TRIBUNE-REVIEW – April 6, 2006:

Zoe Hinkle thinks her miniskirt is fashionable. Her school’s principal says otherwise.

The fourth-grader plans to hold a rally after school Friday along with some classmates at Streams Elementary School in Upper St. Clair. The girls want to let school administrators know they don’t appreciate being told their dresses are too short.

“I think I needed to say something about it,” Hinkle, 10, said Wednesday. “Freedom of expression should be the style you choose.”

Hinkle claims Streams Principal Claire Miller told her last fall her skirt was too short, and now that warmer weather is returning, Hinkle’s friends are being told the same. The girls were told skirts must fall below the knees, Hinkle said.

  1. Craig Hinkle says:

    We appreciate your efforts to publicize our daughter, Zoe Hinkle’s, disagreement with the position held by her principal at Streams Elementary in Upper St. Clair. We have all learned very valuable lessons from the experience.

    One of the most visible lessons is the ability of the media of take a story of somewhat limited mass appeal and create a firestorm of controversy. In reality, Zoe’s miniskirt “protest” was more about the loss of innocence than her choice of clothing.

    There is no written dress code in the elementary schools of Upper St. Clair. The school district stated that such issues usually do not occur at this level (K through 4th Grade). Zoe’s principal, Dr. Miller, chose to create a policy and then chose to selectively enforce her perception of “appropriate”.

    We continue to support our daughter’s stand and would like to clarify the justification for our belief. In today’s society, our children are forced to grow up rapidly. My wife and I feel that it is totally inappropriate that a figure of authority has the right to instill the perception upon a then 9 year old that she should think of herself in a sexual context. The reality of the world will come in due time and we, as parents of a teenager, are well armed to handle that certainty. We do not feel that it is the job of an elementary school principal to take it upon herself to decide when adolescents become young adults.

    We are proud of our daughter’s courage. She took a stand against what she felt was unfair. We have no qualms with other parents’ decision not to allow their girls to participate. We do find troubling the impression of possible retribution toward the younger siblings of the potential participants. The mere thought of negative bias indicates the level of confidence in school administration.

    Zoe has gained untold strength from the recent events. We have complete confidence in her growth as a positive role model. More importantly, within minutes of arriving home from Friday’s “protest”, she and another friend were doing what is “appropriate” for ten year olds; riding bikes and playing in the back yard. We only wish her principal could have kept things so simple.


    Craig & Leslie Hinkle

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    Yes, when it’s borderline, perhaps. What that girl is wearing is so G-rated, it’s a total non-issue. It’s like the principal saying “you can’t wear courderoy”.

  3. Sean says:


    You beat me to it. 🙂

    Anyway, I don’t feel the need to argue my main point any longer. I made an assumption, which I know is dumb. My assumption was that her parents simply pat their daughter on the head and said, “Ok, it’s your decision to make, right or wrong, so go ahead and make it. Your a big girl now.”

    This doesn’t change the way I feel about it. Mister Mustard can talk until his face turns blue that there is nothing appealing about a 10 year old girl in a mini skirt, but frankly that doesn’t matter. She won’t be 10 forever. She will grow up, and lessons learned as children become life long habits. A child never told to pick up after themselves, or clean their room, will grow up to be a slob. A child that never has to do chores and plays video games all day will grow up and by lazy.

    If you wouldn’t let your 16 or 17 year old daughter go to school in a tiny mini skirt, then I don’t know why you would let your 10 year old. How you let her dress now is how she’ll want to dress when she gets older, and probably even take it up a notch.

    Like I keep saying, you go to school to learn, not to show off your trendy cloths. Furthermore, how many people here work in an office that allows women to wear tiny mini skirts, or allows guys to wear nut hugging short shorts? Probably not many. That’s a professional environment, and is not the time or place.

    For a 10 year old girl, the school is her “office”, it’s were she’s expected to work and learn, and act “professional” (to a degree, she is just a kid after all). You don’t have freedom of expression at work, and she doesn’t have it at school.

