People who are going to comment on blog posts should familiarize themselves with the comment guidelines. This is a moderated blog and not everything gets posted. We are now making an effort to kill what I call “time-related-criticism” which is of little or no value to readers and does nothing more than interrupt the comment flow. An example of this is: “This is old news and was on Uncle Ben’s blog two weeks ago.” This has no positive value to the readers and is insulting. Everything on a blog has usually appeared someplace else at some time. That’s generally how blogs operate.

If people disagree with any of these policies they can be debated on the Cage Match Forum

The Management

  1. adam says:

    Good Idea John… now if you could just mention this to Kevin Rose (please do) the digg community would be very grateful.

  2. Eric Phillips says:

    This is old news and was on Uncle Ben’s blog two weeks ago when they updated their rules for commenting.

  3. Chris Silva says:

    This blog is rated M for mature. On a more serious note, I believe this is crucial for any blog or business to survive…cut the clutter and make do with what you are getting!

  4. tcmoore says:

    Since registration on the blog is completely worthless, why don’t you freeze registration. Then let those of us with accounts post directly without moderation. Call it Membership Rewards.

  5. axe says:

    “This is old news and was on Uncle Ben’s blog two weeks ago.”

    True, John and the other editors on this site, but usually this is one or two lines so I believe most of us just skip it. Actually it makes the person saying it look like an idiot, like in elementary school or jr. high. I take it as insulting himself or herself and not the editor or poster. Maybe you should steer these people toward

  6. Jim W. says:

    How about asking people to post a link to “Uncle Bobs” “old news” so we can read what he and his posters think about the topic? Isn’t that “…generally how blogs operate.”, too?

  7. rus62 says:

    “This is old news and was on Uncle Ben’s blog two weeks ago.”

    Well, I must admit I am one (of the few) who didn’t know about the OJ Simpson saga until 3 weeks after it happened. Where was I? Another continent. So sometimes some of us might miss something that may be two weeks old. Yeah, even today you can’t always be constantly wired to the internet/news.

    I hope this isn’t time related criticism.

  8. Sean says:


    You beat me to it. I was going to say, “This is a dupe!”. Oh well.

  9. Milo says:

    John I used to like your blog but lately all you do is post liberal propaganda bashing Bush. These new liberal blog rules will give further aid and comfort to our terrorist enemies. You should really stick to tech issues because there you know what you are talking about. Clinton posted over 300 000 blog entries that complained about repeat stories but none of you liberal lefties ever mention that. Hopefully you will come to your senses and stop using these liberal lefty homosexual marriage inspiring blog rules and come to you senses because we all have to give our president unconditional obediance untill this perpetual war is over. Blessings for any non homosexual members of your family this Easter.

  10. site admin says:

    Milo, ack.

    As for letting everyone post. IN fact anyone who registers can post and it goes into a queue and gets looked at and posted if worth posting. That’s why you see odd posts here and there.

  11. L-Mac says:

    Wonderful guidelines there. Particularly those “time related criticisms”, they frustrate me to no end.
    How about instead of deleting their posts, you change them to: “That, was sooo, like, last year’s news” (in a teenage girl voice).

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    Just my opinion and it seems no one else has raised it, yet. I think the topics go too fast. Unless I drop by twice a day, I will miss an interesting post and / or a response to one of my posts. I would like to see these topics remain up for at least four or five days.

    I do enjoy some of the reposts too. Living in the Mid West, I don’t understand California politics, but by the posts I can see the passion.

    I respect all those who post. Except Paully, whose posts are usually…[Remainder removed by moderator]

    Peace and Love to all

  13. Mr. Fusion says:



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