Bausch on left, I think

Eye product concern slams Bausch & Lomb – U.S. Business – — I’m always amazed at stories like this. How does a product like this actually get to the public in the first place. Causes blindness? If you read the entire story you might conclude that looking into the supplier of the bottles might be a good idea too.

This is every CEO’s nightmare. Can you imagine the meetings?

ROCHESTER, N.Y. – Shares of Bausch & Lomb Inc. plunged Tuesday, a day after the eye-care company voluntarily suspended shipments of a contact lens solution linked by federal health officials to a fungal eye infection that can cause temporary blindness.

The company’s stock price, which peaked at $87.89 in July after more than two years of robust growth, dipped to a two-year low of $47.50 in trading on the New York Stock Exchange.

Analysts cut their ratings on the shares, citing concerns that the news could hurt sales of the company’s other products.

Man, them analysts is smart!

  1. Rick says:

    In the end, we’re really not that far from the opti-grab after all…

    “Two dollars and NINE cents!”

  2. Ballenger says:

    You would think since this crap cost about the same per ounce as Johnnie Walker Black, they could get it right. Come to think of it, maybe that would make a safer soaking solution.

  3. glenn says:

    “Causes blindness?”
    Ease up John,
    it’s only temporary.

  4. John Wofford says:

    Maybe now is the time to buy?

  5. axe says:

    #3: “it’s only temporary. ”

    Trust me, I have had temporary blindness before and believe me it is no fun, it is extremely scary. And no, I didn’t sue anybody over it either.

  6. glenn says:


    ” Sarchasm (n) The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn’t get it.”

  7. jidomassonik says:

    “She was one of the judges of my cheerleading experience when I was in the eighth grade,” Hill testified. Asked whether they were friends, Hill said no, but “I would see her and her then-boyfriend … walk around school together because he was in football and she was a cheerleader or letter girl, something like that.”

    Joyner later married John Joyner; the two separated before her death. Police said John Joyner is not the boyfriend Hill believed was stolen from her.

    The medical board blamed Hill for Joyner’s death, calling her “grossly negligent” in administering fentanyl without the plastic surgeon’s permission and for taking too long to alert the doctor that Joyner was having problems. The plastic surgeon took responsibility for the death in a 2003 agreement with the board but kept his license. Hill gave hers up.

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