More photos from TechTV are now on Flickr. I keep running into various chaches of pics and will eventually get them all onto Flickr. Depending on how you are set up there are about three new pages pf photos followed by the ones previously posted. More are coming.

Michaela, now hosting in Los Angeles

Sumi (now with CNN) and Victoria (featured on the Insider)

  1. Eideard says:

    Saw Michaela covering the Rose Parade, this year.

  2. Hal Jordan says:

    Victoria Recaño is still like a cool breeze on a warm, summer day. Sumi Das looks a little tired, though.

  3. martin says:

    If I just count the frequency that some people show up, it sure looks like that someone has a crush on Ms. Das.

    Funny, because I just sent Leo a message regarding his TWiT Woz gushfest that I think it would be great if he did a TWiT with folks from ZDTV/TechTV- it would be great to hear Kate and perhaps Megan do a TWiT.

  4. site admin says:

    Sumi generally looks good in pics, she likes her pic taken, so I shot ’em. Those days are over. Now I take pictures of Art Cars and cranky geeks.
    I’m not expecting to have Leo do a TechTV retro-show on Twits anytime soon. All these people have scattered and that’s that.

  5. RTaylor says:

    I musty say whoever did those initial hires had an eye for talent. As John stated, if you have someone that enjoys being photographed, and does it naturally, it can be so enjoyable. You get so tired of the protests and the fake beauty queen smiles. Doesn’t hurt that she has those beautiful soulful eyes either.

  6. charlie says:

    Sumi is with CNN??? I thought I saw her on Fox News?

    Either way, with her and Michaela, i say remember that Roy Orbison throat thing from “Oh Pretty Woman”? Well, just go ahead and insert that noise whenever you mention them!

    And bring back TechTV! (And bring back PC/Computing magazine while you’re at it!)

  7. akaBigWurm says:

    Forgot how much I liked Michaela

  8. John Schumann says:

    Nice work on getting all those people to smile for the camera.

    One reason I got a Casio EX-S500 instead of a Konica Minolta is all the chrome glitter right around the lens. I figured that would give people something to smile towards.

  9. SN says:

    More pics of Sumi Das! She’s friggin’ hot!

  10. Alex says:

    I miss Michaela, she is so cute! I’d watch her reading the phonebook.

  11. James Hill says:

    Holy crap. A former TechTV employee openly rejecting any form of reunion?

    Wait until Leo’s flock hears about this: You’ll be in witness protection in no time.

  12. Canadian says:

    I guess I am not alone in saying I was sad to see Sumi leave TechTV. I was in the kitchen a few days ago and heard CNN in the background go to Sumi Das in San Diego. I quickly went to my TV to see her segment.

    Sumi, if you’re lurking here, we miss you. Talk to Leo, get on TWiT.

  13. John Littlejohn says:

    You are hot


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