    It’s very possible the school principle isn’t thinking “sex” when she sees the mini skirt, but instead she is thinking “unprofessional”, or “those are your play cloths, please dress nicely when you come to school”. But of course a 10 year old girl doesn’t understand that, she just wants things her way.

    Yes, kids should dress for success when they go to school. They shouldn’t go to school dressed the same way they do the playground, or the beach, or the mall.

    Of course this is still just my *opinion*.

  4. Jed says:

    “It’s very possible the school principle isn’t thinking “sex” when she sees the mini skirt, but instead she is thinking “unprofessional”, or “those are your play cloths, please dress nicely when you come to school”.

    You are making yet another assumption to justify your opinion. And it’s a very funny assumption at that 🙂

  5. Mr. Fusion says:


    No sir, I did not quote you out of context. You made those comments and now you deny them or are retracting them.

    Where is this study about losing virginity? It was about teen pregnancies.

    You did make a comment about children being little slaves. A slave is property, just like you suggest treating children.

    You did suggest that certain children that wear mini skirts will grow up to be on Girls Gone Wild 2015. I suggested that those in our very religious community show the opposite. Hose that have been encouraged to think have a lower teen pregnancy rate then the girls brought up in stricter homes.

    When you equate a 10 yr old wearing a mini skirt with a 13 yr old dancing naked so she can be on a DVD is sick. You are an unabashed pervert to think along those lines. I seriously believe that any girl with parents like the one in the story will NOT be the one on the DVD. Look for the child that is rebelling against the overbearing, strict, unreasonable, blind parents that want them to wear pretty dresses and ribbons, and expect them to grow up to be “fine ladies”.

    I’m sure glad your kind are dieing off.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    We sit for hours reading books together. Or watching both her and my movies together”

    Sounds like the kinds of things I do with my “pals”.

    So you sit on the couch together and read Dr Seuss together? You watch Care Bears and Barbie movies? You must have great pals. I could understand it better if you watched Treasure Island, Black Beauty, The Yearling, or Pinocchio too.

    I read with my daughter for the time together. We share her “classic” and my “classic” movies for a greater appreciation of art. We discuss the movies afterwards, and explain why things happened. I try to teach her sports so she will enjoy playing more. I do all these things because she is my daughter, I love her, and I want her to know I will be there when she needs me.

  7. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Furthermore, how many people here work in an office that allows
    >>women to wear tiny mini skirts, or allows guys to wear nut hugging
    >>short shorts?

    Sean, you can talk until your face turns blue about how this girl will grow up to be a porn star, an unprofessional employee, or a sexual deviant, but your arguments make no sense.

    How many people here work in an office that allows staffers to wear shorts, t-shirts, sneakers, flip-flops, or tank tops? That’s what kids wear to school nowadays. When I was 10 years old, we had to wear “school clothes” to school, but those days are long gone. Your attempt to lump kids wearing “mini” skirts (if you want to call that skirt in the pic “mini”) in with the porno set, rather than as just what young people wear to school these days, says more about you than it does about the girl, the school, the parents, or anything else.

    The fact remains, the district dress code states that students may wear whatever they want as long as it does not “cause the disruption of the educational process or constitute a health or safety hazard”.

    If you think a mid-thigh skirt with shorts sewn under them fits either of those bills, and is similar in any way to “nut-hugging short shorts”, perhaps we should be more concerned about YOU than with what the girl is wearing to school.

    This is (or at least once was) a FREE COUNTRY. We should start acting as though we believe it. Soon enough, the girl is going to have to deal with being illegally wiretapped, sent to a secret government prison with no access to legal counsel, and so may of the other things that comprise being an American these days. Why not let her live out her childhood with at least the fantasy that we live in a society where personal rights have some meaning?

  8. Sean says:


    That’s not an assumption, that’s me pointing out an alternative reason for the principle’s decision, while EVERYONE else here is assuming they know what the principle is thinking. Everyone here *assumes* that the principle doesn’t like the mini skirt because she finds it too sexual for a little girl, but the article never says that. Notice how I used the words “it’s possible” in my statement.

