fans are able to watch six live games simultaneously on one screen

How much sports TV is too much sports TV?, the interactive media and Internet company of Major League Baseball, is offering baseball fans around the world a revolutionary new way to watch the game. For the first time ever, fans are able to watch six live games simultaneously on one screen with selectable audio, statistics and the ability to click to any one game on full screen.

The new application also alerts fantasy baseball league players when live games involving their fantasy players and teams are available. During times when live games are not available, fans can watch on-demand games, outtakes from the previous night’s games and interactive long-form advertisements. MLB.TV Mosaic will be available to MLB.TV subscribers free at next week. A demonstration of this exciting new feature is available on today.

I wonder how many marriages it will destroy…

  1. rus62 says:

    Good for the betting man (or woman).

  2. glenn says:

    linking to only the home page?
    why bother?

  3. Ben Drinkin says:

    It would take six simultaneous games to make baseball exciting.

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    If I EVER have to talk to my man in Baseball Slang in order for him to understand me you bet I’d sure leave him.

  5. SN says:

    “It would take six simultaneous games to make baseball exciting.”

    Baseball is so excruciatingly boring that even simultaneous girl-on-girl jello-wresting couldn’t save it.

  6. adam says:

    This would probably be even less exciting than six simultaneous spelling bees.

  7. Lou says:

    What a great idea! (No sarcasm). That is a perfect application of interactivity and video on demand. Long live the internet.

  8. gquaglia says:

    The same simple minded folk who would be into this probably have no idea who their local elected officials are, couldn’t name their state capital, don’t know why antivirus software is important more or less use it and drink at least a 6 pack of beer daily. But hey, they could probably tell you who hit the most home runs for the last 10 years in alphabetical order. Shows where some people’s priorities are.

  9. Mr. Fusion says:

    9, You must be in the minority. Baseball is the most boring game right after Cricket and submarine racing. (Though I use to take my dates down to the river to watch the submarine races on warm evenings)

  10. joshua says:

    First….did that line work Mr. Fusion????…

    I LOVE baseball, but, I hate to watch it on t.v…..I played in high school, little league and at college. I watch it on t.v. but it can bore me to death.

  11. Jammer says:

    I’d gladly trade the ability to watch 6 games at a time in on the ability to WATCH MY “LOCAL” GAMES WITHOUT BLACKOUT!! Blackouts are the stupidest thing in the world. I live 5 hours away from my favorite team, have no OTA stations that carry them, and yet I get blacked out… WT? Get with the times!!

    Oh, and those that find baseball boring obviously don’t understand it, and/or have never played it. It’s a great game. Full of intricacies, nuance, and a boat-load of skill.

  12. GregAllen says:

    Six baseball games at once…. and it STILL will be SLOOOWWWWW.

  13. BOB G says:

    Of coarse you people beleave it is excruciatingly boring and slow it is a thinking mans game .

  14. gquaglia says:

    Just to clarify, I do like baseball, but I’m not so obessed that I have to watch 6 games at once. Baseball should be enjoyed, not consumed like an all you can eat buffet.

  15. joshua says:

    #8…..I not only know who my local elected officals are, but the local and state and national elected officals of most other states than mine….also more than a few countries around the world as well.
    And I haven’t had a beer since my brain surgury in the fall….but before I came home from University I did like a pint or 4 at the local.
    Hell, I’ve even been known to use anti-virus software too.


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