Just remember: Duck and cover. Duck and cover. (If you are too young to have a clue as to what that means, ask your parents or (damn, I’m getting old) your grandparents).

MOSCOW TIMES: Top Missile Designer Says Russia’s Covered

In a rare news conference, the designer of Russia’s intercontinental ballistic missiles dismissed on Thursday a warning that Russia was falling behind the United States in the number of active nuclear warheads it has and said his Topol-M and Bulava missiles would serve as a sufficient deterrent until at least 2040.

“I assure you that the number of active warheads the strategic nuclear forces will have in 2015 and even in 2020 will be no less than 2,000,” said Yury Solomonov, head and chief designer at the Moscow Institute of Thermal Technology, Russia’s leading designer of intercontinental missiles.

The design of the Topol-M and Bulava should remain superior to all ballistic missiles operated by foreign countries for the next 15 to 20 years, and they will form the core of the Russian nuclear forces for the next 35 years, Solomonov said. “Russians can sleep peacefully through 2040,” he assured reporters.

He said the two missiles were second to none in surviving a nuclear strike or an attempt to destroy them by laser beams.

They also can easily penetrate any missile shield, including the fledgling U.S. national missile defense system, Solomonov said.

  1. rctaylor says:

    They’re more afraid of China than us. This is about respect and security, not world domination. War heads have to be replaced. The radiation breaks down electronics, and even the metal casings. Rockets age and needs replacement. We need to keep the folks at Oak Ridge employeed.

  2. gquaglia says:

    “He said the two missiles were second to none in surviving a nuclear strike or an attempt to destroy them by laser beams.”

    “They also can easily penetrate any missile shield, including the fledgling U.S. national missile defense system, Solomonov said.”

    Weird, sound surprisingly like the Iranian President when he was bosting about his new super ship missle that could not be stopped. I guess not so surprising as that missle was probably procured from Russia in the first place.
    Alot of this is Russia trying to deal with the reality that they are no longer a super power. Sure they have nukes, but their economy is in shambles, AIDS and organized crime is running rampant. Their populous is mostly poor and they can’t even pay their military. On the other hand China is on the way up and in my opinion is the worlds 2nd super power besides the US.

  3. axe says:

    I really don’t want to find out who is right concerning these weapons. I do know the “Star Wars” tactic won’t work again.

    You’re not getting old they’re getting younger 🙂

  4. dD says:

    Hang on, better go check that can opener’s still in the bomb shelter…

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    What gave you the idea the cold war is over?
    Well, the kids have stopped fighting, their snow fort melted a few weeks ago.

  6. axe says:

    Actually the cold war has not ended it has changed slightly.

    Terrorists want to kill our economy.
    China wants control of our economy.
    Russia just wants an economy.

    Just look at the changes in the last 15 years. It use to be hard to ship just a pc to Russia (USSR) or China. Now China makes them for us. My Tecra was made in China and you have Lenova. And they (Russia and China) still have missles pointed as us. I think the USSR and the USA lost the cold war and China may have won.

  7. John Wofford says:

    The Russian people can sleep peacefully until 2040? All those aging nukes, rotting away chemically, electronically and physically, and of course, their grand success in the little town of Chernobyl. Might need a sleep aid.


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