Technology News: Portals & Search : Google Acquires Orion Search Algorithm — Whether this helps or not you have to wonder why Microsoft is not more aggressive about this sort of thing since it’s been pushing its search engine as if it can compete with Google. This was a seriously dropped ball. Like I’ve been saying in my columns and elsewhere Microsoft appears to be dead in the ater and nobody is notciing.

Dubbed Orion, the algorithm recommends the most relevant keywords with which to conduct a search. The English-only algorithm rates the text by quality of the site it appears in. Currently there is no public demo available.

The Orion search engine was initially designed to complement searches conducted on services such as Google, Yahoo (Nasdaq: YHOO) Latest News about Yahoo or MSN Search Latest News about MSN. In fact, Microsoft and Yahoo were also reportedly in the running for a bid at securing the next-generation method for prioritizing relevance in text searches.

  1. DHC says:

    Hasnt the creator of this worked for google for awhile?

  2. BOB G says:

    stockholders have noticed, stocks been dead for years.

  3. Shane says:

    It was created by a doctoral student at an Australian university. There is a Sydney Morning Herald article on this.

  4. gquaglia says:

    Wasn’t Steve Ballmer screaming and yelling a few months ago on how M$ was going to kill Google? I guess he is just a fat wind bag. Not that we didn’t already know that.

  5. jerryg says:

    your missing a ‘w’ in your “dead in the water”

  6. Homer says:

    You’re missing an apostrophe in the contraction for “you are”.

  7. ranron says:

    I’m going to bet this is “Orion” algorithm is made by Brin and Page themselves that is a tad inferior to the Google engine, but still quite impressive, so that they can become richer by making update to the search engine to sell that is always a step behind of Google’s.


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