UPDATE: Katie had a girl. No news on the placenta eating yet! And of course he’s now denying he was ever serious about this.

RTE.ie Entertainment – Cruise to eat nutritious placenta — If this ran on April first it would make more sense. What is wrong with this guy? First of all he’s obviously never been in a room with a woman giving birth. If Katie starts to scream, what’s he going to do? Divorce her? Then there is this “eat the placent” thing. YUK!

The guy is messing with us, right?

Cruise told GQ magazine: “I’m gonna eat the placenta. I thought that would be good. Very nutritious. I’m gonna eat the cord and the placenta right there.”

Cruise has also claimed he knew that Katie Holmes was pregnant before she told him.

He has also defended the Scientology belief that women should give birth in silence.

with placenta Lecter recommends:
fava beans and Beaujolais

related links:
placenta recipes

  1. Rosco says:

    It’s a girl.

    “Details surrounding the birth, which was planned under the tenets of the Church of Scientology as a silent procedure, weren’t disclosed.”
    I think we’re all better off

  2. brian says:

    This whole thing is jacked up. This guy is a magnet for stupidity.

  3. Angel H. Wong says:

    It could be worse, Katie holmes would have used it to scrub her hair.

  4. Adam Doupe says:

    This really makes me want to never see a Tom Cruise movie again. Man, he is wierd!

  5. gquaglia says:

    He is a certified wack job, no doubt. He should try the koolaid instead, oh wait, he’s a scientologist, he already did!

  6. Jim says:

    This proves it?! What was all of the previous evidence?

  7. dD says:

    Waste not want not…

  8. Diane Ensey says:

    Ugh – I had to read this before dinner – spaghetti!

  9. Mark T. says:

    Mmmm mmm! What a weirdo! Do you suppose there is a little habachi in the delivery room?

    I think the real Mission Impossible will be to watch MI:3 without hurling!

  10. NCN says:

    He was on primetime last week, and he totally made a joke about this…
    he was saying this in jest, just joking around.
    if you read the whole article, you will see that he was poking fun at himself…
    we live in a “headline” driven society, and this headline has taken over the net…
    nobody actually takes the time to read the whole thing…

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    The Placenta Helper was a bit over the top. Funny as heck, but still,…

    Paul, I bet I could create a more realistic “religion” in 14 minutes.

    It would be based around the peoples need to celebrate ourselves and relax at the same time. There would be three great Inspirations, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Great Pumpkin to lead us to fulfillment and enlightenment. There would be three festival seasons based around the Inspirations, each leading up to and culminating in a day of blessing.

    Ok, that took 6 minutes. The next eight will be to work out some details.

  12. Mr. "Festive" Fusion the Glorius says:

    And eating placenta or boycotting South Park is not a requirment.

  13. Paul says:

    Dude, he divorced nicole kidman. Do we really need any more proof?

  14. Rick says:

    I realized once, while talking to my kids, that sometimes there are just times when one has to use words that are otherwise unbecoming…I was talking to my daughter who was deep into rationalizing something and I finally just had to say, leaving that ‘don’t swear’ thing aside, that she was BS-ing me…there really was no other way that carried the weight to say that she was giving me a long and winding load of rationalization that even she didn’t believe…it was pure BS and I realized I needed to come clean and just say it as it was…

    Sure, that has nothing to do with this comment…except that I am apologizing up-front for the actual word that springs to mind when a man says a woman “should” deliver a baby in silence…but, it is really the only way to say what I mean…and when I read this all I could things was:

    “what a dick.”

  15. rus62 says:

    I just wonder how long it will take to fully deprogam Katie once she starts to come to her senses and leaves him.

  16. GregAllen says:

    I’ve heard of this before but I thought it was the women who did it.

    So I google it but came up with this placenta recipe site that Tom will want to check out:


    The counter says it has had almost 50,000 hits!

  17. Ballenger says:

    That’s a great graphic, but I don’t think Placenta can be “Helped”.

  18. Mark T. says:

    Rick, that was beautiful, man! You brought a tear to my eye (sniff).

    I wonder if Tom divorced Nicole or if NIcole wised up and ran for the hills. If the whole placenta story is true, I now can understand why she adopted a child instead.

    Anyway, I can’t wait for the next Scientology episode of South Park. If they showed Christopher Reeve sucking on aborted fetuses in order to get their stem cells, imagine what a field day they will have with Tom Cruise eating a placenta!

    If the placenta story is false, Cruise needs to re-hire his old publicist. He obviously sucks at creating positive pre-movie-release buzz.

  19. site admin says:

    Hey I suggested that he was messing with us regarding the placenta. But the silence thing I am certain he’s quite serious about.

    The placenta thing is funnier, though.

  20. jerryg says:

    He was making a joke people

    It’s funny how news services jump all over this type of gossip.

    All the crackpot websites that didn’t pick up it was a joke should be banished from the face of the earth 🙂

  21. Jesus says:

    I agree John. This has to be some ploy that he’ll reveal to be false at a later date to show how he has such a fantastic sense of humour and serve as a basis of subterfuge for his PR as he says even more outrageous things in the future. It will be easy to just tell him to shut-up as his new PR team professes to all those easily conned how it is just another joke like the one about the placenta. Bah-dump-bump “You guys remember that gut-buster? Yeah, that’s just like this one. Really!” But if it is true, this guy is the craziest Mofo that has ever walked the modern landscape and should be sent out in defense of all if they ever clone a T-rex and it runs rampant through the cities.

  22. david says:

    Placenta. It don’t look appetizing. Silence? That is man going against Nature again. I don’t understand why it is that man has a penchant upon going against what is natural. I think it may have something to do with ego trying to prove something. If Tom really wants to prove he’s macho during his wife’s pregnancy why doesn’t he prove it with his own body by letting a sadistic nurse shove a watermelon up his ass and see if he stays quiet.

  23. squidboy says:

    placenta eating after birth is actually quite common. however, it is usually done by the woman who gave birth.
    some people bury the placenta while planting a tree in their yard. apparently it can be quite nutritious.

  24. jim says:

    I know a mid wife who would cook her placenta into a stew and eat it. It is a fairly common thing for some people. Yes, TC is a wack job.

  25. Rani Pellet says:

    Yuck!!!!!!!!!! Some things are not meant to be shared or eaten, even if some people do it. Why share that information?

  26. Tom Nelson says:

    Guess Tom hasn’t quite reached the “clear” stage! His cult handlers must cringe a lot but I am sure they are quite “clear” on the amount of money he’s giving!!

  27. site admin says:

    Placenta pot-pie. Who’d know?

    Ever go to Cornwall and have a pasty? I think it’s used there.

  28. Me says:

    Tom should run for President under the banner of the Whackjob party.

  29. rus62 says:

    Buen provecho!

  30. Wayne says:

    Ok…maybe he WAS willing to eat the placenta…

    …but then he SAW the placenta.

    Which would probably make you want to give up food altogether. And sex.


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