– ATF rids Univ. of ninja threat — It’s as if all the police have become Barney Fife.

ATF agents are always on alert for anything suspicious — including ninjas.

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearm agents, on campus Tuesday for Project Safe Neighborhoods training, detained a “suspicious individual” near the Georgia Center, University Police Chief Jimmy Williamson said.

Jeremiah Ransom, a sophomore from Macon, was leaving a Wesley Foundation pirate vs. ninja event when he was detained.

After being held in investigative detention, he was found to have violated no criminal laws and was not arrested.

“It was surreal,” Ransom said. “I was jogging from Wesley to Snelling when I heard someone yell ‘freeze.’”

Ransom said he thought a friend was playing a joke before he realized officers had guns drawn and pointed at him.

found by Scott “Hai!” Forbes

  1. Kent Goldings says:

    And the pirates got away scott-free, as usual….

  2. Matt Hecht says:

    I can just see tomorrow’s headline…

    “Police unwittingly released Ryu Hayabusa, the crafty Ninja, when caught, disguised himself as a college student and eluded authorities.”

    Ninja’s were masters of disguise.

    But in all seriousness, doesn’t the ATF have better things to worry about?

  3. Ryan says:

    Oh, please! Ninja my ass; a real nin would’nt have been caught! This guy’s a poser…

  4. rwilliams254 says:

    So is the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) now going to be the ATFN?

  5. axe says:

    Let Barney and his bullet RIP. The ATF is big time for Barney, he doesn’t deserve that.

  6. John says:

    My favorite part of the article is when the officer was quoted as saying, “Seeing someone with something across the face, from a federal standpoint — that’s not right,”…does anyone know what a federal standpoint is?

  7. doug says:

    6: these federales must be a barrel of laughs come Carnivale …

  8. ron says:

    Wearing a mask in a public place is a criminal offense in GA, also running from federal agents after they yelled “POLICE STOP” several times is also a crime in any state. Once they determined he was just messing around they released him. He was not injured. I was there, I actually saw what happened. The ATF had about 30 agents on campus for a safety seminar for local law enforcement. They happened to be on a lunch break and several agents were outside the building all in business attire waiting for the seminar to start back up.
    They saw someone who was obviously acting and looking very suspicious and when they tried to ask him what he was doing he ran. He was in the wrong. All he had to do was answer their brief questions and this whole thing wouldn’t have happened.
    By the way, the kid never sued anyone, and the ATF was totally cleared of any wrong doing by their agency and the university.


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