A joint Canada-U.S. law enforcement operation has broken up what authorities allege was a Vancouver-based human smuggling operation that shuttled 54 illegal aliens across the border in a little over a year.

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the RCMP yesterday announced that 15 people from Canada, the United States, India and Pakistan have been indicted.

People were allegedly being charged up to $41,000 to be smuggled through Canada into the United States.

Yes, that’s right. One of our bordering nations cooperates with the Border Patrol to investigate and arrest the slugs who traffic in illegal immigrants.

Leigh Winchell, special agent in charge of Immigration and Customs Enforcement in Seattle, said the case was “a model of binational co-operation” and he praised Canadian authorities for their help in the investigation.

“Human smugglers prey on those who are seeking a better life, and potentially expose us to terrorist incursions,” U.S. Attorney John McKay said.

Too bad we don’t get more than political posturing at the other border. From both sides.

  1. Hey Mac says:

    Geez. I’m glad they were caught, but I hope they find out how they got into Canada in the first place and plug that hole as well.

  2. axe says:

    Love the sign, it says it all. Actually the one on the right should have been the one used after 1986.

  3. david says:

    dude, the U.S. is tightening up the borders for the opposite reason: they don’t want Americans GETTING OUT when the Fourth Reich takes control.

  4. RTaylor says:

    I believe the US borders including Canada and Mexico is about 6000 miles. You would have to commit and entire army groups, several air wings and naval units to even attempt to seal it. If there’s no incentive to come, they will stop. We need to develop a system where only documented aliens and citizens can hold a job, then enforce it. I don’t blame these people for searching for a better life, but eventually the social welfare systems will collapse, if it hasn’t already done so. No other country on earth would allow this influx of illegals. Now it’s just a political hot bed, with the states with the most electoral votes, calling the shots. Needless to say those states have special interests in immigration.

  5. joshua says:

    #2..axe….isn’t that the truth?

    #3…david….be consistant dude. Yesterday you said it was all going to end on 06/06/06. So according to your own theroy there can’t be another Riech.

    eideard…..your so right about the border cooperation. Last year in Arizona alone, almost 200 illegals died in the desert, most of them were left there on their own by the smugglers. 4 years ago we had a rash of dead Mexicans being found in the desert around Phoenix……something like 60 or more over about 3 months. They found 7 of them, 3 one time and 2 on two other occasions on the far edge of our ranch. Our ranch foreman found the first 3….he was shook up for a long time after. Turns out all of the bodies they found were illegals killed by smugglers when they wouldn’t cough up even more money.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Hey Mac

    The same as in the US, it isn’t all that hard to get into the country. A visitor’s visa or student visa is all it takes. Remember, that was how the 9/11 hijackers came to the US. Once in Canada, as the visa runs out, they may attempt to enter the US. More likely they will try to stay in Canada.

    For the most part, these smugglers are not like the Mexican “mules”. These are more likely to be family or friends. Cash is usually required to pay for documentation and transportation. When organized crime is involved, it is usually with the Chinese, not the East Indians. The East Indians are much more family orientated and cooperative.

    This is not the same problem as at the Mexican border. There are few entry points into Canada. They are either by Airplane or the through the US. Unless you have a visa, you will probably find yourself denied a flight. The Canadian government makes the airlines pay to return the illegal without a visa or proper entry papers.

    The story trumpets that they were charged $41,000 to be smuggled into the US. Further down the story states that these immigrants were charged $20, to 35,000. I just love inflation.

  7. ECA says:

    Its amazing,
    that I made a suggestion(?) to a group, and they all had problems with it…
    LETs fly over Mexico and drop Flyers….
    Those who want Mexico to become PART of the US, raise your hands…

    WHO would complain??
    1. The US, as then we wouldnt have CHEAP workers coming over.
    2. Big Business from the US, in mexico, that dont pay Taxes on goods Made there(at 1/10 the US cost).
    3. Big business because we would bring BETTEr wages, Medical support, insurrance, regulations, EPA…Into their CHEAP profits…

    a few others, not mentioned…But the Lower income levels would FLOCK to the banner…


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