– Scientist: Jesus may have walked on ice — Geez, what is the point of this research? What’s the next project going to be about? Moses parting the Red Sea? Talking burning bushes? It’s a little late in the game to do this research methinks.

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Jesus walked on water, according to the Bible, but a Florida State University professor says he may have actually walked on a hard-to-see patch of ice.

Doron Nof, a professor of oceanography, said a rare combination of water and atmospheric conditions in the Sea of Galilee 2000 years ago may offer a scientific explanation for one of the miracles recounted in the Bible.

  1. Gregory says:

    You missed it – there already is a study about moses and the sea parting… I’m sure someone can dig the study up. Same guys I think too

  2. Eideard says:

    Actually, I believe this dude did the Red Sea parting research, too. Never read it; but, I’ve seen it referred to. Apparently, he does this thing about finding simple physical events that probably were the focus of metaphysical beliefs — every now and then.

  3. Charlie says:

    Seriously… why not spend more time researching how to cure cancer or something? Science is freakin’ awsome! And, even though some people may not agree with me, religious studies have their benefits too. (Ever read any of that coptic gnostic stuff? I swear the gnostics invented science fiction.) But trying to scientifically disprove the unprovable (unprovable at least by our scientific measurements) is just a waste of time. Makes me wonder who funds this stuff.

  4. Hal Jordan says:

    I don’t know why insists on covering Jesus news when it is written by either athiests and agnostics who are too afraid or too embarassed about worshiping any other god other than themselves.

  5. site admin says:

    We do it because it’s fun, attracts comments and arguments. There are plenty of blogs that shy away from anything interesting and we simply refuse to be that dull.

    I’m sure you can find plenty of really boring sites out there is that’s what you are looking for.

  6. James says:

    Oh Really! When high winds blew the Red Sea aside, Moses just pretended it was a miracle (good PR when you happen to be a prophet!); when he saw the burning bush, it was just red leaves; the manna was just fallen tree sap; everybody was drunk when Jesus allegedly turned water into wine; the body was stolen, and blah blah blah blah! It’s all just speculation. If you want to talk about “science,” the scientific method says that for a theory to be proven, an experiment must be conducted, the natural conditions duplicated, and the phenomena repeated. These atheistic “scholars,” otherwise intelligent people, actually say that a fish crawled out of the water, laid and egg, and out popped a bird! They say that evolution occured in short bursts, leaving no fossil record (“puntuated equillibrium”), just to explain the absense of a fossil record! They actually produce FRAUDULENT SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE (Nebraska Man immediately comes to mind) to support their claims. See the inconsistancies here?!? They claim that primitive man invented “religion” before they had “science” to explain natural phenomena, when in fact, “science” still cannot explain natural phenomena! Tell me, what existed a millionth of a second before the Big Bang? From where came the high energy particles that were in the Big Bang? What caused the Big Bang? What scientific evidence is there to support the idea that the entire universe came into existance by accident out of nowhere? A disease known as sickle-cell anemia results when just one of the aminos in the hemoglobin, known as “glutamic acid,” is substituted for another, “valine”; and yet we are told that everything we are made of came together by accident! We are told that the early Disciples would risk torture & martyrdom to spread lies that they saw the Rabbi risen from the dead! They were just having psycotic dilusions, all twelve of them. Like Bill O’Reilly said, “There is no problem; pinheads like me are the problem! …You gotta believe in the Deity!”

  7. Mike Cannali says:

    You neglected to post the picture of George W. walking his 2 scotties on the Patomac

  8. James says:

    Curing cancer simply isn’t profitable… unless by “Curing” you mean a 10 year process of expensive treatments. But Jesus news… you can write a book and BAM instant best seller.

  9. says:

    Really man, people come up with this stuff about Jesus just to draw attention to themselves. It always causes controversy and guarantees an audience. Christ has changed the lives of uncountable billions for the better, and still you want to discredit Him. Weak!

  10. damnithoppie says:

    I was under a different impression.

    I heard a few years back that scholars decided to retranslate the actual text in Hebrew and determined that he Jesus did not, in fact, walk ‘on’ water. He instead walked ‘by’ water, the words are the same in Hebrew (I believe. . . I dont speak it)

    #6 on page 2: you wanna know what happened right before the Big Bang? I wanna know what was before ‘god’. If ‘he’ has been around since the beginning of time. . . what started time? Why did ‘he’ wait so long to create this world and why did ‘he’ spend so much time creating the rest of the stars / planets if we weren’t meant to go to them and they didn’t effect us.

    Science at least attempts to look into the answers to these questions. Why not at least let them try?

  11. Mr. Fusion says:


    The guy comes from Dallas. Not exactly a cold weather town. The closest they ever see ice is in their bourbon. Or when Stars on Ice comes to town.

  12. Mr. Fusion says:

    #6 Tell me, what existed a millionth of a second before the Big Bang?

