Real Good Fusion says:

    Clinton blamed America for 9/11 too. His reason was as punishment for slavery.
    Comment by AB CD

    OK, I give, who the heck are you? You always post such asinine thoughts you can’t be real. You just have to be a shill trying to stir up some controversy. C’mon, expose yourself. I wouldn’t want to try guessing your alter ego in case I offend someone.

  26. rus62 says:

    #22 – Sorry I didn’t scroll up.

    “Falwell has put himself on a pedestal as a perfect loving Christian. Yet he ignores Jesus’ preaching of LOVE.”

    Did he alone put himself on a pedestal? I believe he had followers just like most religious leaders do.

    I did say I did not always agree with him but I do respect his convictions…Freedom of Religion – US Constitution.
    Trust me, I don’t

    I bet if he puts up a similar type website Lesbow.org and does the same would they bitch and complain and take him to court? They would at least do the first 2 and if they could they would probably try to get him for a hate crime.

    ” Instead Falwell preached HATE and FEAR, as do most of these “Christian” leaders. ”
    Yeah, So does Pat Robertson, JJ, and others in Christianity and other religious leaders and their religions. Isn’t that a part of Christianity to fear God?

    I feared the wrath of my father first, he was a lot closer to me everyday.

    #21 – Maybe I got you confused with someone in the cage match with the same name who said he was a liberal. Sorry if I was wrong.

  27. rus62 says:

    Fusion – One more. I hope my friends/family don’t find out I tried to stick up for Falwell. They will wonder what medicine I am on.

  28. Dark Firebird says:

    Didn’t Falwell think one of the Teletubbies was gay? *insert suspic here*


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