I’m always amused when the writers at the Simpson’s pull out weird gags and slip them past the censors. I saw this one (above) last week. My all time fav was Principal Skinner asking someone to cut open his “ball sack.” Astonishing.

  1. Rod C says:

    That’s the best thing about the Simpsons… you can keep watching the repeats because of these ‘hidden’ nuggets throughout.

  2. blank says:

    There was another episode, “Tales from the Public Domain”, about the Trojan Horse. The Trojans were collecting a bunch of wooden animals inside their city.

    When they added the horse, one of the Trojans was commenting on how great their collection of wooden animals were and said: “Now throughout history when people get wood, they’ll think of Trojans!”

  3. Mike Caddick says:

    It was asking a hamster to gnaw through his ball sack I think.
    Might be wrong though, it was a long time ago I saw that ep.
    Another good one was when Homer announced he was giving Dr Hibbert a ‘Hot Meat Injection’.

    Classic stuff.

  4. ECA says:

    simpsons, Futurama, south park, ren and stimpy….Love them all..

  5. site admin says:

    Unsure about the ball sack one myself, but Skinner was stuck in a sack of basketballs as I recall. You may be right. I personally thought that one was pretty bad (and funny).

  6. Rick says:

    I think the job being done by South Park is amazing…they continue to make their point clearly, to stay true to poking fun at EVERYTHING including themselves, and pushing every boundary. It is easy to imagine such an effort falling into trite and obvious jabs, but these guys have really managed some serious meta-level stuff…without getting high and mighty. They can thank Tom Cruise for allowing them to really show off what they have to say.

  7. Jeremy says:

    The Simpsons and SpongeBob are so well written everyone in the room gets a laugh.

    When I first saw SpongeBob, I didn’t understand why people where watching it, then I started to listen to what they were saying. The writting is for young and old.

    As for the simpsons, I don’t think anything will pass them up, maybe when the lexcon changes to much for it to make since.

  8. Skippy says:

    The ball sack joke was that the children had tied Principal Skinner up in a large basketball sack so that they could control the school, and at the end of the episode, when the school hamster got loose, he said to the hamster, “Now, chew through my ball sack!”

  9. baalhazor says:

    My favorite is when Homer becomes a farmer and walks into a seed store called “Sneed’s Feed & Seed” (Formerly Chuck’s).

    Yeah, it took me a few minutes to get it too. Just try to think of words that rhyme with “Chuck’s”.

  10. Mike Voice says:

    Yeah, it took me a few minutes to get it too. Just try to think of words that rhyme with “Chuck’s”.

    Man, I must be slowing down… that one made it right by me. [heavy sigh…]

    Thanks for helping me “get it”. 🙂

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    #10 That took me almost a minute to get. But I’m still chuckling, thanks for the help.

    Mike, are you feeling old too?

  12. mr pither says:

    another fun one, i think also from the ball sack episode, involved groundskeeper willy telling skinner “you won’t have yer willy to slap around any more” (paraphrased).

  13. I missed that ep–but that sounds SO damn funny! 🙂


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