I’ve been meaning to attach a message board to the blog to keep sustained debate afloat for those who like real running discussions. I’ve opened up with one public issue, “Should George Bush run for a third term?” If you register you’ll find topics for registered members concerning Mac versus PC, creationism and other topics that could easily go out of control. Please register. I’m sorry I have not found a way to transfer blog registration to the message boards.

I finally settled in on the Simple Machines Forum software. Your thoughts are welcome. As this is written the boards are dead empty waiting for you to trigger some topics. I’m guess it will take about 60 days before the thing gets any real traction. Blog posts that ger out of hand will be tranferred to the Cage Match message board where a longer debate is more practical.

If anyone wants to start a line of discussion (any topic) and wants higher status for better moderation send me an email and we’ll set you up. We can open discussions about the blog, Cranky geeks and even do some market-related stuff too.

Go here to play around in the system and tell me what you think. For those of you unfamiliar with how these message boards navigate I’ll be developing a primer in the month ahead unless someone out there knows of an online primer.

It will take me a few weeks for myself and other admins to get the hang of this board’s back end, especially the permissions aspects. If you see anything you think is WRONG. Send me a note or post something in the General discussion board.

  1. Mr. Fusion says:

    Does this mean I have to up against Paul T. again? Man, when he is on his game he is good.

  2. Eideard says:

    We agree, again. Been inside vB for years at the several avsforums.

  3. site admin says:

    Actually the forum was kind of set up for Paul T!

    AS for vBulletin, it’s great but as far as I’m concerned I’m staying Open Source with this stuff from the blog to the server to the boards. It just makes more sense to me.

  4. Censor says:

    Some ideas never change. If man built, man can break it.
    What can you do?
    “No government ought to be without censors (critics of the government). If virtuous, it need not fear the fair operation of attack and defense.” Thomas Jefferson in a letter to George Washington, 9/9/1792
    You have the censored and the uncensored. The old and the new. The sense and the nonsense. Gray and grey, pray and prey. Be good and if you can’t be good, be careful.

  5. James Hill says:

    Another forum for me to dominate. Sounds like fun.


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