Terrorist threat

Passenger Detained Over Song Choice – Yahoo! News Of you haven’t been to the Cage Match Forums..this is one of the topics beging debated. I remember when I was a kid and we were commonly told about how horrible Cuba was because people were encouraged to fink on each other for anything possible. Now in both Britain and the USA we have a “Report Suspicious Activity” policy that results in stories like this.

Mann asked the driver to play “London Calling” by the Clash as they headed for Tees Valley International Airport near Darlington in northern England on March 30, news reports said.

The lyrics include the words “London calling from the faraway towns, now war is declared and battle come down/ London calling to the underworld, come out of the cupboard, you boys and girls.”

Mann, 24, also asked the driver to play “Immigrant Song” by Led Zeppelin, which begins, “The hammer of the gods will drive our ships to new lands, to fight the horde singing and crying Valhalla, I’m coming!”

The driver alerted airport authorities and Mann was arrested as he boarded a flight for London’s Heathrow Airport. He missed the flight and later took a taxi home.

  1. blank says:

    SO many questions need to be asked.

    1. Passengers actually ask for songs to be played in a taxi? Whenever I’m in a taxi I just want to get to where I’m going…I could care less what’s on the radio. If I want to hear a song, I’ll play it to myself on my iPod.

    2. The taxi driver actually understood the lyrics being sung? If he was suspicious because of the contents of the lyrics, he would have had to of heard them as they were being played. Else, he would have already known the lyrics to the songs beforehand…but if he already knew them, he would probably already be a fan or at least knew they were pretty harmless songs. Like I couldn’t tell you one lyric from a Garth Brooks song, but know lots of lyrics from The Beatles and Led Zeppelin because I’m a fan.

    3. The passenger wanted to hear songs from The Clash and Led Zeppelin….which means he must have missed the history of the British Punk movement, which was so anti Led Zeppelin among other things. To think that 25 years after their hey-day of both bands they’re still causing trouble is pretty amazing.

    (Ok, that last point was pretty lame on my part as someone can of course be a fan of both bands, as I am. But it’s always good when listing points to have at least 3….so I threw that one in there).

  2. JB Cole says:

    This sounds like one of those urban legends. Or, stories from the height of Stalinism. One of the two.

  3. Animagnum says:

    Why can’t they detain people for listening to crap like Barry Manilow and Journey?


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