Bush’s self-justification rare – baltimoresun.com — UH, I thought he was going “fire” anyone involved in this leak. Now what?

I’m actually more amused by the Bush-apologists who think this is all great. Sean Hannity is the worst of the lot. He’s pathetic. Listen to him sometime on the radio with his, “There was nothing illegal! So what’s the big deal?” Apparently no matter what anyone does, if it is not technically illegaly then it’s ok. Ethics and honesty be damned.

President Bush said yesterday that he ordered the release of classified information in 2003 to prove his reasons for the Iraq war were legitimate – a striking assertion for a leader who has made secrecy one of the trademarks of his administration, analysts said.

Bush’s account of why he declassified a July 2003 intelligence report suggests that the president, usually as unapologetic about his decisions as he is tight-lipped about the internal workings of his White House, feels the need to justify the action he took to bolster his case for the war.

Of course this now begs the question. What else is he lying about?

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Bush has many flaws and has done many things wrong but you all need to remember 2 things:

    1) Me is an a**hole

    2) Me is a loser, will always be a loser, and is still an a**hole loser.

  2. Me says:

    Hi Fusion. 😉

  3. axe says:

    Does anyone remember in their lifetime a politician who didn’t lie?

  4. AB CD says:

    dropping nukes on the UN building, Mecca, the Vatican and Paris

    Mecca might be a good threat to ward off a nuclear attack, but the first one’s ok by me, and the last wouldn’t be that big a loss. Seen Team America?

  5. joshua says:

    #30….Mr. Fusion…..ooops……I didn’t realize it was Miller that Libby told this stuff to. Thanks

  6. Me says:

    Haven’t had a chance to see Team America, but it’s on my list – the prieviews looked great.

    Paul, you know I never thought of that, but I dug out a thermometer and you’re right. We’re getting cooler. Wow!

  7. James says:

    Re: 25
    Dear Mr. Fusion,
    You don’t seem to have a positive self-esteem. What would you like us to do about that?????


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