TBO – Apr 5, 2006:

When he wasn’t sending pornographic movies to and asking for explicit photos from a teenage girl in Polk County, a Maryland man was bragging about his job as a spokesman at the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, law enforcement officers said.

The revelation – actually made to a detective posing as a 14-year-old girl – resulted in the arrest of 55-year-old Brian J. Doyle at his Silver Spring, Md., home Tuesday night, officials said.

The charges against Doyle are the second involving a Homeland Security official and alleged improper sexual conduct toward a minor in Central Florida in the past six months.

In October, Tampa’s newly appointed Immigration and Customs Enforcement special agent in charge, Frank Figueroa, was arrested in an Orlando shopping mall, accused of exposing himself to a teenage girl.

Figueroa is scheduled to appear in court this morning to enter a guilty plea in that case.

Just earlier this week an employee of NASA was was arrested under similar circumstances, allegedly, of course.

  1. framitz says:

    Since he has confessed I think you can drop “, allegedly, of course!”

  2. jasontheodd says:

    No framitz, until convicted this website could still be sued for slander/libel if they don’t say allegedly. Even with a confession.

  3. Eideard says:

    What’s surprising to me — hearing all the time about all the legitimate and requisite oversight that IT managers have to have over their systems — this dude appears to be using IM and whatever else to chat up the girls he was pursuing. Most government or banking workplaces I’m familiar with wouldn’t let over-the-counter IM in the door — much less chatroom stalking.

    Homeland Insecurity apparently didn’t check on any of this guy’s network traffic. At least they’re consistent.

  4. Bob says:

    This makes two sexual deviants in the Dept. of H.S. Dateline did 3 specials on online predators with pervertedjustice.com and on the last one they caught (and arrested) a Homeland Security Officer coming to a house to have sex with a kid…
    Boy, the Dept. of H.S. sure makes me feel safe.

  5. joshua says:

    allegedly must be used until a trial or sentencing.

    Having said that…….damn, I guess this means they don’t have time to wiretap innocent people since they are so busy cruising for underage sex.

  6. Paul says:

    He must of ordered too many of those pills via e-mail.

  7. V says:

    Every pedaphile in the world must envy this guy. All he has to do is dig up the patriot act, declare the girl part of a terrorist investiagtion, and issue a gag order preventing her from saying a word about him.

    Bush isn’t the first administration to have to deal with government sex scandals, but at least Clinton’s mistresses were legal.

  8. Paul says:

    He must have ordered too many of them little pills via e-mail.

    I’d laugh, but then I realize that these are the people who are supposed to defend us and our children. NICE

  9. Martin says:

    Actually he was, in fact, arrested for solicitation of children. There was no alledged arrest– both men were arrested.

    The part of the story that is almost funny (but not, this is sicko serious)- is dude was online chatting it up with the “teen” as the cops came to his door. — That and he sent his office portrait to the girl. Seriously, did you see this dude? are there teenage girls really wanting to get it on with a tool like this? I think even if the cops hadn’t intercepted this jackass, all he would have encountered would be other pervs.

    Here is hoping the boys in jail show this guy a real good time.

  10. Mr. Fusion says:

    A lot of employers allow their employees to surf the ‘net during lunch breaks. I would have thought they would have filters up to keep out porn though. Maybe that is how he was caught.

  11. Mike Cannali says:

    Perhaps he felt the little girl was an illegal alien and he was just trying to lure her into arrest and deportation.


    At least this is better than the Post Office, where they shoot each other.

  12. caribe soul says:

    In short the end has arrived for these two sickos. This however only strengthens what everyone knows. Our lives are being guarded by a lot of mentally altered individuals. Let us once again look at what we once had and in all probablity, still do. We had two high ranking government employees, hired into their position, through the Merit Promotion System. Both dictated policy to lesser ranked employees. Both doled out or were at least the mitigating officials in adverse actions against disiplined employees. In essence they were responsible for setting an example, much like we are responsible for setting an example to our children. We are in deep trouble. At best they only affected a few headquarters employee, at the other end of the tilt they hired or were responsible for the hiring of hundreds perhaps thousands of employee, just like them. frighting thought.
    In the case of Frank Figueroa, I am especially disgusted and sadden by what he was doing. He was afterall the first latin to achieve the rank of Assistant Commissioner in a Law Enforcement capicity. I am however glad that he was discovered and brought to justice before he could harm any more children, and by the way how many children were actually affected by these two monsters. Lets hope that both get locked up and recieve treatment either by professionals or at least by fellow inmates.


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