    Now that might be really funny, but I was just offering a different possibility, since everyone seems to think they know exactly what’s going on in the principle’s mind. 🙂


    Mr. Fusion,
    “You made those comments and now you deny them or are retracting them.”

    I never said you quoted me out of context, and I never tried to deny what I said. Are we reading the same blog?

    You tried to make a point that I said we “own” our children by quoting something I said that, umm, let me read it again… yeah, doesn’t contain me saying we own our children.

    You tried to make a point that said pastors should raise our kids by partially quoting my explanation of how, yes, some people do rely on the church to instill morals in their kids, and those are the people I was referring to, not you, or people in general.

    “You did make a comment about children being little slaves. A slave is property, just like you suggest treating children.”

    Well, I’ll read all my comments again if I have to, but I’m sure I won’t find myself saying our kids are slaves.

    “(T)Hose that have been encouraged to think have a lower teen pregnancy rate then the girls brought up in stricter homes.”

    I must have missed that part, I only read you quoting a study that says “Out of 90 + teenage pregnancies in 2002, 70 + had sworn not to engage in pre-martial sex. Surprised?” which never makes any kind of connection to those kids having sex, and “unthinking” kids. If that is the point of the study, you did a poor job of getting that point across, which is why I didn’t understand why you threw it into the argument.

    “When you equate a 10 yr old wearing a mini skirt with a 13 yr old dancing naked so she can be on a DVD is sick.”

    I hope the “13 yr old” is a typo, cause I certainly never said that. I did say “and later, just barely legal”. You know what barley legal is don’t you? “Legal” being over 18, and barley legal meaning 18, 19, 20.

    “Look for the child that is rebelling against the overbearing, strict, unreasonable, blind parents that want them to wear pretty dresses and ribbons, and expect them to grow up to be “fine ladies”.”

    I think you are an unabashed pervert to think along those lines. Sound kinda silly doesn’t it? Why? Because there is really no way to know which of us is right. You’re giving me a hard time for making a connection between the dress habits of a child, and how she’ll act later in life without having any real facts, yet you’re doing the same thing. You’re trying to make a connection between a strict up bringing and young adult rebellion without having any real facts. How is it wrong when I do it, but okay for you?

    And don’t try to tell me your town’s little study is real facts. Any scientist would blow his nose with that study. Does it take into account education? The amount parents are monitoring their children? Household income? The kinds of friends those girls have?

    “I’m sure glad your kind are dieing off.”

    Huh? I’m turning 30 this month. I’m not dying off any sooner than you. You are making far too many assumptions about me, and are reading way, way between the lines of the things I say. That’s how you come up with “own” and “slave” when I never said either word.

    However I am glad I spent 4 years in the Marine Corps, fighting for your freedom and safety, so you can raise your kids the way you want. 🙂


    Mister Mustard,
    “How many people here work in an office that allows staffers to wear shorts, t-shirts, sneakers, flip-flops, or tank tops? That’s what kids wear to school nowadays.”

    Yes, I don’t find that any more appropriate than a mini skirt.

    “When I was 10 years old, we had to wear “school clothes” to school, but those days are long gone.”

    Yep, must have been good days. I can’t imagine there were too many school shootings in those days. I can’t imagine the STD problem was as great or as deadly in those days. Also I can’t imagine the number of teen aged pregnancies were as high in those days. And I really can’t imagine there were as many date rapes, violent crimes, or teen suicides.

    Whew, thank God those days are gone.

    “Your attempt to lump kids wearing “mini” skirts (if you want to call that skirt in the pic “mini”) in with the porno set, rather than as just what young people wear to school these days, says more about you than it does about the girl, the school, the parents, or anything else.”

    My attempt was to show how children, especially at her age, are building habits that will continue until they are adults. You didn’t answer my question though. Would you let your 17 year old daughter wear a mini skirt to school? Am I really being unreasonable to think that a girl who’s worn mini skirts all her life, will want to continue wearing them, even as they get older?