    I don’t know. That is a little bit before my time.

    Can you tell me where “God” came from, a millionth of a second before he created the universe? Can you explain why “God” let some hijackers fly airplanes into the World Trade Center? Can you tell me why “God” took our baby from us before she was even born?

    When you pull up hoaxes and then use them to debunk science, you insult our intelligence. The whole purpose of science is to discover the truth and dismiss that which is wrong. The very same argument may be used against religions. Who was more right, Joseph Smith, David Koresh, Jim Jones, or Pope John Paul II in their interpretations of the Bible? Is the Pope truly infallible and “God” speaks to us through him?

  13. SN says:

    “Can you tell me where “God” came from, a millionth of a second before he created the universe? “

    From the bathroom. He always takes a dump before he starts a new project.

    “Can you explain why “God” let some hijackers fly airplanes into the World Trade Center?”

    Because the victims dishonored him by eating a calf boiled in his mother’s milk.

  14. david says:

    I have a better explanation of Jesus walking on water. There was a man dying of thirst when all of a sudden another man in a white garb and long beard comes along and offers him drink. Jesus walked on water because to that dying man, Jesus *was* water. Get it? (I am a reincarnation of Jesus, I remember).

  15. damnithoppie says:

    Damn david. . . I like it.

    You should be writing this stuff down. Oh, you already are? Okay. Then others should be reading it and paying attention to it instead of a collection of writings made 80 years after the ‘great one’ bit the dust.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #14 From the Bathroom

    Aahh, the old “White Cloud”effect. That explains why we can’t “Squeeze the Charmin”.

  17. James Hill says:

    The reason for this research: To get attention.

    …and probably to poke people who take the Bible literally.

  18. Steven Tate says:

    Aside from the pointlessness of this research:

    The Irony here (havent read much of it) is that it sounds as though he is accepting that Jesus existed and was walking upon the H2o in question but he seems to insist the H2o could have been frozen.

    WOW, its like trying to prove that Peter Pan can’t fly while maintaining that neverland exists and is still located at the 2nd star to the left … … …

    Its all or nothin in my book.

  19. James says:

    I notice the only part of #6 anybody replied to was the question, “What existed a millionth of a second before Big Bang?” I assume nobody understood the rest of the message. Nevertheless, I will now answer all the questions I have been asked, although nobody gave me such courtesy. Where did God come from? He doesn’t say. He doesn’t have to. He is God, He can do what He wants. “In the beginning, God created the Heavens & the Earth.” Those who say He came from the imaginations of primitive man are left having to explain where everything else came from! Why did He take so long? He didn’t. He created the Universe in the beginning. Why did he make the other planets if we weren’t supposed to go to them? Well, because His Nature is to create beauty & complexity and create it for His Own pleasure, not ours. He did it simply because He could, and He had fun doing it ! “The Earth is the LORD’s and the fullness thereof….” (Psalm 24) (You can read it for yourself in the Holy Bible.)

    Why did God allow the Hijackings? Because there are homicidal maniacs who abuse their God-given free-will which is a free GIFT to all mankind. Consider this verse of Holy Scripture: “Or those eightteen, upon whom the Tower of Siloam fell and slew. Think ye they were sinners above all men who dwelt in Jerusalem? I tell you, Nay, but unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:4&5) You can look up these verses for yourself.

    Mr. SN (# 14) has some unique ideas. First of all, Burger King uses grease, not milk. Second of all, one needs to learn the meaning of social tact: the skill of not letting anybody know where your mind really is!!

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20 I answered your question about 1 millionth of a second. I’ll repeat it. I don’t know, that was before my time. I will also add, recorded history doesn’t extend that far back. I also don’t know how all those charged particles came into being. No one does, we can only theorize with the evidence we have. But at least those studying the beginnings have some evidence.

    Yes, I guess that your answer to my question is right on in your mind. God didn’t tell us where he was. Why? If you can question me on a fact, why don’t you have an answer?

    Now as for the airplanes flying into the WTC and Pentagon, where was God then? Nobody cares about the a**holes that hijacked the planes. What about the 3,000 people that didn’t do anything. The ones just trying to survive in the world God put them on. Your suggestion that somehow they brought it upon themselves:but unless you repent, you shall all likewise perish.” (Luke 13:4&5) is sickening. Why not just echo Falwell and say it is because America has queers?

    Almost two years ago, my wife lost a baby to an entropic pregnancy. Can you explain why God felt it just fine to rob us of our child? Yet at the same time, be so harsh against those who choose for themselves to end a pregnancy? If you want to blame my wife too, like you have the 9/11 dead, go ahead. That was the defining moment that killed the last of her faith in your “God”.

  21. Bruce IV says:

    I was always taught that science deals with the observable and repeatable … isn’t origins outside that – a little before all our times? a matter of, dare I say it, faith?


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