Biting off too much?

Oracle contemplates Linux distro – — More mud. Mmmm, good pie!

In an effort to create a complete software stack, Oracle is considering to create its own Linux distribution, the company’s chief executive Larry Ellison said in an interview with the Financial Times.

“I’d like to have a complete stack,” Ellison said. “We’re missing an operating system. You could argue that it makes a lot of sense for us to look at distributing and supporting Linux.”

related link:
Oracle thinking about buying Novell?

  1. blank says:

    Oh man, that’s an excellent photo of Larry. Classic.

    I haven’t laughed that long in a long time.

  2. stalinvlad says:

    Hmm, will we be able to publish a benchmark?

    Hey do you suppose that NDA about Oracle & benchmarks is to hide the fact it ain’t that good?

  3. bill says:

    Oracle should pair up with Apple and crush everyone else into dust.

  4. Pete says:

    My only comment to this is “Oh no, not ANOTHER linux distro” – it’s about time these companies got together and benefitted from some economy of scale. If there were just two or three distros out there, the companies developing them *might* have enough clout to make a real dent in the MS/Apple duopoly… but I guess hell will freeze over before that happens :\

  5. Per says:

    For me it feel likes a “me too” project. Remember that oracle made a web-browser in 95,96 or 97 that was horribly slow, and the web was evolving fast back then so they hade a problem keeping it updated. They hade no real commitment to develop their browser becouse they could not tie it to there other products and be standard complaisant.

    There will not be a distro, if they can’t give a bussiness case where there need, tie down to other products, to create their own operatingsystem.

  6. James Hill says:

    What in God’s name would want to make Apple team up with that group of Bozos?

  7. Canada Drew says:

    Oracle is the new “Computer Associates”!

    As far as a comment on the picture – you are what you eat!

  8. Purple Avenger says:

    Snort. Another wonderful way to flush dollars down the drain.


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