George Mason University – April 04 2006:

Ask a shrink who treats porn addicts about the effect of pornography, and she’ll respond that they are disastrous.

This is exactly what ABC did in their recent, favorable coverage of anti-porn activists and their campaign to limit adult pornography. In one of the most biased pieces on pornography we’ve seen by the mainstream media, ABC says that some activists are “raising funds for high-tech brain research that they hope will fuel lawsuits against porn magnates”, and then quotes one activist who says “we’ll demonstrate in the not-too-distant future the actual physical harm that pornography causes”. They leave this scientific question dangling before the reader, as an assured reality that a link will be found given funding for the high-tech research. The main expert quoted to support the view that “you’re damaging your brain” by consuming porn is… (drum roll) an auto executive.

  1. Emzy says:

    Well, I think it’s more the daily Talkshows that damage brains.
    Or it is for allready damaged brains…

  2. Joseph Burt says:

    wow… thats just hillarous!

  3. gquaglia says:

    Why do you think viewship is down for the big three network news divisions. Bullshit reporting, bias and just plain made up stories.

  4. Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo® says:

    ¡ Hola John D. et al !

    Pornography, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.

    Ask any foot fetishist.

    Allen McDonald, El Galloviejo®

  5. Kent Goldings says:

    That’s the great thing about funding a study. You can make it “find” whatever you want.

    I wonder if their gonna use the same guys who diagnosed abestosis or silicosis by looking at an XRAY.

    “Yep, that spot, unmistakable pornucosis”

  6. Joe says:

    Peeple who say porn damaj brane stoopid. Me look at porn all time and me brane just fine. Wrist hurt, though.

  7. joshua says:

    Not sure about braun damage…..but Carpo-Tunnel might be a danger.

  8. stalinvlad says:

    Hmm, the fact that looking at sex gets us aroused is an evolved mechanism* that help keep us in cooperative groups
    Porno just happens to trigger this response but the outlet tends to be masterbation rather than social interaction.
    Perhaps we should only use porn in a public setting, like say a brothel

    *sheep seem to be immune to sheep porn

  9. BOB G says:

    The internet cured me of my porn addiction. I think watching TV will make you stupid.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ask a shrink who treats porn addicts about the effect of pornography, and she’ll respond that they are disastrous.

    Ask a shrink who treats alcohol addicts about the effect of alcohol, and she’ll respond that they are disastrous.

    Ask a shrink who treats gambling addicts about the effect of gambling, and she’ll respond that they are disastrous.

    Ask a shrink who treats blog addicts about the effect of blogging, and she’ll respond that they are disastrous.

    Ask a shrink who treats chocolate addicts about the effect of cocoa, and she’ll respond that they are disastrous.

    Ok, so what is the problem? Are we not talking about addiction? It appears to be a pretty lame argument to not make a correlation between the addiction and the substance. Aren’t all the purveyors of these products responsible for their addictions and the misery they cause?

  11. JSFORBES says:

    But does masturbation kill cats? I think we need another study…

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Ok, so what is the problem? Are we not talking about addiction?

    Uh, no. In fact, we are not. We are talking about the product to which a minority of users become addicted.

    If the responsible use of chcolate, blogging, gambling, and alcohol were “disastrous”, you might have a point.

    See below for the KEY quote from the article. It’s obvious that these guys are simply trying to curry favor from the wrinkled-up nutjobs who want to ban pornography. Sheesh.

    “The FT uses numbers – such as the fact that 70 percent of young men visit porn sites every month – but badly. If the article is about “addicts”, then the number of users is irrelevant, the same way that the number of people who have a glass of wine in the evening tells us nothing about how many alcoholics there are.”

  13. sgt_doom says:

    I’ve never heard any scientist make the claim that porn is a neurotoxin. After several viewings, I still didn’t have the urge to run out in the street and start raping and murdering…or even worse, vote for some moronic, super-greedy rich boy who wanted to send American soldiers to do just that in Iraq.

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Mister M

    I was trying to be sarcastic. I apologize if it fell flat. I agree with you and acknowledge I made the point poorly.

  15. Uncle Sam says:

    Well, what about the fact says: ” the VISUAL factor is a key player for men to get aroused and have erriction” that leads to: when you watch a lot of hot chicks having sex, your brain will get used to that and will not trigger the same signal to your body for arousal and erriction when u see your girlfriend naked n ready for sex… now the point is that u’r loosing this factor ” THE VISUAL “… just like alcohool; when drink 15 beer a day… couple beers will do nothin with you!…


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