    “If you think a mid-thigh skirt with shorts sewn under them fits either of those bills, and is similar in any way to “nut-hugging short shorts””

    Thanks for comparing my example of unprofessional business attire to me being a pervert. I could have just as easily said “or guys wearing socks and sandals”. You’re drawing a connection that doesn’t exists.

    I’ve also made it clear, over and over again, that my concern is how this will effect her when she becomes an adult. I guess it’s just more fun to keep calling me a pervert, over and over again, than make any kind of valid rebuttal to my arguments.

    Also I reply to every point you and Mr. Fusion are making, and have even admitted I was wrong at one point, but the both of you keep ignoring any parts of my arguments that don’t support your agenda.

    “Why not let her live out her childhood with at least the fantasy that we live in a society where personal rights have some meaning?”

    Because it is a fantasy. You can baby your kids all you want, but man will they be shocked when they enter the real world. Personally, I’m going to prepare my kids for the real world. That’s what childhood, in my opinion, is all about. Preparing them for being adults.

  9. GOD says:

    When it’s all said and done…it’s just clothes people. I think the bigger picture has been lost here. Does anyone in that ultra white-bread community of Upper Snob Clair have the stones this kid has? I think not. Maybe you should open a history book to discover some other people who have stood up for themselves. Oh wait, the Arien school board may have already removed those books from the library!

  10. lauren says:

    I think girls should be able to wear mini skirts as long as they have shorts under them!I am also a ten year old girl and i think no matter how short the skirt is as long as you have shorts under them….You should be able to wear mini skirts above the knee.

  11. lauren says:

    Here me out i am also a ten year old girl!I would like to make my own decisions!You people out there who think the parents should make our decisions think again!Do you think mommy is always going to be there????!No,shes not so when we get to college is she going to pick out our clothes?No we have to start doing that by ourselves.!We girls always make a stand!And if you ask me that girl is a regular girl!From what compared in the streets!Adleast shes not wearing belly shirts or piercing her nose!The children are the future the parents are the past.!!!!!

  12. ccc says:

    Doesn’t anybdy know about in Loco Parentis? If this girl’s parents are sending her to this school, the school has the right to make certain decisions for her. If the school believes this disrupts the educational process, then they have the right to decide what students can or cannot wear. If the girl’s parents disagree, they should have brought the dispute to the school board, send her to private school, or home school her, rather than let the girl embarass herself with a needless protest.

  13. N.W. says:

    That was evil

  14. Mary says:

    It appears to me that the young lady knows what she wants and is with enough confidence and parental support that she is prepared to assert herself.

    So, my question then is, (and this is based on some of the responses I have read, not directed specifically at any one individual)

    Are any or some of the authors opinions expressed here then, that based the attire on a child is what triggers a sexual thought and motivates a monster or a pedo to act? Or distracts a teacher from teaching?

    So if we teach children to fear adults, reserve expression and guilt young people into feeling responsible for someone elses thoughts or actions, then we can have a smarter more productive society and effectively solve a social and psychological worldwide dilema?

    According to research, in western society anyhow, this child would be the MOST UNLIKELY target for an opportunistic freak with a sexual fetish for children. as confidence is what appears to repell the monsters.

    Ah, but hey…. teach the children well.

  15. Mary says:

    The children are the future the parents are the past.!!!!!

    Comment by lauren — 4/17/2006 @ 11:17 am

    Thank goodness you kids today aren’t to “frightened” to speak up for yourselves. It’s not like we (have created, accepted responsibity for, and understand that we:) live in a paranoid society doped on antidepressants and automatic weapons for protection or anything like that!

    I hear ya kiddo! You are the future.

  16. Anthony says:

    I think these people are wrong she should be alowed to wear watever she wants. if her parents approve she should be able to chose what she wears because if she want to look and fell sexy let her because she is.

  17. Anthony says:

    I think these people are wrong she should be alowed to wear watever she wants. If her parents approve she should be able to choose what she wears because if she want to look and feel sexy let her because she is.

  18. jenna says:

    Hiya! I am marys daughter Jenna!I think its right for you as a ten yr.Old(Like me)To stand up for yourself!

    Taataa for now!!

