Ok, so this is some net humor floating around. May have first appeared as an April Fool’s gag. I was amused.

found by John Ligums

  1. Andy says:

    Not so funny if you’re Irish (but can’t deny there may be some truth there). Anyway, they look Eastern European to me!

  2. eastern european or perhaps greek?
    i think it’s pretty funny and i’m irish… where is my beer?
    this brings to mind a million dollar idea…
    write a program on a website that looks at a picture, checks out the pixel pattern for a few lines and searches the internet for every occurence of that picture file to discover the source or more info on it.
    lots of sites search for pictures by file name but ive never seen one that actually looks for a file.

  3. joshua says:

    these guys are Irish. The Greeks would be drinking Uzo and the east europeans would have big beer mugs….lol

  4. AM says:

    As your lone female reader, I make a simple request for a little beefcake “balance” and this is what I get? Jobs in a tutu and these guys? John, where’s that movie star version of Patrick Norton so I can cleanse my retinas?

  5. Paul says:

    The Irish I know are very proud of their heritage and would drink to that.

  6. GregAllen says:

    I’ve been quite a few places in the world and I have never seen alcholism like I saw in Ireland.

    I know it’s an ugly stereotype but I’m not an Ireland basher nor am I against a good beer.

    No kidding…literally… I’ve hung with herorin users but none seemed as addicted as the Irish in liquor stores in the early evening.

  7. Richard says:

    Real men!

  8. Roel says:

    If this picture is recent, they could be Germans.. They are having floods there at the moment…

  9. Jim says:

    I’m irish & live in Ireland and these lads aren’t I think! But tis true we do have an alcohol problem alright-The government have taxed it way too much. Anway if the rest of the world had our depressing climate you all have alcohol problems too!



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