I don’t understand the goal of this campaign. Inflate Zarqawi’s exploits at killing Westerners to people who want to kill Westerners? Doesn’t that make him a hero to the audience for this? “Drive a wedge into the insurgency.” What is this, a schoolyard competition between cliques as to which can be king of the infidel killing hill?

Or is this explaination really what it sounds like — an after the fact, made up excuse to justify a campaign really aimed at US, poll answering voters.

US Propaganda Magnifies Zarqawi Threat

The U.S. military is conducting a propaganda campaign to overstate the threat to stability posed by the al Qaeda leader in Iraq, The Washington Post reported on Monday.

Some senior military intelligence officers believe the importance of the Jordanian-born Abu Musab al-Zarqawi may have been exaggerated, the newspaper reported, citing military documents and officers familiar with the program.

According to the article, Col. Derek Harvey, who served as a military intelligence officer in Iraq, told a U.S. Army meeting last summer: “Our own focus on Zarqawi has enlarged his caricature, if you will — made him more important than he really is, in some ways.”

  1. Tod says:

    Try to remember… ANYTHING’S OK to justify the “war on terror” [note the HEAVY sarcasm].

    And also remember, Bush stated that the “war” will go on, as long as there is even ONE terrorist.
    Or, in other words, like the so-called “war on drugs”, this is a justification to do anything the power-whores WANT to do, for as long as they want to.
    No excuses.
    No explainations.
    And, no choice for “John Q. Public”……

  2. AB CD says:

    Wonder why all those family members in Jordan had to publicly throw him out of the clan if he’s no big deal.

  3. joshua says:

    because he had the audacity to blow up Jordanians #2


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