  19. lauren says:

    thank you mary for using my words!I am not being sarcastic either..And i am a very sarcastic person!Well anyway back to the topic i think the girl should be able to wear mini skirts!I mean hello!!!Earth to principle its not like you dont like to have a little looksies sometimes too!You go girl!Stand up for your rights!HEllo your american!

  20. Bob says:

    Hey, I went to school in the sixties. Mini-skirts don’t come any shorter than what the girls wore back then. In fact, there were some who wore micro-minis, even to school. The big deal then was not so much what little girls wore, but how long the little boys let their hair grow.

    To get to the point though, it’s been over thirty years since I left school and I’ve found that it’s not what a person chooses to wear or how they style their hair that makes a person, it’s the nature of their hearts. The people who wore things “proper” didn’t always grow up to be the finest people, and those who strayed across the lines didn’t always become the sluts and criminals that the school authorities promised us in, oh-so-ominous terms, they would be.

    Half-a-generation ahead of me there were people we called “hippies”; people who rebelled against society and its demands. Some of those people were drop-outs, but many were college students who later became the leaders of our society. Once they finished college they became the “yuppies”. Now, they’re not the rebels, but the leaders of finance, politics, religion, education and pretty much everything else there is about our society. They stopped trying to derail society and instead took control of it.

    You can’t judge a book by its cover and Zoe’s cover, as small as it is, has nothing to do with what she may become.

  21. trevor says:

    can i look under yourr mini skirt and have sex with you?

  22. Zuke says:

    Wow, this thing sure got personal quick. I’ll just say some of these parents are probably the type I see with their pre-teen daughters in Victoria’s Secret buying them thongs. When I see this, I’m a little mortified and still feel like a dirty old man, even if I’m in there w/my GF.

    Mister Mustard said – “…at least she’s not bulging out of every space between garments, like the overstuffed sausages who seem to think hanging flab is stylish or attractive…”

    The slang for that hanging flab look is called “Muffin-top”. I’m sure you get the visual. Hopefully this new term kills the fad sooner than later!

  23. missy says:

    Thats horrible.But i say to each is own but if she wants to grow up fast let her learn a lesson. But when she get out in the real world shes gonna say i wish i hadnt worn that mini- skirt when i was ten or shes going to have her career as a dancer

  24. missy says:


  25. John says:

    I think this is appalling. This is very dangerous for the girl. If she was mine and she wore such provocative clothing, I would take her over my knee and give her a good hard spanking to teach her a lesson about looking after herself. This sexual provocation only leads to the underbelly of society.

  26. Alan says:

    Good on her. There is nothing wrong with 10 year olds wearing mini skirts or even micro skirts Or even having stomachs completely bare.

  27. Boo says:

    This little girl is young and confused. I am a father, and I don’t believe she should be fighting for such a trivial cause at such a young age? I think she should care more about her education and growing up to be a good leader in life. She can always fight trivial causes like this when she gets older and more mature. If my son started arguing about such stupid causes, I would convince him of what his priorities are, because that is what really counts. Only my opinion.

  28. emily says:

    i go to this girls school and trust she is the biggest slut i have ever known everyone hates her. In gym class she took her shorts and rolled them up until you could see her ass! she acts like a total whore and sits with all the guys at lunch. i agree with everyone that says this girl should be on girls gone wild!!!!!!! though everyone says no one knows what this girl will become i do a striper shes the stupidest girl i know. if you all went to her school you would feel just as strongly as i did.

  29. ECA says:

    And as a stipper in a GOOD nightclub, she could make about 3 times What you make.
    and if she adds being a hooker into it, and works in Nevada or other places, she could earn about 100 TIMES what you make in a life time.
    why not think of your future insted of someone ELSES??

  30. emily says:

    well i personnally think that you should shut the hell up because you do not even know what this slut is like. Besides this website was not brought up to talk about me this is about her so do not try to aim the subject towards me. I don’t have anything against stripers but honestly who wants to make a living from having sex with complete and total strangers? and one more thing i know what my future is like, but thought i would leave a comment telling what zoey is really like.


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