We must have loaned some whizbangs from Homeland Insecurity to the Russians to manage things like this.
Ex-paratrooper Karl Bushby, 37, is the first Briton to walk across the Bering Strait, the treacherous 58-mile frozen sea between North America and Russia.
He spent 14 days walking on shifting plates of ice in temperatures of -30C.
The Russian authorities are holding him for alleged paperwork irregularities. It seems he was lacking the correct border stamps.
This dude began walking around the world in 1998. He plans to cross four continents, 25 countries, six deserts and seven mountain ranges by 2010.
The British explorer…conquered the strait with temporary companion, Dimitri Kieffer, a French adventurer and specialist endurance racer, who has also been detained by the Russian authorities in Chukotka.
Of course, the same thing would happen if this dude walked in off the ice near a “strategic” area in Alaska. We joked for years about how paranoid the Russians are. Now, we set the standard.
It seems he was lacking the correct border stamps.
Hey, if you can’t serve the time, don’t do the crime!
Havent you seen/read the adventures of Baron Munchausen? Adventure & fun is dead.
What I want to know is how does a guy afford to walk around the plannet?
#3….you can bet he dosen’t have a day job.
This is where Homeland Insecurity got there training.