For my next trick I will make the critics disappear!

DefenseLINK News: Rumsfeld: U.S. Must Stand by Principles in Face of War Opponents — This is directly from a government press release. This guy is losing it.

WASHINGTON, April 17, 2006 – Nobody likes war and every U.S. conflict since the Revolutionary War has had its critics, but some things are worth fighting for, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said today on the “Rush Limbaugh Show.”

“There have always been people who have opposed wars. Wars are terrible things,” the secretary said on the syndicated radio program. But if the United States had bowed throughout its history to critics and opponents of war, he said the country wouldn’t exist as it does today.

“We wouldn’t have won the Revolutionary War and we wouldn’t have been involved in World War I or II,” the secretary told Limbaugh. “And if we had, we would have failed, and our country would be a totally different place if it existed at all, if every time there were some critics that we tossed in the towel.”

As just as with these past conflicts, the stakes in the global war on terror couldn’t be higher, Rumsfeld said. “What’s at stake for our country is our way of life. (Terrorists) want to strike at the very essence of what we are … free people,” he said.

related link:
Rumsfeld says h’e untouchable and everything will blow over

  1. Mr.Cranky Fusion says:

    AB CD

    Got a link? My recollection of the 9/11 Commission was that there was NO alliance between Iraq and Al Quada. The two were opposites, Iraq was a secular nation and al Quada was a religious movement. All evidence of meetings between Iraq and bin Laden was dubious. In other words, the two just didn’t trust each other. I am amazed that you still are spouting Bush’s reasons for war YEARS after they have been refuted.

    Your other comment about the US and USSR being allies is true. Although reluctant allies at best. It was the conclusion of WWII that saw the Cold War start between the worlds two strongest powers.

  2. rus62 says:

    This latest General stated on TV that this invasion had been in the planning for 10 years and that Rumsfeld had reduced the number of troops going into Iraq. He sounded sincere and credible.

    You see, if we had Cohen as our Defense Secretary we would have used the correct number of troops and would have been out of there in time for Iran. Aaah, Cohen, isn’t he the one that went on the “It’s OK to Lie Under Oath” tour with Gore and Albright?

    And that Wesley Clarke, I like how he jumped in as the 7th ex-General. In case you don’t know Wesley you are an official Democrat and everybody expects you to disagree with the Republican White House.

    I’m just glad we didn’t have the non-military press on shore at D-Day (like we did in Samalia) or during the Battle of the Bulge. They would have persuaded us into quitting.

  3. GregAllen says:

    ME Lets see, Rummy’s trying to modernize the military and a few old fossils retire and criticize him. Big Deal.

    That’s the White House SPIN on this. You’ve done a good job parroting it. But the real issues is that these guys — who are hardly old detached geezers — are speaking up about the bungled war in Iraq.

    There were just as many retired Generals criticising Clinton, but because he was a liberal the media gave them no airplay.

    But the conservatives sure did! NOW those same people hypocritically claim that no one should be allowed to criticize a war-time president.

    Things are going fine.

    You gotta be kidding me! You think this is going fine! Thousands dead and HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS of our tax dollars thrown down a rat hole — and we are worse off than before!

    AB CD >>Try reading the 9/11 Commission report. Look up the phrase boogie to Baghdad. Or do you not consider that very convincing either?

    I did try reading it (not every word, I confess) but I also carefully read some analysis of it. It pretty much debunked the very claims you make.

    If what you say is true, then why aren’t the Whitehouse spin doctors writing it in the sky? Sending it up on rockets? Running infomercials about it? They would do that and more! Their guy dearly needs vindication about now.

  4. Awake says:

    Did anyone notice how in today’s news conference, Rumsfeld spoke extensively about how he modernized the military, realigned this, consolidated that, closed many bases, and so on and so on, but never spoke about his performance as the leader of the military in the Iraq quagmire? Whenever he was asked about the criticism about his leadership, which is specifically targeted at his performance in conducting a war in Iraq, he just twisted the question and talked about utterly unrelated matters?
    The guy is about as sleazy as they get.
    Watch the man speak, and tell me that you don’t see a psychopathic jerk underneath the suit and tie.


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