So I’m getting on a plane at John Wayne International Airport in Orange County and there are a slew of these wheelchairs that seem to be designated for members of the Screen Actors Guild. What gives?
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Often a term used in Bicycle tours to describe the support and assistance vehicle.
Some people believe that the term derives from the verb “sag”, others maintain that it is an acronym for “Support And Gear.”
They mispelled HAG. btw, they named an airport after John Wayne?!? I thought Ronald Reagan was the only actor to have an airport named after him.
Thats not for the Screen Actors Guild, those are for old people as their skin tends to SAG. DUH!
They swiped them from the Sagwon Airport in Sagwon Alaska (SAG).
I thought it refereed to Slow And Gullible?
John Wayne lived in Newport Beach, just a few miles from Orange County Airport. After he died, the county renamed the airport in his honor, and planted a huge bronze statue of him in front of the terminal.
Too bad it still has that insanely short runway. I’m amazed no 757 has run off the end yet.
John Wayne also lived in Sequim, Washington, where there is a marina named after him.
I used to live just a few blocks from John Wayne Airport. It is a model of what local airports should be all about. A smallish single terminal, modern and well lit. The whole airport is about the size of just one terminal at LAX. Great parking, no hassle traveling.
Runways are sized properly for FAA requirements. What is most disconcerting to people is the steep climbout after takeoff, required in order to reduce noise over Newport Beach. Upon takeoff, the airplane climbs at a very steep angle, and then basically idles the engines, while traveling in a ballistic trajectory, cranking up the engines only when it is back out over the sea. Often pilots announce the manouvers in advance, because with some planes putting the engines at fast idle makes people think that they are not running anymore, resulting in lots of alarmed looks.
The last flight is at 11PM in order to manage noise, starting up again at 7AM or so. Even so, and considering the size, John Wayne has an excellent ‘menu’ of flights, since it connects to most major hubs with a wide variety of companies.
People actually take little 20 minute commuter flights to LAX from John Wayne rather than deal with the hassle of driving, parking and checking in through LAX itself.
Airport code is SNA for Santa Ana, which is the city next door.
Highly recommended.
SAG stands for Sierra Aviation Group. Its the company that employs the people who assist those who need wheelchairs, or the visually or hearing impaired.